What I Drink...
Ok so for many year I drank Pepsi and for many years to come I will drink it. I drink now and I drink the regualer leaded stuff it the best there is and the best there as ever been I know the other guy has done some great moves over the year like during world war two, but in the end there is nothing like pepsi the king of the hill. no matter what the other guy's do there is only one Pepsi and nothing better. I can't stand the tewast of the other guy, so when I go to a restrunt and all the servie is the other guiy I have to order what ever is clear because I can't stand the teast of it. i don't drink ice tea but I might start and most of the time when I go out to eat it for dinner and ordering coffee is not a good idea because i don't want something hot so it's what ever is clear or the good dr. what ever is not the other guy. Trust me I have been using it over the past week because of the great caffine in it. The olny other soda I would like to try and find but I can't is Jolt. It's only found in the small markets on the connor somewhere I have never seen it in a major market, so I don't drink it because I can't find it oh well I just stike with my Pepsi and there is nothing better and never will be.
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