USA Loses...
Half of my house is happy The US Hockey team lost and the Snowbacks (Canadan hockey team) Won GO Canada Go Canada.. The sad part is that I was waiting tell later tonight to watch the game so I didn't watch it and stayed away from the computer and watched season two of the reaper but once the game was over a friend called me and said congats, I had no idea what they where talking about till i looked at the time it was just about time for the game to be over I said No No I was tring to watch it later, but they said congats again and hung up I was not happy. So the US are the BIG LOSERS of hte olympics or are they..
IN the end for hockey..
Yes Canada won (YEAH GO BOY'S) but we really didn't win more then tie the seris 1-1 because we lost the first match up so we need to have a third game to see who is the better team, the best 2 out of 3 as it where. We just get to keep the gold medles because the US are the big losers of the games. Hee Hee, we win the gold and you get to go home with the second place silver Canada is the big winner no matter how many metals you take home we got the gold so there you go Hand you head low and head south back to you country and stay out of our game, just because most of the NHL teams are here in the US the Game belongs to us, You guy's have that boring Baseball which really isn't even in the summer game it's softball what is that about and has the US ever won the gold ther I have no idea I just know tonight the u.s. LOST to CANADA and they look like they got there butts handed them at the awards (HEE HEE LOSERS) You know us snowbacks we are peaceful people but you don't try and take what is ours away we will fight you for it and win.
It's all in fun..
Just remember it's all in fun. I live here in the u.s. and I think it's a great country, you just picked a bunch of losers for a hockey team this year. I do so like to make fun because the other half of my house is upset that the better team won tonight and that would be team CANADA. once again that is tonight on any given day on any given night anyone can lose it was just team u.s.a. to be the BIG LOSERS tonight and in this case they are the BIG BIG LOSERS. now if the game had gone the other way I might not we going on about it but it didn't team u.s.a. where the losers tonight and I get to make fun and remeber thats all I'm doing is making fun because if CANADA (Yeah Boy's) had lost tonight (but we didn't that was team u.s.a.) I would be making fun of tonight and most likly for the next couple of days until I have seen everyone I know so I think the other side of my house can take a little bit of being made fun of at least for tonight. plus I get to get my CANADAN jersy out of the closet again and wear it just this time with great pride because team u.s.a. lost
Just remember I make fun and thats all it is and I do think a game three should be played
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