It's late...
It's really late and it's been a long day, I got up and started the day slowly I went out and got Coffee insted of making it this morning I drove 15mintues to get a cup of joe come home and then made breakfast what does that say about the power of coffee and the people that make it so good that we are willing to drive 15mintues in are PJ's to get coffee then come home and make breakfast that is 30mintues to get something to wake us up so we can get along with the rest of the day. We drive half asleep to a small little hutt in the middle of a parking lot to get a cup of joe so we can wake up to make breakfast at home, that is way to scary, but to me it was worth it just because I wasn't in the mood to make the pott of joe at home and I need gas for my car anyway, but the said part is that the gas station that was by the coffee hut was closed so I got coffee and had to go to another gas station later that day one that was only a mile from the house instead of 5 sad isn't it..
Coffee on a timer...
In most cases i like to make my coffee the night before and set it on a timer so the sweet smile of it wakes me in the morn but I haven't done it of late just because I have been tring to cut back on my coffee intake so a cup of joe every now and then is all I do but it's been a long day and I think I'm going to need it tomorow so I'm going to make on tonight and have it ready bright and earily for me because tomorrow has go a lot of things happening and I know I'm going to need it a big old pott is going to be ready for me first thing in the morn and I'm going to drink the whole think bso I know I'm not going to have good control over my hands. when I drink to much coffee my hand have and tendace to start to shake and it works it's way up my arms and It's only ever gotten to my cheast plate once in all the time that I have been drink coffee which hasn't been that long on the past 15 years or so a good friend of mine got me to first drink it when I was about 22 or 23 he took me to a coffee house when they where just starting up and got me a coco latte I had no idea what it was but it was good and from then on it was just a little here and there I have only really been drinking coffee for the past 10 years at the most. pretty much sence I move up here to washington the weather here is cool and coffee is nice and warm help keep you from getting to cold inside. Now like everyone else I use it to keep me awake and to wake up guess I'm starting to catch up..
Good old coffee hutts..
Those coffee hutts that you see in shopping places are the best the drive through so you never have to get out of your car and the women that are in them when they open that window and that cold air hits them you just can't but help and look at the cheast to see what shows up and here be have binki ones so the ladies are not wearing much in the first place, Now I have never gone to one of these (and that is the truth) as a matter of fact I never really went to any of the coffee hutt till this new one opened and was giving away free coffee all day long I gave it a shot and I have been going to that one ever sence, no point in going anywhere else, so go to your favorite coffee hutt and enjoy it because it's that coffee you are going to get up spend 15mintues to drive to and then go home and make breakfast for. intresting way to start the morning but at least it's there...
Go and enjoy your coffee no matter what the time it it's bad for you but what the hell you got to have it...
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