The Movie...
It's a movie that is 160mintues and with preview makes it a good three hours long. Now the question you have to ask is it worth it and is it worth it in 3D. the 3D question is simple one to answer NO it does not need to be in 3D the 3D might inhance the film a little but is not needed they do not use the affect to it's ablities at one point I forgot it was in 3D and untill some small piece fell off the screen at one point. So no the 3D doesn't need to be there.
The Time..
Is the movie worth the 160mintues? That is a intresting question I can see where the movie could be cut because a few things just ran on a little to long and where it could have been longer to explain a few more things and get a little bit more of passing time. So when it comes to blu-ray/DVD you can look forward to a uncut/dir cut of the film and remember you can pause to go to the bathroom this time so you could end up with more then 4 versions of the film at home. Uncut 2D uncut3D and movie version 2D and movie version 3D all in a custoin package that will cost 44.99.
The Story..
How many points and story ideas can we get into one movie and leave on the weast side as we go along. you get the corpate, mility/mucary, the save the forest, romance, and the natvie's fight back all in one movie. you kind of lose the coprate and save the forest as you go along, you lose more of the coprate then you do the save the forest as the militery part takes over and you end up with the mercary VS the nativies. Kind reminded me of the amaerica indana Wars and custordes last stand. so you get a lot in the move so there is a little bit for everone with some action in some case a little to much action in it, but it all works..
Well the F/X are there and you know they are, but like I said the 3D is not really needed. The F/X's are what make the movie then the movie itself. There are more F/X in this movie then I think any othere movie I have seen other then Sky Captain and the wprld of tomorrow (which I liked) but the F/X in this movie are good at points like any other movie you can see them but other then that they are well hiden so you don't really know they are there.
VS Star wars..
Now that I have seen Avatar I can say that Star Wars: A new Hope is a better movie by far and all you people how think it's the best movie ever can just Kiss my ASS there is nothing better in the Sci-Fi then Star wars avatar Can do a long second but Star wars is still king and I don't think anyone or think will ever change that. Star Wars is just to great of a movie and if you want to fight about it let's go. There are many thing to look at and the first thing is to Year in which each film was made.. SO all you avatar Fan that think it the best can Kiss My ASS star wars is still the best.
Was it good..
You know I heard so much Hipe about it that I went in with low expettaions because everyone said it was so good. Well I paid my $10.50 sat down and watched it. I say so many things of history and coparte take over and Millity take over and what ever else I could see and I see a lot of things when I watch a movie. I watch the background every now and then so I'm not just seeing what they want you to see which is what I say you need to do when watching something more then once, Now was it good. is it worth all the hipe should you go and see it in the theater. The answer is yes. go see it in the theater when it gets transfored to the small screen it might just lose some of it's power, but will be worth the 44.99 that you pay for it So yeah Go see it in the theater you will not be weasting your money if you see the matie show the evening show yeah I think it would be a waste of money So yeah it a good movie..
Best Picture..
Should it have won best picture well this out seeing the other movies I would say No, but then I don't think Hurt Locker shoulod have won either Because I can't find one person who saw it in the theater, everyone I have talked to saw it on DVD or couldn't find it in the theater so when and where was it in a theater anyone anyone, Now Avatar has been in the theater for a long time for today movie standers in most case it's in the theater for three months at the most then it out for 3months and then you can get it on DVD but avater has been out longer then three months no wounder it made so much money combinded with ticket prices these day's. So should it have won best Picture at the oscars I would have to say no, I think there might have been something better, but then again Crash won and that movie sucked big ball it was so bad it make me scaried to even think about seeing the hurt locker.
So go enjoy the movie where ever you see it it's a good film that lives up to most of the hipe just not all of it. Go in with a lower mind set then you would and you'll be ok what's the worest that could happen you don't like the movie ok so you don't like the film go home and write a review that the movie sucked and to stay away that is your right. For me I liked the film and just might buy it when it comes home.
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