Way to much..
You know I got so much to do in such a few hours today I just don't know where to start and the sad part of it all is that I need to wait for the dryer to finsh before I can really do anything and then it's going to be a lot in just a couple of hours before I need to run out the door to get together with a goup of people to head out on to a camp out which I have been looking forward to. Yeasterday was just a long day and today is going to be just as long. it's just going to be a long weekedn because when I get back it's going to be time to start to gutt my house moving everything or most of it out and start preping for the new floor that is comming in just over a week the next week or two are going to be get fun and little rest I'm going to be sore and in pain and enjoying alomost every mintue of it throwing fitts throwing things acrosss the room finding thing that I had lost and seeing what can be thrown out this is what you would call the purging of a house where stuff get's thrown out because you don't remember why you keep it. so I need to run around for the next two weeks and if i con't find something to rant on about then I don't know what this is going to turn in to. Then again I have no idea what this is to be..
This project..
This ranting project is to get something off my mind and sometimes i just don't have anything there or forget what is bugging me untill much later so the way this is going to go I'm not sure. it's got a ruff start and it's going to be ruff for a little while longer untill I finally got a handleon what it is I'm tring to do and say and in the future I know I'm going to have things to say that are noting going to sit will with anyone including me because they just are not going to sound right the way that I write them out, but then I'm not going to really care if you got something to say say it that is your right and your freedom and I above all other like to here what people have to say even if I don't like what they are saying, just because it make me think about it even if i think they are wrong and what to ask questions to get at the basic of what they are thinking.. so I say let's bring it on a piss off as many people as we can so we have something to talk about, but that just it talk about it there is no reason to go any futher you believe one thing and I another and we have to know that we both are wrong and both are right and just talking about our point of views is all that we need do learn what other think and this is what I think not always what I believe just what what I think at the time I'm for ever changing what I think and know because I'm forever learning something new about something.
the more you know the better off you should be that is not always true. Sometimes the dummeryou are the better off you are, I know a little about a lot of stuff and that menas i can learn more about those things and I'm willing to learn more about other things, but in something things I know net to nothing and need to learn it and learn it fast the problem being is i don't want to do it because it's not all that inresting to me.. I'm watching a history chanle show call life after people and learning all new and intresting things but at the same time it rasies a bunch of questions on what is going to happen. you got to be will to learn and ask questions and things that are out there and question those who say they know everything about something. so you can get more knoweldge on it that is what it's all about, from the person who knows it all that way you have a better understanding of what it is.. Go learn something you have no knoweldge over and have some fun
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