Something new..
Eariler we had a a movie review and now a book review which will not be much of one because I', still only on page 140 of the book. I got the book the day that it came out about 45mintues after the store opened at 7am so I have had it for sometime and I haven't gotten that far into it for some reason this story is not holding my intrest as much as the Da Vinci Code and Angles and Demons did and I'm not sure why. Dan brown is a good writier I have readed both the Da Vinci Code and Angles and demons and I like them both, but then they where the Illistered versions of the book and that migh make a little bit of a defreance you could turn the page and see what he was talking about or it was right there at the bottom of the page. That might be my problem with this I can't see what he is talking about. so I can't really say if this is a good book or not because I'm just not done with it but I am going to work my way through it. I think it'll pick up because if I remember right the other to books with langdon were a little slow to start and Digtal Fortess took a few chapters before it really got going. Now I have not read digtal Fortess I have just listed to it on CD/MP3 I had a job where I worked alone alot so I Hide my MP3 played inder the sleave of my shirt and listened to books on tape for a while. I went through at least 7books in the tinme that I worked for that company before they cut all there people in Washington.
I really don't have much to say but it's a slow start for me and I don't want to give anything away like I'll bo with the Potter books which I did as a book/movie review so in truth this would be the second book review I have done. any way I like langdon he is a human with a few falts that we see from the begainning in all the books he has progresed in this thinking from book to book and he keeps gowrning in new ways. He is a diffrent thinker andf I think that is what I like about him the most he see things throw the eyes of what they where and not what everyone see's today and to me that is very importen. I find the true meaning in things and remember that not what people see. I look at people for who the are not what they are because to me that is more inporten them anything else and I believe landgon does the samewhen he see's something that is right infront of him he see's the orgenal not the twisted thing that it has become.. that is one of the thing that I look forward to as I read through this book is what is there and the truth behind what is there and not what you see.
It's a story around the truth...
Now let's remember the most importen thing with the Langdon book's IT'S A STORY of fiction that Dan Brown has made up. He has taken real things and placed them in to a fictional story and twisted things to the way he see's it. Like every one does in there. THE WINNER WRITES THE HISTORY BOOKS, in this case Dan Brown has write a story and insteaded of making stuff up he is using real place and meaning tha are there to push his story forward, but remember it's just a STORY it's not real unless you want it to be in which case the movie Titanic is a reall story and Jack did die in the end. Believe what you want to take the facts that are true in the story and learn something about it go find out the rest of the history don't go running to find Documentories on it because that's going to have a slent in which way the produces what it to, go to the book's and read everything and then make up your mind on something, look at the last Supper for youself and think is it possable look at the Path could it be true, by Dans point of view it is so now you go look and make your opion, but remember IT'S A STORY a piece if FICTION if you don't want to believe it don't but then again it's not real just like Star wars isn't real nor is Harry Potter They are stories that we all like and enjoy so read it and enjoy the story because that is what it's for., but you can also learn something from it..
Learning from Fiction..
Dan Browns Books are Fiction we all know that, but there is truth in them by the art and places that he show us, and you can learn a few things from them. I learned a few things when I read Angles and Demons I say the possablity when I read the Da Vinci Code (Of couse I liked to look at Da Vinci art work anyway this just gave it a new way of doing so) So you can see that even with the story being complete Fiction now of what happens is realy you can learn that these place are there and that the possablity of something hiding or being hiden are there the art work and be looked at a new way which make it more intresting or you can find the true meaning of a symbol or too.
THE ture meaning
One of thing that get's me is that Hate people get them they see the swastica, because Hitler used it as his symbol, guess what he used it because one of it's meanings what that of power and he wanted that to show the work and the world has turned it into a symbol of hate which just piss me off to no ends. The next thousand generation are going to grow up thinkning this. which is wrong on more levels then I could ever know, but it's something we have been doing for more years on so many things that I can't stand it much and every now and then i have to stand up and try and tell the truth which get's me in more trouble then I care to think about. I have had more people throw things at me for tring to tell them the reall meaning of something because they had no idea what they where talking about and they insteaded that they where right and I was telling them that they where so off base and wronmg it wasn't funny. You have to Learn the truth behind something before you can form a complete opion on soemthing like a symbol before turning into something it's not and that is what has happened wit the Swastica. Hitler knew what it was and used it for his symbol of power and it go turned in to the symbol of hate that it is today.. WE SUCK don't we for not understanding the truth..
WE ALL SUCK BUT GO FIND THE TRUTH AND BELIEVE WHAT YOU WANT FROM THAT after all we are human for what ever that matters to some and have faith in us all
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