The end of the day..
You know I almost didn't have something for tonight and I was going to have to give a I go nothing speech but just because I started this I got a little thing in my head that in some parts is very very true and in some parts wrong and I know it's not what some people ar going to hear because it just might sting just a little, you know I have had a shot of rum in some hot coco to relax after a long hard day and it think I really just want to let this one lose and see what it's the fan at low speeds..
Helping others..
You know I'm always happy to help people out with anything that they ask I'm a carpenter and I'm a worker. You point me in the direction you wish me to go and there I go I'll get the job done no matter what it takes, but when I'm doings something that is a big project like cleaning house to put new floor in and you ask me to do something I'll say yeah no prob I'll get to it when I have a mintue. Someone asked me to scan in some papers for them on friday for them I sai sure I'll do it as soon as I got sometime I have a full weekend ahead of me and I can try and get to it on monday, sat I get a message is it done well I'm not home to get it so I let it go nothing on sunday that I know of but monday comes along now I got a full day and I'm not home untill late that night I leave my house a little after 8am and don't really get home until 8pm that night. I'm running around doing things moving things out of the house and yeah I made time to get to the gym but that was mostly plained, but when I do get home there is a message is it done I''m like do I should get to it in the next day or two.. Today I get up and I'm out of the house again by 8am I do running around and with a truck that Igot from a friend I start to move things out again. I stop to take a break just about 3:30 and what rings the phone hey did you get a chance to scan those photos/papers in yet. I say no but I'll have it to you by thrusday. Now I got things to do guy when I say I'll do something I'll do it so don't push me or I'll just say here you go do it yourself.. so Ifinl sar to scan thingin ad I hae asked all kind of questionon ow they wnt i doneanI getnothing so I o itas what I woud tink is best hich is a jpg file fothe p's and OcR fo the paper so tey can be opened i almostany program ad I getis that right frombehind me I'm like I asked and got no anse and then he questions keep coming I jut stop everythig and say Look I got no stutions on how tis is to bedone o I'm doing it the wa I thinkI should be done ifyou wantto do it then you doit. I'm not happy iththefact that it's late and I have had a lon day and her I am beig pressered ito do this scn job nwwhn it could be done tomorrow which is whn I'm going to finsh it as I had plaine after a anotherlong day of cleaning house bcause it's not jus the scaning it's he turningof pitures and the urning to disc and verything else dng just give e sometime and I'll get it done and it's look really good if you push your going to get crap which is one of the reaon I stoped it asa startig toturn into crap andI don't want or like that when somene asked e to dosomethig for them. a small project like this i can get done in a few shot hors or lesI just ed the time and ener to d it and rigt now i just wt to go o bed so if yu ask me to do somethig and Isay surebutit might be a lttle bit guess what I'll do itor you be I have something else goingrigh now so I'llhave to squeegesit n justgive me time I don''t mind help you..
Helping me..
Ok her w g the painful part to some I get asked to help sure I'll be right there, but I ask for som help it's wait I hurt my bak ohgot to go to somewhere that wekend or I'm working all day You would think Iwold be in muchbetter shape with all the really heaving lifting I do by myself. It's very rare that I gt someodyto come over and help me when I ask and it involves moving really big heavy stuff. small projects yeah they come, but big things nothing there is always something else, now I'm going to run this back, because I do get help like the friend how is leanding me his truck to move stuff he works all day and I'm sure if I asked him on thew wekend hemight help out as a matter of fact he's taking me away from thsi crazy stuff to run up to the comic con ver the weekend should be fun, but for the most part 90% of the timewhen I ask someone to help me move something thats big not always heay it's sorry got somethng else to do
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