The Scout's make it everywhere..
You know before we really had T.V. and 4000 chanles to watch we had go old family time and the Boy scout's was the time when a father and son could get together and the Girl scouts is when a mother and daughter got together and the summer camps are when the boy's and girls got together because the parent where not around and they could swin acroos the lake.
In today's world we have lost alot of that, but back in the day even Disney know knew that the boy sout's of america was something to make a movie about. set in 1930 the Follow me boys is based on the book God and my country. Oh here we go again an other movie that is based on something so there is no tell how much of the book is in the movie and kknowing disney that isn't all that much, non the less it's still a good movie and if you ever what to see a very young Kurt Russell they you got to see this movie.
Nothing like Kids...
You always got to give it to the kids. you always see the movie the mysifts turn to the better well this is the better becoming better and you know that boy scouts is the best place to start if you got a group of misplaced kids, I say make sure get they get into a good group, Boys/girls club the boy and girl scouts this could do no real harm and it just make a better person out of the child. Kids are good people they are not by any means inocent by with help they could do great good,
I love kids just as much as the next person but sometimes they do go bad and that is what the Boy and girls scout are trying to stop.
The jailed on death row..
Send them to war. There isn't much more then that. They have killed before put them in a hard core uniform and send them in a war zone. why not if they are going to defect why not run out. There in the middle of a desert and let them go. in the war they could only do good and would be a little better off. AT least they could go out when they wanted to and if they get killed ok they where on death row anyway so long and far well. The filp side of the coin is that they could excape and go join the other side then we just find and kill them any just with a more just reason to do so. Look I'm all for killing them right here at home, but the law just takes a little to long to take out the really guilty one so let someone else do it send them halfway around the world to haelp protech this country. if they have have any sence of duty and honor for this country that we all live in they would be more then happy to go somewhere and protect it from those who wish to destory it. If they don't have that honor then we should just put them down right there and then they have no right to be in this country.
(a little personal fact: I am not a U.S. Citizen, but I'll sure as hell do everything to keep her save)
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