100 years...
The boy scouts of america is 100 years old this year, and the Cub Scout's the little brother to the Boy scout's are 80 year's old this year I believe.
Now for over 100 years boy have been going out in to the forest sleeping in tents and frezzing there butt's off just because it's fun. Now I was both a Cub and boy scout. hod lot's of fun. at one point I was less then 100yards from the space shuttle behind a really big door. Thye were going to try and get us in to see it, but it was having work done so we couldn't do it. this was when it was at andwers fare force base. along time ago and the space shuttle was still something new to behold at the time. I was still even a cub scout on a trip with the boy scout's to the base because my dad was one of the leaders at the time.
Geting lost...
One of the great things of are Boy scout troop was that no matter who was in charge we where never on time for anything and we almost get lost everywhere we went. I remember one time we where camping out in the deseart and we had walked to calago ghost town. we made it there with out to much problem, but on are way back to the camp site we of couse got lost. A hike the should have taken only an hour turned into a three hout hike and we ran out of water os at one point you can see we had just a little problem.. it's wasn't that big of a deal in the end we all lived and we all froze are butt's off that weekend..
The High Coast
as a scout neither boy or cub you never know the real cost of anything, now looking at it you can plow more then two hundered dollors into it and barly get yourself and your son half outfitted. The cost of scouting is like everything else really high and this just the stuff you buy at the store. it doesn't include all the outhing things that one might need for the camp out of the stuuf both the troop, packor den might need. Now when I was a scout we had for year these old mility tent's that we got donate to the troop and they worked for a loong time the front flat opened and we combined it with the other tents we had up so if it rained we just need to add a big blue in the center and we had a fully covered area in which we cook and eat in. after a while we changed to dome tents that the troop got and used a few big blues to make a central area to work under for rain and the high sun.
Camp out's
Every year at least three time we went camping and to summer camp and every year no mater where we went we brought along this big 5lb can of chile we all took turns carring the bloody thing but no mater what happened we always had that can so we always had food with us. We camped out every where from the forest to the desaert and at one point I think we even found a place to camp in the city when we did a fire works booth a few years in arow. Had and RV for power and a few tents for the kids to sleep in to help watch the stand at night. First year it was outside a drive in so we hopped the fence at one point and watch the film's that night. It was intresting to do, But I also remember we had a camp out where we had to and I do mean had to there was no way to drive anything in.. had to Care everything in and we had a Kitchan that we took along with us everywhere and we had to carry this thing over 5 miles to the site that thing must have weighed more then two hundred pound, but not matter what the hard ship it was well worth the pain to get that thing in and on site..
Let's you kids do it..
No matter what you think about it let your kids do it. Find a Good Cub scout pack and move forward from there. Scouting can teach your kids alot of things but for life and scocal skill's. Put aside what you think and go find out about it. See what scouting can do for your kids and how much fun it can be for both you and your family. It's great fun you just need to find the right pack and troop go out and do it and keep it going for the next hundred years..
I know I had a great time scouting with you. Some wonderful times. From watching the stars at night at Camp Bighorn in Arrowhead, to swamping a canoe at Cherry Valley in Catalina Island, to making stinging nettle tea at Maker Flats, Arcadia, we had a hell of a lot of fun. Boy scouts teach you self-reliance in many ways. Important lifelong skills and friendships are gained from scouting. To respect the Earth and each other were fundamental elements to the experience. Where the good intentions of the Boy Scouts start off, they left behind the other scouts who, because of their beliefs in a higher power or sexual orientation, were not regarded as equals in the eyes of their peers. I left scouting with good memories and a handful of skills I'll pass on to my son and take to the grave. I will also have left scouting with the bitter reminder that no matter how inclusive and supportive the organization is to make a "good" child "better", they will never, for whatever backwards reason, include scouts who need the most support and training to deal with the intolerance and hostility of the real world. - Justin Wardell