Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The States

The history Channel....
So the history channel ran this seris of show a few years a go called the states. it's a run down of all 50 states in the U.S. it's abotu a 7mintue blip on each on and give it population and where it stand in the U.S. along with the number in which it is and when it entered the U.S. as a state it also give a quick history of the state and what it main production is and what the people are like, now I know you can't really cover what whole state is like in just 7mintues but it's intresting to see what they do with it I'm less the half way through the seris but I have see some shorting of the facts for this show a little twist to the true facts to make the state look good. they do a lot in just a few mintues and you can learn a little bit and a few things that you don't know some of the people they talk too is intreting and fun. you can see how some states get forgotten.
If something fun and educational..
I was not much one for history in school or at the very least what they where teaching then again My high school history teach was not really a teach more then a place for students to gather and talk for an hour while the teacher sit's behind his desk and say's read this chapter and answer the questions at the end of the chapter, so I went to the library alot and read what I throught was intresting and fun needless to say I learned what I wanted to on history and what I was intrested in combinded with doing reseach on thing that I was into at the time which just say made me stranger in school then I already was.. anyway back to the states and the enduction in which you can get out of a program for you. the U.S. in an intresting place and has a lot of fun thing to go see in each state and some city's parts of the country you can do everything in one day from skiing to cooking in the forest to having a bond fire at the beach to end the day. The festavil that some states or city's have are really intresting most do at least one a month you they always got something going. That is what small town is al about. I was thinking about moving to a small town one day but I just can't get into alaska where I would like go get up and jump on the snow mobile and head to work or hitch up the dogs and head into town for a gallon of milk. I like the snow and would enjoy living in, beside the darkness would be great for my eye's I have a very rare eye condition that the sun burns out the iris so I'm for every buying and wearing sunglass..
Enjoy the Country...
I say take a road trip and enjoy the states see what is out ther and find out what the people and the heart of the country really are get out of the big city and go see the town that is going to be on fire for the next 250 years...

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