New Floor...
Look it's a new floor it only took 11hour for four guy's from the ukrain to put it in. Was it worth it I'll tell you in the morningafter I get some rest. I didn't sleep at all last nigt got up at 6 :30am my back and left hip are killing me so you know my Ciro is going to kill me but at least I was able to find a couple of muscal relaxers that are out of date by two year, but at least they still work and I didn't die or haven't yet.
the isn't over yet..
OK so every go movied and these guy's helped moved a lot of the stuff but I still got a storge unit to move back in and stuff to reconnet the bed room is almost set up so it might have been a long day today, but it's not over and it should be fun I'm tiered sore and in pain but in the end it's all worth it. The fllor looks good just waiting for the cat to come running down the hall and slide into the sofa at high speed I just wish I could sleep in tomorrow but no dice there I got an pointment at 9am and I still have a few things to move in tonight. I thiink I need a pesi and rest a few mintues to stiffen up and so why did I sit down in the first place so I got to go back to work and finsh things up like put the bed back together to I can make it so I can try and sleep which is going to be hard to do..
Good night sweet prince and my angles oh I can remember the rest right now..
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