Height: 6'
Weight: 225lbs.
Group Affiliation: S.H.I.E.L.D. (both versions)
First Apperance: Sgt. Fury and His Howling Commandos #1
May 1963
Died: Double Edge The Death of...
Killed by: Frank Castle aka: The Punisher
October 1995
in 1990 his win percentage was 81%
Born with two eye's. He lost one eye reason why keep changing but in 1991 do to a back flash from gun fire in face will in a fight.
Nick Fury is an old warhorse left over from world war II.
Nick Once Said "I ain't mcuh few Chains of command pal-- I'm just a soldier that gets results!
MY Friend..
Now I have not been in to comics for many years now, but when I was Nick Fury was a great friend to me He was an old warhorse left over from world war II. He was an old man who knew what needed to be one and did it. He hated Paper work and ran S.H.I.E.L.D. for many years before he himself had to destory it. It was later reopened under him as the top dog and that is where the buck stopped. It was him and no one else he answer to no one other then the Pres. He was the Head of the best spy network in the world today and would return to become the head of the network when it was need again. He was a great friend.
Long Life...
Like Captain America, Nick was injected with a spechal Formula know as the infinity formula. This was put on him by the U.S. goverment he didn't ask for it. it came with a lot of medical operations. Unlike the super soldier formula Nick must take the infinity formula once a year to maintain his youth and vigor. He is the one of be best super spies in the world even better then James Bond, but then again there way of doing things are very diffrent.
The future..
Nick is now being up dated for the Iron Man 2 movie. After His Update in the Cartoon Movies The Avengers. The life action is ok. The only prob I have with this is that they are taking an old world war II warhorse and I hate to say it just because of the why it sounds, but they have made him black. Which in my opion changes the person he is. He's not going to be the OLD mean Fart that he is. WHen you say the name Nick Fury I see the white guy with one eye, black flat top with white side and a good stoggy sticking out of his mouth. Now I do see the need for update and David Hassalhoffe wasn't it but to change him completely into Samual L. Jackson I don't know about that I'll just have to wait and see. Like I said he's an old fart that just dosn't give up.
Looked into it..
As you can see it looked into Nick just a little so I have a great idea of how he was and what he did. Like I said he was a friend of mine and when I learned he had died I was sad but hey everyone got to go sometime, but they wya this isn't the first time . In Issuse #7 of what if.. Nick died and Wolverine becaome the head of SH.I.E.L.D Which was and intresting turn of events. To me there is nothing like and old fart that can save the world and Nick has done it more times then we can even think of...
Be Back on this one...
Like many topic's I'll be back to this one this one sooner then most, because it's Nick and I got more on on this one He was a great guy for an old fart..
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