In three parts until more are made.
Robotech a Toons seris done in the mid-eighties in short a soap opra for kids or young adults. I would watch it everyday and have a VCR recording each show to watch again and again when I get a changes. The Show was broken into three parts the Macross seris the Roboteh masters and the new generation. Each part happen taking many yeaars between each show, now each one of the seris has been changed from the it's orgenal form with peices missing and names being changed. Changing name is most standered they became english names so we could knew and prononce them. the missing peice for t he most part mean nothing unless you know that they are not there. You can now find a the uncut seris at your best buy or through next flix under macross the orgenil name for the show. you have Macross the name of the big ship for the first seris. The southern cross for the second and the third was I can't remember now but it was the new generation. Robotech total 85 show in all and in a smal part hold your intrest.
Part 1 Macross..
The beginning to the whole story start with the SDF-1 crashing on the earth which is in the middle of one of it stupied wars. It pretty much put's it stop to the war and bring mankind together in the fright of an alien attack. It jumps from the landing to ten years later when the ship is restored and new alien ship show and the SDF-1 on it's own fires on the appoching ships and everything go wrong from there because humanity is a very stupied thing and will not talk. Fight first and talk later that would we us. In the end we all die and humanity sovrives by a handful of people on the SDF-1
Part 2 The sourthen Cross
second part of the story takes place 15 years or more later. The main cast has left the earth in of the orginas of the SDF-1 and we are left with an small and based army head by a hot headed admilra that hate any and all aliens, but our story really goes around the 15th armored tactical devition which is head up by a young upstart women. once again we fire on an alien race coming to earth to find what they had lost and what the first war was over. in the end they all die and the earth is once again destoried by hot heads..
Part 3 New Generation..
This is our last piece where an alien race has taken over the earth and are hareveting a plant that can to the earth on the SDF-1 and scared across the earth at the send of the second War. A new generation come back to earth to remove the alien thret and get's destoried leaving a few people alive. our story goes around a single person who lives through the attack and get a small band of people together to get to the aliens main base somewhere in what is left of north amaerica. in the end the aliens leave with millions dead and humanity crawling out of the great mess that they had made.
Short and sloppy..
That was very shory and slopppy look at the three parts, but you have to see it to get the human part of the story inbetween all the fighting there is very much a human part of the story a part that one must see and feel you have to at time fight you way a few shows but it's worth the time if you watch any soap opra then this one is no diffrent. it just in a toon form and there are main soap opras in toon form like Spawn and ghost in the shell find and watch all and forget that they are toons they are just as good if not better then One life to live or gray's anotomy..
Enjoy a good Toon show and movie every now and then and I'll be back again on this later
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