Coming soon....
Just anounced today Reba McEniter will play with Nickelback at the McK Dome in Washington. The tickets go on sale later this week. The line up as to who will go on first is still in the works but the consecrt is signed and ready to go.. but there is talk that Yanni might open for them
The Consert for everyone...
Here's a little something for everyone, music and music. Something that everyone can go to. The Country seen has changed in a way much like the way Rock N' Roll has changed. You no longer have just your good old conrty music anymore and I know that country arties will not say anything about it but look at it. You have more rock in your country then you have country in you country so why not have a good consert that everyone can go to and for this house you got one here. Rock N Roll with Rock Country why not excape the fact the music company would never go for it because they don't want there people to be seen with the other unless it was at a rewards show and then keep then at more then a table leangth or on the other side of the idle.
For me it works...
I have an I-tunes file that is over 100gig's of music will all kinds of music I do put my Nickelback and Reba together on a play list the music works if you find the right song and today there is not much diffrenance between to the two. No I have not add Yanni into the mix, But rob Zombi on the other hand get's together with tobey Keith every now and then plus Ozzy, Brad and Phil Collins get together more times then I know the music works together. I have beening putting together mix's of music that you might not think that goes together for years and as starnge as it might sound the songs I put together work in more why's then one. So with the birth of Rock Country we can now put two bands together that you would thing have no place to be together and to me this is one of the first.. Hell if my parents can go to a Trans-Siberian Orchestra consert and stay for the sabatosh part then you know something like this is more then posable, but then again my dad bought and listed to the first Body Count CD's with the song Cop Killer on it, whitch is a good song by the way.
Mix your music..
I say mix your music but I hope you can tell the diffence between your singers not just in looks, If you put Carrie Underwood and Tylor Swift with Lee Ann Rines, I almost sure I couldn't tell which is which, but if you put Creed and Nickelback together I know I could tell who was who. I know i could tell the singing typies apart for Creed and Nickelback but between Carrie and Tylor I don't know if I could I might mix them in with with everything I have on my Pod but sometimes I don't know which singer I'm listing to. I think the lines between what is what are almost gone it's just the fans that will work or forgive you.
Fans of music...
Music Fans in each area are diffrent country fans can't forgive you for nothing you make one wrong mistake your don't Rock N' Roll fan are forgiving to a point you just can't make to big of a screw up and then your RnB/Rap Fans will forgive you for everything because everything is forgivable no mater what now who are the betteer fans, not music but fans because as much as I don't care for RnB/Rap I think they got great Fan because they do forgive almost everything even when some of them are the greatest people in the world, where Counrty fans Nice people will not give you forgiveness for anything so I guess Rock N' Roll Fans are a good mix you got to like us.
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