Jeff in Canada....
Peanut and the gang are heading up into canada, they are even coming over to Vancover, but they are not comming down here to washington. Not a lot of people come here that I like because either they are to big to come to what I want to call a small town or they don't see us as a place to come because we are where we are. there are a lot of places like this in the US and I don't think it's far to those fans and I not just saying this about Jeff Dunham but a lot of people do it. Motley Cure, Creed, and many many other with the death of Cobain this area dosn't have a big draw anymore, but even then I'm not this area had that much of a draw, of couse that wasn't even really mine kind of music so I can't really say much about it and Yeah I have only been living in this area for just over 10years now but I don't see a lot of traffic coming throw here. is it really the weather that throws people off from comming here or is it we just don't have the rightplace for them to come all the theater and centers are way to small or not moderon enough for them, or is it that they don't think they could sell it out. Yeah this is a small town and a small area but I know if we got the people we could sell the place out. so now we get the catch 22 we need to get the people here so sell the place out but we can't get the people here if we can't sell out the theater. so let try and nd work things out so we get a better group of people both music and comdey here in this small town, but you also know if I looked I bet I could find some good theater shows and bands playing.
Tiger Woods..
Something fast on this one Leave the guy alone. His personal life is his own and is none of you bussness let's play some golf.. Thats the end of that.
The end of the day..
You know It's been a long day running around with nothing but a couple cups of that good black stuff Coffee so I'm tired and the mind is just running slow and nothing is comming out so let's call tonight a bust because I can't get anything to come forward it taking way to much time just for what little I got tonight to forward I am not sure I can't get anymore.
Goodnight goodluck
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