The end of the Day...
Ok so the floor is in and Now I just got to put everything back into the house I spent less then a week taking everything out of the house and now I get to take my time a week and ahalf putting it all back in on top of doing everything thing else I do. I also figugered That I would maybe regoranise the house you know put things back where they don't fit and tring to amke it work. i got a book case to big for where I want it and a home made entertaiment center thats is now the very wrong color for everything tha tis a round it. So I looks Like I get to go back to the drawing board as to how the house should be set up and somewhere along all of this I need to get some sleep. I have fallen alseep a number of time today well I was standing still of sitting down which I haven't done much of I got up this morning and kind of started running from tring to clear the kitchan where we put alot of stuff to the dish that got hiden to the just the stuff that is on the floor My this house is so clean yet so dirty all at the sametime. Finding the main fram computer is a pain in the back which is just another pain that I have. My back has been out for just over a wekk now and it's got the dule num pain that is there and yo can feel it but it doesn't really hurt untill you move just right. Oh this has been a suck week and it's no where near being over. The weeked show no sign of letting up I got an appointment at 10am but I wanted to go to the comic con which starts at 10am so I got to push that back and hope that Stan Lee will wait for me. I need him to sign my Sgt Fury Number 1 for me so It look a lot better in the frame. I still need to kill my brother for that one.
Back to the world of movies....
Sandra Bullick Winner of the Oscar and the Razzie in the same year Ahh what can we say form the worest to the best is it the acting of is it the script that was bad but then again I still say that they get the Nom for the razzies and the oscars mix up I mean look at where the movies crash was and the=at thing sucked beyond sucking so I'm scaried to see thus blind side and the there is the Hurt Locker Did any really see this movie when it was in the theater. From some of the people I have talked to they didn't even know that it was made untill the Oscar nom's came out and by that time it was just ending it's run in the theater I guess it made it's minimun for theater to quilfe for the oscars but you it look ok but then again I have lost repect for the oscars over the past few years. Most of the movies that have won best picture have not been that great and I have watch most of them I liked said i thin the Nom's are getting mixed up, Movie that need to be on one place aren't and one that should be in the other aren't it's crazy of what people thinnk is a gpood movie these day's I guess I just ahve a hard time believe the hip on anything going all the way back to unforgivien and maybe back even further. You know I like to see a movie first before I buy it and in most cases I do or there is a person in the film I have to just have it which is the on;ly case to I can make for ouning a copy of crash which was given to me. I didn't buy it ( Man does crash suck really bad0 On back to the Best pictures so I scared to see any best picture or even buy it just because it won. I did tha one time with a movie the hip was so big and so good that when it can out I just had to buy the thing to watch it that day so I did I bought it took it home, I unwarpped it in the car and popped it in the DVD player the second I got home because it was one of the best film made that year. Well it wasn't it was long a borning and I say no plot I mean there was more plot to Showgirls then this thing had in it it wasn't a great movie I was just like ok this sucks (Not as bad as Crash did but I don't think anything can suck aS BAD AS CRASH DID) so I kept it and now it just sit's in one of the cabined watched once and it's happy..
You know no one makes these kind of movie any more after the flop of showgirls everyone is afaird of it. If a movie looks like it's going to get an NC-17 rating they recut it so it get's an R-rating for the theater and the they give us the Uncut version when it come to DVD the way the film should have been in the first place. You know I say give the rating another shoot. You makew a good film the way it is use the NC-17 Rating in the theater and try and get away with more Sex blood guts and gore it's what it's for. Showgirls was a lite weight porn film that had a story line to it You just need to look for it, There is nothing wrong with NC-17 if you make a good film used the bloody thing and put your movies out forget this uncut crap for dDVD show us your film in the theater NC-17 is just as good as anything else out there and you might even get the Oscars to give you a best picture award what is the worest tha tcan happen you get the Razzie. If you do take great pride in it. I think if a few more movies wher NC-17 then the ywould have been better film and did better at the box office and i think there are a few directors that might go that way but teh big studios don't want to see anything like that and the indy's just couldn't live with that kind of rating so it's lost in the middle of nowhere.. Bummer.
Good night and good luck time to fall asleep on the floor if I don't make it to the bed tomorrow i=s another long day. guess I should go get my big cup of joe from the nice ladies at the coffee store
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