The Awards Shows...
Ok so sunday we ahd the Grammy awards. Now I have not been able to watch all of it yet so I don't have a told opion on it just yet, but what I did see was pretty good. Now over the years I have not been inpressed with awards shows so I'm not really sure when I lasted watched the Grammys. I'm a person of Rock and Roll with a little of this and a lot of that throwen it. You look at my I-pod or through the Over 100gig's of music I have on my computer Which I still haven't finshed loading in by the way. You will find every type of music ok almost every type of music out there I don't think I got any Jazz , but then again with the way that Things are put in to CAT's anymore these day's you never know, But I can say I have my eyna next to my body Count Next to my Stevie Nicks next to my Nickleback and Poison Which sit's on top of my Reba Mcentire and yes sad to say tylor swift.
Pink on the show....
One of the performace I did see was that of Pink I thought it was great she did a great job and it showed what a ture artis she really is. Of course after the performance I wanted to go and watch a little bit of Circus O lay or what every that perfornace troop is. Theyare just amazing to watch sometimes and if you spend over two hour flexing your body to do something like that you got to be good. Yet the some thing I think we all mist was when she got wet. one mintue she is dry the next she is soaking wet and spinning in the air with every one under her looking for cover.
The MJ Thing...
Ok only because I saw some of this.. I had a small problem and I (for me any way missed this part....... Thank you DVR )am it was over and short. Look the guy is dead let him be. Yes I'll go back and watch all of it from the begining but the dude is dead let him be. He's going to be on plates and mug and t-shirt and who knows what for the next fifty years, the family is not going to worry about money the kids just have to fight over it to see who get what when they come of age.. People get over it He's Dead
in the end I do need to finsh watching the show to give out my final opion which is mine and you can disagree with all you want I don't care so let's see what else we got..
academy awards Nom's....
So they Five Bitchy Ladies tell me the nom's came out today for the Acadey Awards. haven't seen them just yet but you know when I do I'll have all kinds of stuff to say about that. This year looks to be a real big mess. but then when it come to the Academy awards I don't really give the move they give best picture much credit come on both Crash and Gangs of New York Sucked big time. After watching crash I was like can I have the last two hours back and with Gang... I don't even know where to go with this. I don't think I have seen a movie that should have won the Best Picture award in some time but then again I'm noy running out to see what ever movie win anyway.
Comdey in Best Picture...
Does anyone every even rember a Comdey up for best picture in the last 20years I don't but then again I don't have the knowegle in my head. Hey I can get Kevin Bacon conecter to Charlie chaplen but I don't remember if a comdey has made best picture in the past 20years Oh what a Mind I must have..
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