Here we are..
We are here and we are all around the world today we help everyone in the world but ourselvies. now you can call me a isolationist, and you would be mustly true, because I am under the opionion that we should pull all are troops out of very country in the world and bring are men and women be it militry or other wise home and let the rest of the world go to hell in a hand basket. I know it sounds crazy but the ugly amaerican as they are know around the world should just disappear and see what happens to there country with out us intervening. Let everyone deal with there own peoblems and and leave us a lone. of couse I'm also for hand held mini-nukes that we can throw into cave to get the bad guy they we are looking for. You know if we are going to have a war on drugs cool let's take the war to full scale and drop a couple hunder thousand people in the jungle and destory single plant we can find. start droping booms start blowing shit up. we are screwing up the plants let's do it with some flair. show people we mean bussness. start attcking where we know there is a true threat and screw what the politics of the matter. Jump in where we are needed do the job we where set in for like destoring a coco plant and then jump out say opps we did it and well do it again unless you get things under control. bring back are people everytime and just be done with it. Oh he's the head of the cartel cool Kill him we know it for sure find him and take him out along with everyone of his people. Leave the family wife and kids alone because for the most part they don't know what there father does and if they want revenge we can show them at a later date what we can do but for the most part don't mess with us. we are the big guy on the plant we are the people of the free world well you know let's show what the free world is like potect our country at there cost. destory first ask questions later..
THE Problem with that
Yeah I know there are a tank load of problem with that kind of thinking but wouldn't it be fun to just go blow someone and say well thats the end of that. In and out in five mintues no fuss no muss. DOne and done. I see the problem but you know every once and a while I think it would be great to do problems and all and it's crazy a hell so let's do it. We take care of everyone else in the world with blood and people why not take care of the country we live in by removing what is the problem straight forward. You know SHow me the real problem with that. Drop a hand nuke in a hole and everyone inside is done we get the guy cool we don't well we got more where that came from show us where you are and we'll give you another one. it's been almost 10years now and we still don't have the guy ofrom 9/11 we have a country in war and guy's dieing everyday but not the guy who started it all becahuse for the most part he in some country we can go in to screw that I got a satlite and a plane show me where he is hit the afterbhurns drop my misslie and hed home in and out on there radier and say yeah be did it we got the guy we want is there anyone here you want to find well look them up in the phone book for you.. Yes I see the some problem but for the most part no I don't so you explain it to me well I go gett the guy
goodnight and goodluck
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