What to think...
Ok here we going to go on and on about and most likly something I'll talk about again and again because it's just plain old fashion unsolvable and they have Show after show on it. The JFK Assassination. There is theroy after theroy on this one and not many people alive who where there and remember what happened one person who was there and you have to believe is Mrs Conily and she states time and time again three shoots hit the people in the car. One to Mr conily next to her and to to Kenndy. Ok that works for me but there was one shoot the missed the car and hit the cirbe so we got another shot. Now in all the show's on the JFK Assassinations I do remember them showing a picture of this missed shot. the chip in th cirde. so now you got three shoot hitting the people in the car and one missed shot guess what we got a second shooter.
Oswal was there..
Now we know Oswal was there ok fine and he might have have fired the gun at Kennedy but the shot that killed kennedy. I don't think so and you are telling me that of the 30 camera in the area that only one got the kill shot. one out of 30 oh come on give me a break...
Stop looking at the Car...
Ok Now stop looking at the the car look around. look at the everything but the car. there is other film footage. at least 5 other film footage out there look in the back round what do you see, but you will need the real footage not the stuff you see on T.V. because that can be edited in so many diffrent ways that it's not funny a little crop here a small cut there and what you want too see is gone. and what of all the still shoot's that where taken before the shoot's where even taken and a few that where taken after. look at them. Look in the back round not what the picture want to show you..
That's the key..
Looking in the back around of any giving thing what do you see. When you watch a movie and insteaded of watching the actors well they are drinking something. watch the drinks. watch what ever is in the glass go up and down. it's great fun..
There is more later today..
I have more on this later today need to finsh watching this show just wait tell later I'll have notes too.