First a Personal Note..
First thing to note about this Blog is that is beening wrinten on my new wireless keyboard and mouse which is conected to my T.V. on the other sid eof the room. well I listen to my now very old Mini Disc player, something that I thought would have replaced the CD by now buy I believe sony messed that one up by holding the patten on it to lone, it's a great formate and the disc are so much more durable then any CD out there. In this case I can listen to my Hit's from whistle down the wind a mostly fail musical by Andwer loyde webber and the great Jim Stieman. I think it's got some great music to it and if might even see the relgious theme to it if you listen carefully, but sence it's on MD I have ot try and transfer it to my really old computer and burn it as a disc and then add it to my really large I-tune's file. Is it a mistake to have over 105 gig's of music, two hunder gig's of T..V. show and the better part of 110 gig's of movies all in one I-tunes file on three drive and needing to add another to keep up. Let's see that a 1tera a 500, and 200 and one one comeputer with another 350 sitting on the desk needing to be added and I was thinking of getting there a 1.5 or a 2 tera just for the fun of it. could it be to sad that when I hook a jump drive in it reads as a P Drive or for that mater the old MP# player comes up as both P and Q.
Ok On to the Doctor..
The Doctor on the BBC Show Doctor Who as been played by the first docoter William Hartnell, Pactrick Troughton, Jon Pertwee, Tom Back, Peter Davison, Colin Baker, Sylvester McCoy, Paul, McGann, Chistopher Eccleston, David Tennant and now the 11 Doctor Matt Smith. Now I have not really watch the show over the years, but to me the best Doctor was Tom Baker it was the scarfe that did it for me more then anything else I went as far as to try and make on for myself well I watched the show I never got it made but a few years ago my mom come up to see me and handed me a bag that had in it the 18 foot scafe that I was tring to make and boy is it warm when you where it and I wear it every chance I get it's great not as colorful as Tom Bakers was but I would think just as long and just as warm I understand he left the show on on good trems which is sad and does happen from time to time with show's look what they did to Blake at the end of season three of M*A*S*H the greatest show that has ever been on T.V. but back to the Doctor a show that has seen it's up and down's over the years The show would have appeared to take a break from 1986 to 1996 where it can back for a very short time and then finally returned in 2005 with Chistopher Eccleston as the new and 9th doctor for the show, I liked him he was funny and intresting to watch but he was around just for the first season before David Tennant took over..
Newer Doctors...
Ok So the Show starts up again with Christopher Eccleston at the New Doctor I like the dude and Figure I can get into the show again between both Vedio on demand by the cable company and DVR set programs I should beable to catch it all of, but things being as they are I lose trace of the show and DVR problem I lose all I have saved so I'm out but I do catch a enposide later in season two but it's not the doctor that I say Chistopher only lasted one season I was not happy, but then again I was not watching the show on a regualer bascie so I don't have much to complain about, if I was watching the show from the begaining and was staying with it I might have said something or just stopped watching it. I don't think David Tennant was bad and I just watch the one show because it was on before or after robin hood one day and nothing else was on. I figured I might give the show a second shot , so I netflix the last disc of the first season to see what happened to my Doc and I think it was stupied, but hey it's what they did of couse I didn't get back into the show there was to much to catch up on and I was tring to watch Battlestar at the time and there is another show I'll go on about leter but for now Let's just say it made me made they way they aired it and I had to force myself to keep with it, something that I couldn't do with this new Doctor Who, so I just let it crash off the grid for me, but it looks like it is a good show and now that I have this computer up and running O.K. for the most part on the T.V. I might go back and try and watch it though Netflix..
NetFlix on bluray and computer..
SO I have been a netflix costomer for a few years now and I enjoy it a day turn around most of the time I can go throught 4 to 6 movies a week depending on what I'm doing with it, for X-mas I got a blu-ray that has the Netflix streaming to it, have got it to work on a reguler bases just yet the router is not letting it go through most of the time. Now I got the computer hooked to the T.V. and the sound going through the stero system I pretty much don't need it in the living room but I like to have it because it just a littler easier to use from time to time when it does work, and with streaming viddeo that it does watching things like Doctor Who would be great because I wouldn't have the disc sitting right infront of me and I would have to watch all four shows at once before sending it backJust watch on show at a time and as it's there you don't have to worry to much about it, now of cousre not all of the season is on the streaming part of netflix but at least you can get most of it, The Streaming has been fun I was watch all three Juf Dunham spechail way to many time but when your down you just got to watch the second spark of insanity and listen to the part about the dog and you'll start laughing and thing will look a little up, just not the other day when I got up on the wrong side of the sofa, but then again I din't watch him that day to try and cher myself up and maybe I should have.
Future working in the house..
is it said to say I'm running two computer at the same time right now working facebook on one and writing this on the other, How much power is my house pulling right now. Welcome to the future everyone wireless keyboards and mouse a T.V. that is a computer monitor a stero that is you sound system for you computer and then a lap top working wirlessly next to me run another program just becaus eI can't stay out of touch with people. Wait no one really talks to me or at the every least let's me talk when I have something to say Thus this Blogg of pointless rant's here I con't have to care what you say or even think Here I get the last word and say what I want when I want and how I want and I don't have to try and butt in on anyone talking or have someone talk over me like the other night, but that's just how it goes sometimes you just can't get a word in no matter how hard you try, so got two computer running, here a lot of hard drive on a third is that just nut's or is it just me..
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