No Water this summer..
IF let's find the car in the picture to are right, Now this is my car two years ago in 2008 and we had enough snow fall to cover it so and it even got suck when we did get it out of this possition it was on a snow island futher down the drive way it was a fun winter that year we had lot's of fun with snow that year. It was everywhere and maded driving fun on the side streets I had fun no matter what I was driving my car not seen in this picture or the truch which really isn't in the pcture unlike the car which you just need to try and find. shouldn't be to hard. Now on to the water proble,. We didn't have this much snow this year and they say the snow pack isn't a large as they would like it to be, so we are heading towards the next drot no water this summer but, I know even if we don't have water I'll drive up the street and see a fire hidrent pouring water out on to the street for no reason what so ever and we don't have enough water for us to water are lawns or our plants or even to take a shower everyday and trust me in this house there is always someone taking a shower well the ishwash is running before they start the washing machien but I can't do this becaue there isn't any water, because they opened the fire hidrent up the street to run water out of for no reason. Two years ago I couldn't find my car and now I can't take a shower every other day or do landry all day long before setting the timmer on the dishwasher before I go to bed so it does the dishes at 2am. I can't do this because there isn't enough water this year because we didn't get the snow fall we need this year but we can stilll run a fire hidrent for a couple of hours wasting all kinds of water that i could use to wash dishes or even myself after working on the house for when it gets hot it get's hot and tust me you want me to take a shower before I go to bed because the next morn Hoo Man it's like I for mented over night into something that you would like to put into a wooden barle and set aside for a few years..
Snow pack...
Snow is fun I enjoy it one of the reason I want to move to alaska Snow all the time and dark a lot of time but then again you get the daylight for 22hours as well so you do get the down side of it to, but the nice crisp air and the forest to walk around in even with the bear and deer around the place but look at it this way you can kill a deer from you house and have meat for a week or two and you don't have to go more them a few feet from your front door or off your back porch. So you can see the up side to living in alalask for me the long night the deer in the back yard and freash clean air something for everyone. As much as I like people I would like to live in a small town where everyone know everyone, that just isn't going to happen for me anymore which I'm not upset about I like where where everything is right now just wish I had a little more snow everynow and then a good snow pack to run up and down a street on is always fun that why I got a can of veggy spary and an old trash can lid. spary and ride Hooo yeah fun time in the city Never for get it, of couse I don't have the story of going to school and have to walk up hilll and then haveing to walk home Up hill that was a long time ago and I do look back on it with great pride that I can say that of couse I know many people can say that for they do it every day and at least once or three times a years, but in the end you can't tell me that they don't enjoy it. at least once in you life time you would like to say to someone You know I walked up hill somewhere adn then had to walk up hill to get home. Of couse I have also played in the snow during the morning went roller skateing for a few hours in the afternoo and end up at the beach for the evening with a bond fire to keep up warm and jumping in the ocean for the fun of it. That is living in L.A. for you. Sometimes I miss it bu trust me I can don with out all the and traffic. One of the reasons I rode a bike for so many year in L.A. I could get places faster then most cars. at less then 12mintues for a 5.5mile drive and riding stright out for ahour I would end up somewhere in L.A. if I went on mindlessly..Oh well the old day are far behind me.
The Future..
Now for this year we are not going to have enough water for landry and showers but the fire hidrents are going to be running heavly again what are they thinking It's been like that everywhere I have ever gone and most likly be that way for more years to come then we would like to see. Ok so let's just live with it because we really couldn't do anything more about it, but you know I thinking I'm still going to do my landry and take my shower because if they can open fire hidrents then I sure a s hell can take mt shower.. Do the same if you see a fire hidrent open wide pour water that we can't afoard to lose talk about a waste and not being green..
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