OK Let me Have it...
Ok this one I can take all kinds of stuff for this one and the song is only one day old.. We are are the world remake 25years later. It's going to take time to grow on me.
The Main Problem..
It's that the song is tied to the event's in haiti. Now I spook about Haiti eariler and that's got more later stop talking about not having a bathroom when the got out your door doesn't have a house.. Ok back to the song. When it was first writien and song it was a good genaric song that you could use for almost any fundraise you had to help people This version is tied very much to haiti and should die out in a few month or more because we will stop talking about it and the song will fade out unlike the orginal which has lated for year and will contuie to do so it's a great song and the remake sound more like a dance mix then a remake. It's going to take a bit of time and few more times to listen to it but if i'm right at looking a the choris picture there are still more black people then white which is fine just kind of funny in some sence, but thinkn about it writen by a couple of black guy's and song by a lot of black people with a few white guy's to make it look and sound colorful.and even give it's a bit of color when you see the choirs. It was a good song when it was first song and and the remake is ok, I just wish it was not tied down to the earthquick it's just doesn't make it for me.
The Rap part...
You know I can even live with this part of the song taken in it's part, it not that bad and they work it in really well it's just that it ties it to the earthquick way to much even with the mention of the orginal reason the song was made and the few other times that it was used to help people out around the world. The Rap part is a nice twist but once again and I thinnk this is the main thing about it it's ties it to haiti something you don't want to remember a few years from now let alone 5 or 10. but by then we might get a new versoin with over 160 people sign both new and old
The singers...
Now looking at the few photos I have seen of the signer for this one I can't name even half of them which is really said, but then there was a line up of 5 women for the cancer thing and I couldn't tell you who was who because they all looked a like and I knew all of them and at one time or another listed to there music so it's no supraise that I don't know a quarte of these singers I get Barbra, Jamie, Jenniffer and Jeff bridges, ll cool j pink and a few other out of 81 which is really sad for me and what's with this T-pain crap the guy can't sign so he uses this voice thing that just sssuuuuccccckkkkssssss and throws the thing off again, but thank god he doesn't sign long. It is intresting to see how got to sign who's part from the orgenial to the remake Celin as Cindy that was great and they you had Jamie Fox do a bit as Ray that was nice I do wish that they had left Jackson out I know they put it in as a tribute to him but I think it could have been redone by someone else the point here is to redo it in a new way by the next generation and Jackson just shouldn't be there he's kind of dead, but at that point to Barbra shouldn't be there either and she is if the song is to be done by the next genaration of singers ok so I'm lost on what I think about this I just might have to give it a day or to and come back..
The earthquick..
take it out and we are good even the part's that are not in english are ok but take out the part about the earthquck and you got a song that will last the ages just like the first.
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