Still going..
hey I said I would get back to something so here we go again with the states a program done on the history chanle. It's fun to watch to see what little facts they give on thing and how they change other things to make all the states look good and you want to go there and see what they show or even live there. I'm still watching the 10 part show I'm on part 9 right now in eight they did north dekota and in part 9 they do south. did you knwo that every year there is a bill set to the congress to get the north removed from the name. much like in washington they send a bill to split the state in two to create a 51 state. but with the dekotas you have two stats allowed into the union on the same day and the paper work is so paper shuffled that you don'tknow which one was let in first which make it intresting, but like I said the first time how much of a state can you really get in 7mintues. the show is still good and you should take the time to sit down and watch it you learn a little something about each state here in the U.S. like missous was really a square and kept changing over the next 10years to get what we have today mainly on the part of david corccit and some other guy who owned a lot of land after a midland earthquick destoried much of the area he later bought up. good bussness man if you ask me but let's finsh the show and see what we get..
War of 1812 and the battle of new orlands..
Ok what makes this fights so intresting besaides it's one of the few battles the U.S. wins during the war of 1812. the battle is fought once the war is over and andwer Jackson is called a big hero and does a lot with this one victory including becoming president of the u.s. but hey if you can work with it then go for it it's just that very forget the war was over or almost over when this battle is fought and if i remember the U.S. got it's butt handed to them, they lost this war like nothing else at the time so it just go to show you that history is told from the prosped of who ever rights it to make it look good, the U.S. to some degree takes pride in the fact that they got there butts kick at pearl harrbor..
U.S. Get there butt kicked
The U.S. can be called the come back kid and takes pride in getting there butts handed to them. Back to pearl.. The U.S. for the most part was suprise and got creamed by japan at pearl which of couse pissed very one off and they came back. They got a big suprise with 9/11 (of couse I think Bush let it happen he just didn't think it was going to be that bad) in both cases the U.S. got pissed off and start kicking some butt, but the it takes a Butt Kicking to piss them off and get into something that might mean something. Now with 9/11 we didn't win because they didn't get the guy who did it, but they did kick some butt on the other side of the world. Now with pearl they jumped in took a few more butt kicking but in the end kick the crap out of everyone, but then they said here catch this H bomb and we got more so they made and used bigger and better weapons then the other guy. With 9/11 they really didn't do that I think if they dropped more H-bomb and showed that we do have they and not afraid to us they it would be a much diffrent world. If you got it use it. Look I'm not much for war but if you are going to do it do it right. they drew a knife you drew a gun if they send one of yors to the hospital send one of thers to the morgue. always take it to the next step just don't start it.Just finsh it and finsh it right and big. The U.S. Got there butt's handed to them at pearl and they said "oh no you didn't" They where staying pretty much out of world war two tell then.
For now..
For now don't piss the u.s. off and if they do get pissed off I think they should use the heavy weapons and bomb the carp out of who ever does it. He's and H bomb and if they are in a cave of some kink here have a mini-nuke. a pocket nuke that can be thrown like a grande. would be fun way to take out of few of those cave in the desart the colapes take care of any real rediation that might come out and if you didn't get the guy well try again and hope he learned his lession the first time and know that they are comming for them. Remember the U.S. can take pride in getting there butt kicked but they also come back in a big way just remember pearl..
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