IT begins one more time..
Ok yes I watch survivor I have watched it for every season that it has been on and it now starts it 20th season not year season. That means they have run the show for 20 time and is been on for about ten years. Survivor is not going to be topic of mine in the future not as much as movies and other thing like jackson.. HE DEAD get over it. I have like the show from the begining it's fun to watch try to prodict how goes first and which team will win just by the first ten mintues of the show other then that there isn't much to go on about. There is nothing to the show but fun and you can't take it more then that. It's not all that real even if it's called reality T.V. because the people you see on the show are not the people they always are, you should never take it to much to heart it's a show and a game done by editors you never see it all because they have over 72hour of footage cut down into one hour and you don't ever get to see the breast that pop out..
Real T.V.
No show is real T.V it's all in the hands of the editor the olny time you see true reality T.V. Is on big brother after dark and then you are still at the hands of an editor but it's the closet thing your going to get tell an show like either the truman show or ED T.V. a persons life on t.v. for 24hour a day no editing not ceneror ship something to look forward to in the near future..
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