Sunday is the Big day...REALLY
Today is sunday the day of the big game the end of the season the final game untill we get together next year and start it all over again. Today we end the Football season, one of the shortest season in any pro sport. They play what 16 games a year and then go away for the summer and then comeback next year. What a bunch a wimps. Yes these guy's go through a lot hard hit tough week and yes they do get hurt, but they only play 16 times a year. what is that..
What you are looking at is the most sout after trophy in the world. The STANLY CUP. almost every sport's person in the world would like to raise this above there head and my dad has hugged yes I'm I'm green. The Cup is the greatest trophy hands down it's also one of the oldest.
Back to football...
Today we have the super bowl and the end of the football season, the great commitals you you have to get up during the game to get something to eat because you don't want to miss what some smuck paided more then 1.5 million dollors for. Huh what the.. How can anyone pay that much for a spot on T.V. but then again we are looking at the greedy amamerican we all what money and the more we have the better we are.. but then hey we we dropped the price on everything we could lower the price on other things so we could keep jobs here in the U.S. but hey what do I know I'm Talking about football a game that last less then 16weeks not including summer camp that's what a quater of the year where as hockey is 9months out of the year and these guy's take more punshment in one week then any football player does all year. I say let's get more games out of the year 20games a year then the playoffs make it really fun make these guy's work for there money just a little longer.. and they do work for there money unlike a baseball player.. Get to that in just a second.. Ok how about Later well I'm Watching the Football game...
Football is a game..
Football is a game that is fun to watch it just is a little slow I think it needs to get a little more speed to it. instead of the 45second clock we get a 20 second clock and we stop shoping play's over and over again keep the game moving. that's the fun part of hockey the game keeps going and going someone down after a play the game keeps going a hockey game stop's for every little but then again it can it does have a few way's that it can be stopped to slow it down and down I have had a hockey game go on and on in the normale season. in post season it's till death and I have been up watching a game intill one in the morning hthey played what would be three games that night before someone finally one. I was great I enjoyed every mintue of the game untill y team lost in the end the it sucked. we don't really see that with anyother game here in the U.S. Football has it's time limit and then a we get the first person to score wins sad part with that is if the first scors on it's opening drive the other team doesn't get a chance to return for a far shot. Each team should have at least one shot at scoring when it comes to over time in Football.
But It's all fun..
Remember these game are all in fun I thinnk some people take these games to way to much to heart. The game is for fun nothing is to be taken to heart it's just a bunch a guy's on a field running around tring to move a ball from one end to the other. They should be just having fun, but sometime I think they lose that and that's when thing so wrong on more then one level if you look at the game's like th ALL STAR for hockey and the PRO Bowl for football it's a nice relaxed game and everyone is having a good time just as it should be where as in the regualer season and the play-off's it's like stress city I must win thinking it's not really fun I think these guy's need to take a more relaxed approch to anygame look at Baseball you can't get much more relaxed then that unless you where a sleep.. More on that game Later..
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