Ok tonight something a little fun a short story that I wrote in College it's just something that I made up and like many things it's only peacies like many other things..
The Triel of Blackjack
Blackjack now stands before a court that is to sentence him for crimes that he has committed. The court is made up the Director of ssecurity from every country in the world. Blackjack Has Defended himself and the following monologue is from his Closing Statement....
BLACKJACK: (stands up and walks in front of the Table) Ladies and Gentlemen of the world court, you the people of the world who now watch this please listen to my worlds carefully, for they are the ones of truth and honesty. For these words which I speak now must be in your mind when you go to make a decision on my fate. These words are precious and could mean more then what everyone else has said. For these are my words, words that will be the truth and the only time in which I myself have a chance to say them to you the world court..
I have committed no crime. EVerything that I have done has been done with the consent of every country in the world. With it's connections to S.H.I.E.L.D and with the appoval of the Head Director Nick Fury. I have never done anything without Mr. Fury's approval or the consent of the goverment in which my actions have taken place. My crimes are none. I have never committed any crime since my release from jail and my enrollment into S.H.I.E.L.D. I admit that I was placed in jail for killing a man, but that was when I was younger and my temper was less under control and if you are to put me in to jail that temper would become shorter and more powerful. I will lose control over it. My temper is now under control al long as I don't go back to a place where it my be set of at any moment and anytime. Now my crimes are mostly that of murder in the first degree and yet the man who killed my parents is free while I now stand trial.
All my crimes are for the good of the peoople of this plant for which S.H.I.E.L.D. origination was created. S.H.I.E.L.D. was created to up hold the rights of the world and do what is good for the people of the plant. That I have done and now I stand trial for what I have been recuited for. Is it right to create an origination for the safety of the world and then put them on trial for their actions? When you have given them the right to do what they feel is right.
To put me in jail would be like setting off all nuclear arms at once. Not a good idea. So if you find me guilty of crimes which are not crimes, by right, you must then sentence me to death. For I will not stay in any jail. I shall break out until the day in which you see fit to put me to death. Death is the only way for you to save the world from me if you find me guilty as charged.
Through out this trial you have heard of my past and how I have done things without the consent of my boss, Nick Fury or that of any country, but no one ever die due to the results. You have also heard of the time when I resigned from S.H.I.E.L.D. and went after the man who killed my parents. On the day I found him I stood over him with a 9mm gun pointed at his forhead ready to pull the trigger, But what they did not tell you is that Mr. Fury and his team came busting in a few second later and stopped me from killing. Nick Fury has always been a friend as we as my boss.
He has told of the times we worked together and that we got the job done no matter how dirty it got. SOmetimes that job has not been a pretty one, but it was all for the good of the world. Nick has attested to my honesty and he does what very little peopel do He t rusts me and notes there is nothing that I wouldn't do for this world no matter how bad it appears to be.
It seems that the prosecution has made it's case on only the murders I have done and I told you that they were for the good of the world. I have said that everything I have done was for the good of the world. I may haverepeated that phrase over and over because that is the truth of the matter.
The prosecutions says I did not do it for the good of the world, but beacuse it was something that I liked to do and it made me feel good to kill someone. The prosecution has also said and I quote "killing people is the only thing that goes through his mind." Now I would be lying if I said that it does not go through my mind more then others, but I have never acted on it. Mr. Fury has and I think will attest to that.
THe world is a beautiful place to live and one I hope that everyone can enjoy. This world is the only one that the human race has and there is nothing that I would not do for it. I now place my fate in your hands. You the people who represent each country of the world and you the president of S.H.I.E.L.D. Sir S.L. McK, but remember that if you find me guilty you must sentence me to death for there is no presion that can hold me I r efuse to be placed in a place that shall increase my temper and shorten my fuse to a point to which will set it off at a moment notice. Remember that I personally have stopped the world from going to war more then once, by ending a single persons life.
I thank you for your attention and can only hope that I will live to see the day that follows the next after this trial is over and the sun raise that comes with it. Thanks you Again.
(Blackjack returns to his set as the world court leaves the court room)
A little fun...
Wow is that old and need help in some areas, but like I said it's just fun and something I just made up in a few hours before class stared.
Goodnight and have fun..
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