Secureity Access approved:
Classified personal record ready:
Subject Blackjack
Male 7' 6"
weight: 230
Deistinguishing makes: Scare down and over left eye and smoking cigarette/cigars when everpossable
Real Name: Charles O'Hara. (Note for the sake of staying alive everyone class him Blackjack)
Balckjack is working for the U.S. government and they have very little control over him..
Blackjack never knew his parents. They were killed in a car accident they where takening him home from the hopital. He was moved from foster home to orphanage and with both age and time he started to hate it. His temper grew and his fuse shortened. Blackjack had no real family. No one ever really seen to want him as a kid. No one ever showed him compassion or any feeling excapt that of anger and hate, so his own anger grew inside of him.
In high school he become the school bully. He saw the principals office at lest twice a day and was spending more time there then there are days in the year. Everyone feared him. Even his teacher knew better then to get him mad. In his senior year Blackjack went to jail for killing a man who tried to rob him on the street.
While in jail he met some of the lowest life forms on the face of the earth. They took him in, trained him to fight in prison and on the streets of any city that there is. The cons started to twist his mind, maade him part animal with no real feelings. They made him the perfect killing machine. In jail he battled some of the biggest and strongest men they could find. In one of those fights is where he got the scare that run down the left side of his face across his left eye. just after the cut was made he killed the man he was fighting at the time. The cons had made themselvies something which every person would be scarded of.
The cons gave him the name Blackjack, because no matter how strong you where. No matter what you did to him, he always counted out loud to twenty-one, before it become his turn and start to really hit back. You would never miss his hard deep voice as he started to count and when he reached twentey-one he would say "Blackjack you lose." and he would pounce and start beating on anyone who was attacking him or tring to stop him.
While in jail it's said that he killed twenty-five people, but of course nothing can be proven. On the day he was released from prison, the prison sighed both relief and of mourning. Blackjack return to the city of New York, where he was born and found a job as a cooler, at a local bar. It was the only thing he could really do legally to beat people up.
On night as he was walking home from the bar, Blackjack was jumped from behind by five guy's. As they tried to beat him to death, they yelled and screamed at him. one of the yells that night was "We thought we had killed you O'Hara." and with that Blackjacks having a short fuse turned himself into the animals that the cons had made, by counting to twenty-one and quickly killed all five men. That night blackjack realized that his parents had not died in a car accident, but some one had killed them. Blackjack walked the rest of the way him that night with blood on his hand and revenge set in his heart. Blackjack may not have ever know his parents, but he was going to avenge their death. For what little up bring he got family was the one thing he always got, so with his friends in prison he was going to find who killed his parents and return the favor.
Blackjack started to relearn everything he could about fighting. he started with the streets and worked his way up to become a ninja. He learned how to use every weapon know to man and made some of his own. He became a man to really fear, beyond what the cons had fist made. With the training in jail, his nanja status, word was quickly passed through the underground and through the National Security that you did not play or mass with Blackjack. Even knowning that no one knew what he looked liked, Blackjack was a man to fear and could be had with the right amount of money if you could find him.
When Blackjack reached thirty-two years of age, a man named Dolton found him and handed over his fathers estate and money holding of over 2.56 billion dollars. Blackjack never saw Dolton again, but evertthing was legally his and seemed clean.
At the age of thiry-five, Blackjack was contacted by a man calling himself Nick Fury. Nick Fury was at that time head director of the first S.H.I.E.L.D. a secrect spy aagency for the U.S. goverment. Nick recuited Blackjack and help to train him even more. He Helped him used his abilities more effivienty to help humanity. Even as a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent he never forgot that someone had murdered his parents and he wanted to avenge there deaths.
After two years with S.H.I.E.L.D. Blackjack had become the third in command under Nick and with his new security clearance and new underground contacts, he was able to find out who had killed his parents and why. Blackjack resigned from S.H.I.E.L.D. to carry out his own personal vendetted without government intervention. Yet what Blackjack didn't know was that S.H.I.E.L.D. was working a case that involded the same person for reasons that are classified even to him. The operation was headed by Nick Fury himself..
Most of that operations is top secret and Classified that only five people in the world can see it, but Blackjack can be heared from time to time talking about a time when he was standing over the person who had killed his parents when Nick and his team came busting into the room and stopped him just as he was about to pull the tiger. He never really tells the rest. but that Operastion was one of the lasts ones before S.H.I.E.L.D. one was closed for reasons yet to come to full light.
A few years later S.H.I.E.L.D. two was opened under the command of Sir S.L. McK and Nick Fury as the heas Director. Blackjack rejoined S.H.I.E.L.D. at first chance and is the second in command under Nick. Blackjack Still has a short temper and is still considered one of the most dangerous men in the world today. He works for S.H.I.E.L.D. under Nick Fury, but his only used in really special operations or ones he feels like doing.
There is no stopping Blackjack!!!
File of the president of S.H.I.E.L.D: Sir S.L. McK.
Changed a little..
Ok so I changed it a little from when I first wrote it but it's still something for a little fun. Yes I was reading comics at the time I worte this, but hey I got an A on the project I think, but once again it just fun and I enjoy writing out some of these old stories. nice see if any else likes these thing beside myself.
Goodnight and Goodluck
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