The Start of book three..
Warrior came running throw the E.R. doors with Blaze right behind him. His body had not fully changed back, in fact it looked as thought he had started to change back into Warrior instead of becoming Vincent. His Body was split in half; his right hand was normal where his left was the claw that was Warrior. His Face was still half human and half loin. People all over the E.R. fled from just the sight of Warrior “Kathleen!! Kathleen!!” He yelled as he ran down the Hallways. Blaze was staying right behind him.
Kathleen came out from behind one of the curtains “What?!” Then she saw Warrior, with Blaze right behind him “WOW!! Warrior! What is it?”
Warrior came to a stop a few feet from her “It’s father.” He was breathing heavy as Blaze came up to join them “Father is dead?”
“What? That’s not possible.” Kathleen said “There is no way that Father could be dead.”
“Well his wife kind of gabbed the Tri-sword throw his chest, with all three blades intacted.” Blaze said in an even tone to trying to get everyone to relax.
“Well that would do it I guess.” Said Kathleen “Just that fact that Father is not married is one problem and no one has seen the Tri-Sword in years.”
Just then a nurse came by “Doc McK we got two stab would coming in. Both are to the chest. One male one Female they should be he in about five minutes.” They pay no attention to Warrior and Blaze.
“thank you.” She said automatically “Look Warrior if Father is dead then we might have a problem, but there is no way in the world that his wife killed him. Father was never married and the one person that his other half was married to died do to a gun shoot to the head, so that could not happen.”
“Ok that’s right, but how about my Mother took and gabbed the Tri-sword through our fathers chest and in turn he took the dagger out of the hilt and rammed it into her chest.” Warrior said “they died in each others arms.”
“Two minutes Doc.” The nurse said
“That’s nuts Warrior.” Kathleen said “That would kill both father and anyone who claims to be your mother, but how could that be.”
“The muiltiveris is the best way to put it.” Warrior went on and started to pace across the hall way “That is the best way to explain it. Anything could happen and everything does happen….
“there is only one place where only one dission is made. There are not other options.” Blaze said
“Doc Thirty seconds.” The nurse said.
Kathleen turned to the nurse “Be right there.” She turned back to Warrior and Blaze “Look get Nancy and the four of us will talk about this when I get off.” Just then the E.R. doors busted open and four techs with a gurney came running followed by a second gurney and four more techs. The first gurney head towards the three of then and into the trauma room on the right side of the hallway. The second gurney came down the hallway and into the trauma room to the left. As the gurney’s passed by Warrior and Blaze heading for the trauma rooms they looking at the faces off the to people on the gurney’s. The first one Warrior know a once it was his father, the chest was cover heavily in blood soaked bandages, a breathing mask in place and a tech running down what had they had done. The person on the second gurney took Warrior a few more second to register, but when he did he knew at once that it was his mother. Once again the chest was covered by blood soaked bandages and a tech giving the run down of what they did on the field. Kathleen turned to head into the trauma with Warriors mother.
Warrior quickly grabbed Kathleen by the shoulder to stop her “You can’t let those two live?”
Blaze and Kathleen both looked at him “WHAT?!!”
“Blaze look at the woman a little close it my mother.” And he pointed to the trauma room. Blaze turned to look throw the open door and then turned back to him “ now look at this guy. It’s Father.” And he pointed to the other trauma room. “Now neither one of them can live. They must die or I’m stuck like this.”
Blaze looked at him “now you know that’s not right.”
Kathleen looked at him “you know I can’t let them just die, I have to try and save them. You know it’s my job.” And she turned and walking in to the trauma room that they had taken Warrior’s mother.
Warrior turned to look at Blaze “ This is nut’s the two of them in the same realm and alive.”
“Well we never did see then really die and we have no clue what happened to the bodies.” Blaze said Walking over to look into the room where they had taken Warrior’s Father “and then there is your sister. Where did she get off to? Could she have sent them here instead of letting them die.”
“No I don’t think that is possible.” Came a voice form down the hall “Your sister as you called her needs these two dead as well. So she would not have sent them home or at the very least here.” Warrior and Blazed both turned and looked to see Blackjack standing there.
“Blackjack!!” Blaze said happily.
“Blackjack?” Warrior said “What are you doing here?” He asked walking towards him.
Blackjack walked towards Warrior and stretched out his hand. The two of them shook hand at the forearm like they always do. A fighters hand shake. “Father told me he might have to return home and take care of something, and when I went to the Manchen last week and found him gone I looked into a few things and found more then even I wanted.”
“What do you mean?” Asked Blaze still looking through the window.
“fathers disappearance and now his reappearance with his wife in toe is not something that sits will with many people and powers.” Blackjack walked over and looked into the trauma room of Warriors mother. “She is a little more of a problem. She should not be here.” He turned back to Warrior
“Yes well all things be equal in the univer they both shouldn't’t be here, but what is more troubling is that no mater what happen here they are going to be alive.” Warrior said. Blaze looked at him with that puzzle look that she always got when she didn’t quite understand what Warrior was talking about. “In the Home real you could only make one choose and that was it there was no other. No way to make it join the mulitver, but here no matter what happen all possibilities are going to happen. For us we need to make sure that they both die.”
“Yes but we can not have a hand it.” Blaze Said “they have to die of there own wounds.”
There was a ringing sound and Blackjack reached to his side and pulled a phone off his belt and answered it; ”Blackjack.” He turned and started to walk away from Warrior and Blaze.
“So what do we do?” Blaze asked
“Nothing just hope and Wait” Warrior said as one nurse after another caming running in and out of the two trauma rooms.
Blackjack came back a few minutes later and looked at Warrior “We got another problem come on.” and he waved Warrior and Blaze to follow him down the hall. “That was the new lead at H.Q. He gave me a run down on what has happened…’ The come to the admin desk “But I think you are going to want to see this before the news story hit’s the air in about two minutes.” Blackjack walked around he desk and to the first computer he came to. He closed out everything on the screen and hooked his phone up to the computer. A few second later a shield with an eagle on it appeared. Blackjack typed in a password and lodged in to new area. He then started to bring up pictures. “These just came in from England.”
Warrior came around the side of the desk to look at the pictures on the screen. He then grabbed a near by remote control for the T.V. and turned the channel to the world new staction. Nothing was being reported yet. “Oh man we do got another problem.”
“What is it?” Blaze said and came around the desk. She look at the photos on the screen. “Red Cliff? Are these pictures from Australia or something”
“No.” Blackjacks said
‘They are Pictures from England.” Warrior said
“but there are no red cliffs in England.” Blaze said
“No but the white cliffs of Dover are there and these are pictures of those cliffs.” Warrior said “So now we have a second problem.
Just then a new reporter came on the t.v. “This just in from a London Office. The famed White cliffs of Dover have mysteries turned red. As seen in these Pictures.” And a long shot of the cliffs took over the pictures to show then a blood red. “as of yet experts have not been able to say what this might mean. Religious leaders..”
Warrior turned to Blackjack “We need to get to the there! Blackjack can you get us there.”
“No Problem I’ll have you ready to go in less the an Hour.” Blackjack Unplugged his phone from the computer. As he pulled it away from the computer he looked a Warrior’s hand. “Are you having a problem with your hands?” he asked.
“No.” and he lifted his hands up. he was no longer looking at the craw hands that was usually there. “Well this just keeps getting more and more interesting.” His hands had become normal. He was starting to change back in to Vincent. He turned to look at Blaze “I guess we know how long it was going to take.” And he showed both of his now human looking hands to Blaze.
“Sorry.’ Blaze said sheepishly “I guess the timing could have been better.” She turned to Blackjack who was on the phone already and then back to Warrior “So what does the white cliffs turning red mean”
“That father and his wife are not the only ones who are injured. Arther must me bleeding and if Arthur dies all of Great Briten falls.” Warrior said Blaze had the stander puzzled look on her face when she didn’t get all that was going on. “Fathers king is Bleeding so the white cliffs have turned red and if that king dies the cliffs will turn black and all of Great Briten falls. Now how that happens it’s not sure, but Great Brient is in huge trouble and we need to get to the white cliff and to Arther as fast as we can.”
“So you are telling me that the king of Great Briten is bleeding to death and we need to save him to save the world.” Blaze commented.
“that about sums it up.”
“So what that got to do with saving your father.” Blaze asked not sure she wanted to know the answer to this question.
Warrior started to walk over to look through the window “we just might need him alive to get to the king.” He turned back around to look at Blaze and Blackjack still on the behind her “but we need to try and do this first with out him. The hard part is finding a way to the king, but I do know we need to get back England and the now red cliffs.” He pointed to the T.V. this is only going to get worse and when Great Briten dies the rest of the world follows.” Warrior gave a heavy sigh and looked down at his hands both of them now completely normal “well I guess I’m going to have to find away to stop this from happening.” He looked at Blaze with complete and unter sadness in his eye “because no normal person can save this King. My fathers King my king.”
Blaze walked over and took his hands in her’s “I have never cared what you looked liked. I know that you had this face-“ and she reached up and touch his ceek “long before any of this started.” Warrior looked at her with a look of interested “When we first started to go out your father gave me a book to read and it had a hand draw picture of you. You looked to be about sixteen.” Blackjack was still on the phone and knew this was going to be best left Warrior and his family she was going to have to be left behind. “but how are we gong to stop you from changing back.” She looked at him as his loins main of hair started to retrack . “the choose was made and you know what your father said that once back in the real world you could not become the warrior by his hand again.” , Blaze looked back at blackjack then at warrior again “the problem I for see at the this moment at him is how do we stop you from changing back. Warriors loins main stopped retracking and was now a long style for men
Warrior looked down at his hands and a knew that something was more wrong here then even he knew, the question really was how does he fix it. With his mother and father in the same place and the king dieing what else could passably go wrong. Blackjack finally got off the phone and came back over to Warrior and Blaze “we should have a chopper her in less then a hour and a med team to take position of both Father and Mother, but the question is if Kathleen saves them what to do with them.”
“There free people aren’t they.” Blaze said “are they not going to let go. I mean they are people”
“But they are not your normal people Blaze to release them into the worlds as it is today just might not be the best of ideas. Then again if they wake up and are there normal I don’t see a reason to keep them, once we had a debeif of who they are. If they wake up as the people they where as we know them I know we can’t hold them.”
“Well are best bet is that either they die or don’t wake up_”
“That would be best.”
Just then Kathleen came out of one trauma room and went into the other and then came back into the hall where everyone was still standing. “So the question on the table is do we know what stabbed them and can be get a hold of it?”
The group looked at her and then Warrior said in a straight flat voice “The cliffs have turned red.”
“Oh shit.” Kathleen remarked and sighed heavily “but the answer to the question.”
“Tri-sword three blades to father and the hilt dagger for mother.” Blaze said. “she stabbed in the chest with sword and when she thought he was dead crawled on his lap. Father then pulled the dagger out of the hilt and jabbed it into her chest.”
“Well that’s one to kill him, She hit him in the heart with the center blade and Father stucker her right thought the heart they where out to kill one another.” Kathleen looked around at Blackjack Warrior and Blaze. She knew that Blackjack was noting going to let the two stay her if they lived and if they died the body would be taken away faster then the ink on the paper for the death certifies was even close to dry. She looked at Blackjack “so how long be we have to try and save them?”
“less then half and hour. My team will then come in and take over.” He said in a flat tone
“This is the best you know.” Kathleen noted her head “good so what is the prognoses and are you coming?”
“Yes I did know this was coming when I saw how was laying in my trauma rooms. I have all ready told my staff that they will be taken from us even if they are not stable. So they are working there asses off to get them stable and ready for transport.’ She looked back at the trauma rooms ‘I need to get back to woman, Name by any chance?” she looked at Warrior knowing that there wouldn’t be an answer. “I didn’t think so Father never really talked about his wife and no one was allowed to find anything out so I guess we have to run on a jane doe and hope she isn’t going to have a reacting to anything.” She turn and started to head back into the trauma room that had Warriors mother in it. “and do I have a choose on wither I get to stay or go.” She turned around and hit the door breaking them open “and someone better call Nancy she’s going to need to get over here. Speed dial 6” and the door closed in on her.
Warrior picked up the phone from the nurses station and pressed the six. Blackjack turned to Blaze “I guess this is becoming a bit more of an adventer then you thought it was going to be?”
“Just a little, but tell me something Blackjack who is this King that you keep talking about and why is he now dieing.” Blaze asked
Blackjack chinked his neck “Well that’s a like hard to explain, but in short it’s King Arther. As in the legdenary King Arther and the Knights and the around table.” He looked over at Warrior and back to her “Father, Warrior, myself and the ladies all sworror an oath to protech him. Now he is dieing and we need to go and save him.”
“But Arther is nothing more then a myth. There is no proof that he ever exsited.” She said “ but I would have to second guess this. A lot of what I have know over the years is starting to change ever since I came to know your family.”
Blackjack eyed her. Blaze was unaware the Blackjack, Kathleen and Nancy were not really an offspring of Father unlike Warrior who was a genentice relation to both him and the women in the tarma room just down the hallway “yes this family can be a little hard to understand, but you do understand that the five of us are older then you think and we have seen and done many thing in this world.”
“Oh yes. I understand that.” Blaze said and looked over at Warrior who still talking into the phone and was starting to get a little anamited. “After seeing that libaray of Warriors Fathers and Mothers I know a little more then I wish to and something.” Blackjack eyed her tring to know what she had found out. “I like to read Blackjack and we spent a lot of time in there.”
“I see.” Blackjack said “ I guess you did a little research well you where there. Did you find anything that might set you apart from us.” He looked back at Warroir
Blaze looked at Warrior and at him “No as a matter of fact what I found made everything more clear and I ..” She looked at the trama room doors “..know that everything is how is should be and no I did not find anything that might set me apart for this family. As a matter of fact it has made me closer to all of you, and I would like to call you brother if I may Blackjack.”
There was for the first time in more years then anyone can count a faint smile come across his face “intresting and I would..” Blackjack paused to think “I see no problem with that.” He looked to the trama rooms and Warrior who was hanging up the phone “and the others you like to call sister’s’
“If I can that would be nice” Blaze looked to Warrior and then the trama doors “I already call Father, Father. My hope is Warrior..” She trailed off as Warrior came up to them.
End notes...
See I told you I was out to confuess you by putting parts of diffrent book out there, now you have no idea what I'm going because this is the second draft to the opening of book three and as you can see it's a bigger mess then I even thought it was. I just hope you canenjot the story not matter what how I put it out there. Remember it's just for fun and I'll try not to cut off with a cliff hanger, but then again it's might make you come back and read more of the crazy things. I just need to find book one which is somewhere in the house here you can see where I started. Something for next week, But I must say I like books 2 and 3 better, just because book one is set somewhere else and has so much stuff stolen in it that I have to give credit too. I need to do some major rewriting for the 24time on that one, but I get you a part of hopfully next week...
Of Gods and Generals