I really don't have anything for you today. I have been running around spending money I really don't have and preping my House for the Empire today guy to show up tomorrow. I don't know whaht to really say but when you drive around in a car all day and I know people do have joib where they drive all day it get's kind of tiring and when you start to driving to pay bill and your line for the day is "I think I own you money.." is Kind of sad. You start writing checks and heading to the next place.. Lucky for me there is a coffee place on my way from point A to point F in this case. It's not that fun but when you have your car thumping along with both versions of we are the world next to Nickleback and Creed it's kind of intrsting to see peoples looks when you can..
The weekend..
The weekend is here yes but what does that mean to me Nothing but late nights and cleaning till all hour while folding landry in the living room lucky for me I was able to get both Final Destination 3-D or 4 if you want and the first season of the Fringe for 10buck apaice so I got a few things to watch late at night to help keep me awake. I also have the Gamer and something else coming from netflix, by the way the Blu-ray still isn't working for netflix. it's very sad but then again I have a computer connected to it so it's not all that bad, I hoping to watcha jeff tonight but not sure I'll make it all the running around and spending money I don't have got me kind of down.
Coustmer service...
I was in Best buy to buy Final Destination 4 today and I must have been walkin around for at least 15 to 20 mintues and I got no one to ask me if I wanted help I was looking for a few other things along with the fringe but there was no one in the department and it was very evedent that I was looking for something, Finally someone from the T.V. department asked me if I need help and I say yeah it took them a few minutes but we found it on a box stand in the front of the store. I picked it up and head to the back of the store through the apllices to look at a 2gig hard drive for my main frame, but I didn't get past the applince with out getting hit twice and I was a little intrested in the a Gas stove, but I did ask the guiy if he could put in my floor he said no of couse, but I had to give it a shot, but it's sad that for 20mintues I couldn't get help and once I had what I wanted and was in a diffrent part of the store I got help right of the batt. I never did make it back to look at the 2gig hard drive but that just means resting my I-tunes again which really isn't that bad to do.
good night and good luck HeeHee
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