Parenthood/West Wing...
Ok by now you know I'm tring to catch up on the west Wing and I satrted to watch the new show Parenthood. Now on the Show Parenthood there is kid with asperger's and on the west wing the show was on a heath car bill and a senator wanted to add a rider that would given money for reacher and information to people on all types of autism which of ofcouse they didn't want to add this time around now. This is the ruff part is Autism the new thing to have on T.V.
Last time it was gay peopel great I don't have a problem with it and veryboday need to have a gay person on there show and it was in some case strange to see who became the gay person. Now a people with Autism are starting to show up.Now first I'm not sure if this is a good thing because it is something that people do need to know about and reasearch is has to be given and done on. and these are not the first two shows to bring this up I have seen it on a few other shows before this and kind of jusr passed it over and there was a person on the Show Boston Leagle who had Autism, but is this a good thing to be showing people. There many deffirent degress of the problem so what do you show part of something you want people see. this is a true question is this a really good thing. I know it's a good thing because this is one thing that people need to know about that there are people in the world working and have Autism there has been a strange idea that I might have Autism just because I see thing and have some odd habits, I don't think I do but then I don't really want to know because if I do it's just a touch and that touch would scare me to no end
Find out about it and know that there many dregress of it and in many many case people can and will work with it. these people are not like us,but they are us. There is nothing to fear and they can be great friends, but is it something we need to see on T.V. everyday in every we watch I don't know awarness is great but is it being everywhere a good thing. I don't think so It's a ruff thing to see and deal with sometimes and I don't think any T.V. show is going to show it right. Unless they run an person with Autism throw what they are tring to show us on t.v. I don' think it's going to come out right. I'm all for it to be on t.v. but I just think it's going to be a little hard to watch sometimes if you don't know what you are looking at, so as it shows up you are going to need a little explaination of what is going on. You got a little of that in Parenthood which is a good thing but if it's something that get awarness out great i just hope it doesn't show up every and it's made fun of this is to serious thing to eventhing about joking about right now. Give it time and for peopel to learn about it before we start making jokes.
It going to be ruff but wit's something that need to be done..
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