many to come..
J.K. Rowling for the most point gave us a seirs of books that changed the reading ablilities of the youth of the world. Yes I said the world. She gave us a some good books and she have us some bad books, and in this seirs of rants I'll run on about each book and the lady herself for the books she gave us and what they didn't do for reading to the lady who started the books in a small flat that she would not like to see again to the big house she now has and wanting to forget her past which I always find very wrong. A person should never forget where they came from or how they are. I have seen that way to many times, but there is no dout what Rowlings has done for reading with this seris of books and reading. So I thought why not rant about each one of the books and what a better place to start then the first Socer's stone..
Book One Socerers Stone..
The beginning of the start year on and the boy is ten years when he head out to to a boarding school to learn an be a wizard, but should he have been eleven years instead of then, but that's doesn't really come into play untill later in the last year here is year one. and first we start off the boy being drop of at his ants and uncles house at the age of 1 after his parents have just been killed no more then a day ago. you first think that it's only about and hour or two but in the end it's a full day before he get's drop off. (Oh Note the Socerer's stone is the US Title and the wording in the book has been changed to US english so if you can get a UK versoin and read it) then we jump a full nine years once again we believe that it is ten years but it is only nine.. nothing that J.K. misleads you to it's just the way the book read but it's all there then you get the Now I don't want to recap the whole book because well that would just take way to long even for one of the shortest books of the seris, but it's a nice and easy read light a fuffly for aten year old to read, and with audiobook you can even have the book read to you as you have it in front of you and Jim Dale does a good job in the end we get and idea of things that happened but nothing is really revieled J.K. does a good job of this throught the hole story line.. There really isn't much to go on about this first book excapte for the U.S. changes the title and some of the languge of the book it's and nice story..
What to say here. No movie is the book and the book i n most cases is always the better of the two. There is always more information in a book then in a movie and things and people are combined when you make a book into a movie Here the first movie cut's a lot at the beginning and jumps from on place to another and the story get's lost at a few point. near the end of this movie Harry and his friend go through these task set up and they leave out one that was just a walk through and they could have done it just because it would have been less then ten seconds on the screen and with movies getting longer again this would not have hurt the film to have in and i was looking forward to it. I movie is not a really good translation of the movie and I'll say that about all 8 of the films I have rarly seen a book turned into a movie that is the same as the book they always have to cut something and in this case it's one of the task and almost all of the quitach matches and the end of the book when harry get's home in some case you would like some of these to be really big bugets T.V. movies or even seris where they do the book from beginning to end but the coast would be so high that not even something like HBO or SHOW would not take and idea like this on. make a book word for word seen for seen no matter how slow the show got. and I think this is something I would like to see with thse book and the unforent event books as well because the first and only movie for the unforent events movies was a big dud. Here with Potter the first movie works and could of been longer to hold a little more of the story and kid would of sat through it most of the kids in the theater with me who started at 4 and ended at 65 sat through the entire thing and would have sat through another hour if it was there so it could have been longer and we all wanted to see more of the quitach out of the three matchs is the book we only see one in the movie, but once again a movie is not a book and no one should read a book in there head when you go to see a movie, I'm not sure if you should ever read a book before going to see a movie see the movie then read the book that why you are no disapointed in the movie. so enjoy both..they are fun
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