A little ruff to hear..
so take is slow and think about it
What are we thinking...
Now this should be short .this morning and I might get back to it. I need to try and get the story right..
First Haiti is Hit by an earthquck which pertty much flatens the entire contury or at the very least the capital is gone thousands of people are die and trapped..
Second the world moves in to help almost every country in the world rush to help. with in five mintue of getting off the plane doctors are cutting in to people. Help is pouring in get people out of the rubble and save the thousands that are trapped under buildings.
Third Bush and Clintain give a talk to the press and say we want your money.. I say give them a two by four and send your money to the red cross. You give you money to these two and no one in haiti will ever see it besides the people of haiti could use the two by four more then you money. They don't have anything to spend it on..
Fourth A group of Americans go down to help out with the homeless kids and get arrested for Kids trafficing and sent to jail.....
Now this is what get's me these people get arrested there are thousands of homeless people right outside there windows. that don't have anything and the first thing I hear about is that the condtions of which these people are held are horrable that they don't even have a bathroom... Umm look outside the people living in the street don't have a roof forget about a bathroom. They have to sleep on concret floors that are damp.. Look out the window they don't have anything not even a roof..
We complain about everything when are people are arrested no matter what country they are in but this is just wrong. Saying the are persoiners need to have a bathroom when the city right out the window is gone. These people should be lucky to have a stable roof over there head for get the bathroom the guy on the street doesn't have anything not even a roof. I'm sure that they guy on the street sleeping under a dirty torn small peice of table cloth would be more then happy to trade with the american persioner anyday of the week a roof over his head would be great right about now because his home is a big pile of brick down the street while you have a roof over you head. you may not have a bathroom, well this guy don't have roof to keep the rain and morning dew of him. How stupied can we be to report that a persoiner in another country doesn't have Bathroom when the city behind them isn't standing and thousands of people don't have a home.
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