Monday, May 31, 2010

What Happen...

I Can't say...

You know those's days that start out a little ruff but end up going by so nice and then all at once things just seem to crash on you. Got onr of those for you today. Woke up and it was raining out no big deal it does that alot up here. Then I noted that cat didn't have any food ok have breakfast and then go out and get some cat food. Oh get in the car and the car needs gas, well this morning sucks but nothing that can't be fixed in small slow stages. First rain no big deal got an unbrella to handle that Cat food no big deal got head to the store anyway just add it to the list of things to get. Oh the car needs gas no problem get some on the way to the store the stations right across the street. So no problemon any of it. You head to the gas station it starting to look like ist's might stop raining. Hey cool. You get the gas and then jump over to the store. First you get the cat food so you don't forget then you pick everything else up not a problem. You head out of the store the rain has stopped. How nice on your wya home you think you might try and exparament with you DVD recorder why not it's still wet out side and you don't have mych else to do today. You get home and yyou start to run your exparement. Hey it works kind of. your timeing has to be better then you hopped but it still works. then you look outside and the see the sky is clearing you might get some sun today way cool so you can go outside and enjoy it once you finsh you your exparement that is working fine inside. So you finsh up part 2 of the exparement and look outside the suns out so you shut things down and go out and work in the yard for a while. Then you think hey I got a few things I can run at once your exparament, which is about 45 mintue at a time landry and what ever youring out side or around the house. So the day is running fine everything is working well even through it started out slow. The you to make dinner everything si still working fine, but in the matter of five mintues everything go aray. You experment shut's down the dry stops because it's done, you can't fine the food you bought for dinner the cat has attacked the 16lb food bag you bought and rip a hole in it. the stuff you have in the over for dinner is ready. so you have 1/3 of your dinner ready you can't find another 1/3 and the last 1/3 is waiting in a bowl on the court waiting ot be cooked. the cat food is everywhere on the floor and everything that was going well with your expariment for the last 3 1/2hours is last so you have to start from scarcth for part 3 which you don't want to do you want to jump to part 4 tomorrow jsut because you don't want to redo part 3 right now. so you just hosed on that. well a day that started out not to bad when to readlly nice and end horrable because your computer will not bring up it's I-tunes no mater what you try. you want to call the day a complete lase even though it started out ok and went to good and then in just one moment it hit rock bottom. what is it with days like today I know they come but to they have to come so hard or hit so hard that it takes away everything that you have been working on all day long even when you find the other 1/3 of your dinner in the back of the frezzer instead of in the Freg where you know you put it so Dinner is over half hour late. the exparment you were working on destoried the third part of itself which was most of the afternoon the clouds came back hasn't started raining yet and for the most part your back to square one exapte you have Cat food all over the kithen floor. so there is the one plus you have cat food and you finally got to dinner. With a long restart to your computer you got your I-tunes to work. You know I think instead of writing the whole day of you can call it a drew, because you noew know you expariment will work hopfully on a reguler basis so you can run with that every now and then. so I think there is no real up excapet you say the sun for a few hours.... just end the day and hope for better tomorrow.

Of god and Generals

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Sundays Story

The Start of book three..
Warrior came running throw the E.R. doors with Blaze right behind him. His body had not fully changed back, in fact it looked as thought he had started to change back into Warrior instead of becoming Vincent. His Body was split in half; his right hand was normal where his left was the claw that was Warrior. His Face was still half human and half loin. People all over the E.R. fled from just the sight of Warrior “Kathleen!! Kathleen!!” He yelled as he ran down the Hallways. Blaze was staying right behind him.

Kathleen came out from behind one of the curtains “What?!” Then she saw Warrior, with Blaze right behind him “WOW!! Warrior! What is it?”

Warrior came to a stop a few feet from her “It’s father.” He was breathing heavy as Blaze came up to join them “Father is dead?”

“What? That’s not possible.” Kathleen said “There is no way that Father could be dead.”

“Well his wife kind of gabbed the Tri-sword throw his chest, with all three blades intacted.” Blaze said in an even tone to trying to get everyone to relax.

“Well that would do it I guess.” Said Kathleen “Just that fact that Father is not married is one problem and no one has seen the Tri-Sword in years.”

Just then a nurse came by “Doc McK we got two stab would coming in. Both are to the chest. One male one Female they should be he in about five minutes.” They pay no attention to Warrior and Blaze.

“thank you.” She said automatically “Look Warrior if Father is dead then we might have a problem, but there is no way in the world that his wife killed him. Father was never married and the one person that his other half was married to died do to a gun shoot to the head, so that could not happen.”

“Ok that’s right, but how about my Mother took and gabbed the Tri-sword through our fathers chest and in turn he took the dagger out of the hilt and rammed it into her chest.” Warrior said “they died in each others arms.”

“Two minutes Doc.” The nurse said

“That’s nuts Warrior.” Kathleen said “That would kill both father and anyone who claims to be your mother, but how could that be.”

“The muiltiveris is the best way to put it.” Warrior went on and started to pace across the hall way “That is the best way to explain it. Anything could happen and everything does happen….

“there is only one place where only one dission is made. There are not other options.” Blaze said

“Doc Thirty seconds.” The nurse said.

Kathleen turned to the nurse “Be right there.” She turned back to Warrior and Blaze “Look get Nancy and the four of us will talk about this when I get off.” Just then the E.R. doors busted open and four techs with a gurney came running followed by a second gurney and four more techs. The first gurney head towards the three of then and into the trauma room on the right side of the hallway. The second gurney came down the hallway and into the trauma room to the left. As the gurney’s passed by Warrior and Blaze heading for the trauma rooms they looking at the faces off the to people on the gurney’s. The first one Warrior know a once it was his father, the chest was cover heavily in blood soaked bandages, a breathing mask in place and a tech running down what had they had done. The person on the second gurney took Warrior a few more second to register, but when he did he knew at once that it was his mother. Once again the chest was covered by blood soaked bandages and a tech giving the run down of what they did on the field. Kathleen turned to head into the trauma with Warriors mother.

Warrior quickly grabbed Kathleen by the shoulder to stop her “You can’t let those two live?”

Blaze and Kathleen both looked at him “WHAT?!!”

“Blaze look at the woman a little close it my mother.” And he pointed to the trauma room. Blaze turned to look throw the open door and then turned back to him “ now look at this guy. It’s Father.” And he pointed to the other trauma room. “Now neither one of them can live. They must die or I’m stuck like this.”

Blaze looked at him “now you know that’s not right.”

Kathleen looked at him “you know I can’t let them just die, I have to try and save them. You know it’s my job.” And she turned and walking in to the trauma room that they had taken Warrior’s mother.
Warrior turned to look at Blaze “ This is nut’s the two of them in the same realm and alive.”
“Well we never did see then really die and we have no clue what happened to the bodies.” Blaze said Walking over to look into the room where they had taken Warrior’s Father “and then there is your sister. Where did she get off to? Could she have sent them here instead of letting them die.”
“No I don’t think that is possible.” Came a voice form down the hall “Your sister as you called her needs these two dead as well. So she would not have sent them home or at the very least here.” Warrior and Blazed both turned and looked to see Blackjack standing there.

“Blackjack!!” Blaze said happily.

“Blackjack?” Warrior said “What are you doing here?” He asked walking towards him.

Blackjack walked towards Warrior and stretched out his hand. The two of them shook hand at the forearm like they always do. A fighters hand shake. “Father told me he might have to return home and take care of something, and when I went to the Manchen last week and found him gone I looked into a few things and found more then even I wanted.”

“What do you mean?” Asked Blaze still looking through the window.

“fathers disappearance and now his reappearance with his wife in toe is not something that sits will with many people and powers.” Blackjack walked over and looked into the trauma room of Warriors mother. “She is a little more of a problem. She should not be here.” He turned back to Warrior
“Yes well all things be equal in the univer they both shouldn't’t be here, but what is more troubling is that no mater what happen here they are going to be alive.” Warrior said. Blaze looked at him with that puzzle look that she always got when she didn’t quite understand what Warrior was talking about. “In the Home real you could only make one choose and that was it there was no other. No way to make it join the mulitver, but here no matter what happen all possibilities are going to happen. For us we need to make sure that they both die.”

“Yes but we can not have a hand it.” Blaze Said “they have to die of there own wounds.”

There was a ringing sound and Blackjack reached to his side and pulled a phone off his belt and answered it; ”Blackjack.” He turned and started to walk away from Warrior and Blaze.
“So what do we do?” Blaze asked

“Nothing just hope and Wait” Warrior said as one nurse after another caming running in and out of the two trauma rooms.

Blackjack came back a few minutes later and looked at Warrior “We got another problem come on.” and he waved Warrior and Blaze to follow him down the hall. “That was the new lead at H.Q. He gave me a run down on what has happened…’ The come to the admin desk “But I think you are going to want to see this before the news story hit’s the air in about two minutes.” Blackjack walked around he desk and to the first computer he came to. He closed out everything on the screen and hooked his phone up to the computer. A few second later a shield with an eagle on it appeared. Blackjack typed in a password and lodged in to new area. He then started to bring up pictures. “These just came in from England.”

Warrior came around the side of the desk to look at the pictures on the screen. He then grabbed a near by remote control for the T.V. and turned the channel to the world new staction. Nothing was being reported yet. “Oh man we do got another problem.”

“What is it?” Blaze said and came around the desk. She look at the photos on the screen. “Red Cliff? Are these pictures from Australia or something”

“No.” Blackjacks said

‘They are Pictures from England.” Warrior said
“but there are no red cliffs in England.” Blaze said
“No but the white cliffs of Dover are there and these are pictures of those cliffs.” Warrior said “So now we have a second problem.

Just then a new reporter came on the t.v. “This just in from a London Office. The famed White cliffs of Dover have mysteries turned red. As seen in these Pictures.” And a long shot of the cliffs took over the pictures to show then a blood red. “as of yet experts have not been able to say what this might mean. Religious leaders..”

Warrior turned to Blackjack “We need to get to the there! Blackjack can you get us there.”
“No Problem I’ll have you ready to go in less the an Hour.” Blackjack Unplugged his phone from the computer. As he pulled it away from the computer he looked a Warrior’s hand. “Are you having a problem with your hands?” he asked.

“No.” and he lifted his hands up. he was no longer looking at the craw hands that was usually there. “Well this just keeps getting more and more interesting.” His hands had become normal. He was starting to change back in to Vincent. He turned to look at Blaze “I guess we know how long it was going to take.” And he showed both of his now human looking hands to Blaze.

“Sorry.’ Blaze said sheepishly “I guess the timing could have been better.” She turned to Blackjack who was on the phone already and then back to Warrior “So what does the white cliffs turning red mean”

“That father and his wife are not the only ones who are injured. Arther must me bleeding and if Arthur dies all of Great Briten falls.” Warrior said Blaze had the stander puzzled look on her face when she didn’t get all that was going on. “Fathers king is Bleeding so the white cliffs have turned red and if that king dies the cliffs will turn black and all of Great Briten falls. Now how that happens it’s not sure, but Great Brient is in huge trouble and we need to get to the white cliff and to Arther as fast as we can.”

“So you are telling me that the king of Great Briten is bleeding to death and we need to save him to save the world.” Blaze commented.
“that about sums it up.”
“So what that got to do with saving your father.” Blaze asked not sure she wanted to know the answer to this question.
Warrior started to walk over to look through the window “we just might need him alive to get to the king.” He turned back around to look at Blaze and Blackjack still on the behind her “but we need to try and do this first with out him. The hard part is finding a way to the king, but I do know we need to get back England and the now red cliffs.” He pointed to the T.V. this is only going to get worse and when Great Briten dies the rest of the world follows.” Warrior gave a heavy sigh and looked down at his hands both of them now completely normal “well I guess I’m going to have to find away to stop this from happening.” He looked at Blaze with complete and unter sadness in his eye “because no normal person can save this King. My fathers King my king.”

Blaze walked over and took his hands in her’s “I have never cared what you looked liked. I know that you had this face-“ and she reached up and touch his ceek “long before any of this started.” Warrior looked at her with a look of interested “When we first started to go out your father gave me a book to read and it had a hand draw picture of you. You looked to be about sixteen.” Blackjack was still on the phone and knew this was going to be best left Warrior and his family she was going to have to be left behind. “but how are we gong to stop you from changing back.” She looked at him as his loins main of hair started to retrack . “the choose was made and you know what your father said that once back in the real world you could not become the warrior by his hand again.” , Blaze looked back at blackjack then at warrior again “the problem I for see at the this moment at him is how do we stop you from changing back. Warriors loins main stopped retracking and was now a long style for men
Warrior looked down at his hands and a knew that something was more wrong here then even he knew, the question really was how does he fix it. With his mother and father in the same place and the king dieing what else could passably go wrong. Blackjack finally got off the phone and came back over to Warrior and Blaze “we should have a chopper her in less then a hour and a med team to take position of both Father and Mother, but the question is if Kathleen saves them what to do with them.”
“There free people aren’t they.” Blaze said “are they not going to let go. I mean they are people”

“But they are not your normal people Blaze to release them into the worlds as it is today just might not be the best of ideas. Then again if they wake up and are there normal I don’t see a reason to keep them, once we had a debeif of who they are. If they wake up as the people they where as we know them I know we can’t hold them.”

“Well are best bet is that either they die or don’t wake up_”
“That would be best.”
Just then Kathleen came out of one trauma room and went into the other and then came back into the hall where everyone was still standing. “So the question on the table is do we know what stabbed them and can be get a hold of it?”

The group looked at her and then Warrior said in a straight flat voice “The cliffs have turned red.”

“Oh shit.” Kathleen remarked and sighed heavily “but the answer to the question.”

“Tri-sword three blades to father and the hilt dagger for mother.” Blaze said. “she stabbed in the chest with sword and when she thought he was dead crawled on his lap. Father then pulled the dagger out of the hilt and jabbed it into her chest.”

“Well that’s one to kill him, She hit him in the heart with the center blade and Father stucker her right thought the heart they where out to kill one another.” Kathleen looked around at Blackjack Warrior and Blaze. She knew that Blackjack was noting going to let the two stay her if they lived and if they died the body would be taken away faster then the ink on the paper for the death certifies was even close to dry. She looked at Blackjack “so how long be we have to try and save them?”

“less then half and hour. My team will then come in and take over.” He said in a flat tone
“This is the best you know.” Kathleen noted her head “good so what is the prognoses and are you coming?”

“Yes I did know this was coming when I saw how was laying in my trauma rooms. I have all ready told my staff that they will be taken from us even if they are not stable. So they are working there asses off to get them stable and ready for transport.’ She looked back at the trauma rooms ‘I need to get back to woman, Name by any chance?” she looked at Warrior knowing that there wouldn’t be an answer. “I didn’t think so Father never really talked about his wife and no one was allowed to find anything out so I guess we have to run on a jane doe and hope she isn’t going to have a reacting to anything.” She turn and started to head back into the trauma room that had Warriors mother in it. “and do I have a choose on wither I get to stay or go.” She turned around and hit the door breaking them open “and someone better call Nancy she’s going to need to get over here. Speed dial 6” and the door closed in on her.

Warrior picked up the phone from the nurses station and pressed the six. Blackjack turned to Blaze “I guess this is becoming a bit more of an adventer then you thought it was going to be?”
“Just a little, but tell me something Blackjack who is this King that you keep talking about and why is he now dieing.” Blaze asked

Blackjack chinked his neck “Well that’s a like hard to explain, but in short it’s King Arther. As in the legdenary King Arther and the Knights and the around table.” He looked over at Warrior and back to her “Father, Warrior, myself and the ladies all sworror an oath to protech him. Now he is dieing and we need to go and save him.”

“But Arther is nothing more then a myth. There is no proof that he ever exsited.” She said “ but I would have to second guess this. A lot of what I have know over the years is starting to change ever since I came to know your family.”

Blackjack eyed her. Blaze was unaware the Blackjack, Kathleen and Nancy were not really an offspring of Father unlike Warrior who was a genentice relation to both him and the women in the tarma room just down the hallway “yes this family can be a little hard to understand, but you do understand that the five of us are older then you think and we have seen and done many thing in this world.”

“Oh yes. I understand that.” Blaze said and looked over at Warrior who still talking into the phone and was starting to get a little anamited. “After seeing that libaray of Warriors Fathers and Mothers I know a little more then I wish to and something.” Blackjack eyed her tring to know what she had found out. “I like to read Blackjack and we spent a lot of time in there.”
“I see.” Blackjack said “ I guess you did a little research well you where there. Did you find anything that might set you apart from us.” He looked back at Warroir

Blaze looked at Warrior and at him “No as a matter of fact what I found made everything more clear and I ..” She looked at the trama room doors “..know that everything is how is should be and no I did not find anything that might set me apart for this family. As a matter of fact it has made me closer to all of you, and I would like to call you brother if I may Blackjack.”
There was for the first time in more years then anyone can count a faint smile come across his face “intresting and I would..” Blackjack paused to think “I see no problem with that.” He looked to the trama rooms and Warrior who was hanging up the phone “and the others you like to call sister’s’

“If I can that would be nice” Blaze looked to Warrior and then the trama doors “I already call Father, Father. My hope is Warrior..” She trailed off as Warrior came up to them.
End notes...
See I told you I was out to confuess you by putting parts of diffrent book out there, now you have no idea what I'm going because this is the second draft to the opening of book three and as you can see it's a bigger mess then I even thought it was. I just hope you canenjot the story not matter what how I put it out there. Remember it's just for fun and I'll try not to cut off with a cliff hanger, but then again it's might make you come back and read more of the crazy things. I just need to find book one which is somewhere in the house here you can see where I started. Something for next week, But I must say I like books 2 and 3 better, just because book one is set somewhere else and has so much stuff stolen in it that I have to give credit too. I need to do some major rewriting for the 24time on that one, but I get you a part of hopfully next week...
Of Gods and Generals

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Saturday's story

The Long walk... from book 2
I sat in the bar as the evening dragged on. A lot had happened in just the one day, of course I had spent most the morning making a new sword for the journey that was about to start in the next day of two. A lot of what happens next was going to depend on what went on with the animal council. The council could not stop us from heading out, but they cloud give us problems. The meeting tonight was going to be of great interest. I was asked to come to the meeting alone, but the Fiddler had been at my side most of the day even now she sat on a small stage playing her violin looking over at me, as I sat in my chair spinning a pack of playing cards.

Warrior was sitting at the bar talking to Maxx as he moved up and down the bar serving drinks. Maxx has been in this world from day one. He had been dragged hear like everyone else
but in Maxx's case he was physically dragged here by some unknown force you couldn't see. you could see the tracks of his boot heels in the dirt. He is one of the few people who would be undecided if they wanted to return home. Yes he would like to go home and see his family and friends, but at the same time he would miss all those people he knows here and not knowing how much has gone by from the time he left is some what disturbing to him. From time to time I wish this place had never been created, but once I was made there was no stopping it.

Anikin was standing by the door looking over the crowed. His arms folded across his chest. His eyes watched people coming and going, every time the fiddler played Anikin was always on guard. He reputation was always hard for him to rake, but he knew she had to make a living and nothing could be tracked to her and she was good at playing the violin, even if he didn't know many of the songs she would play. Opal on the other hand has other reasons to dislike the Fiddler. Even though the two were of the same race the two sides have never seen eye to eye. The woodland elf's and the drow elf's have been at war longer then the human race and any others have ever been though out history, but opal has been somewhat able to look past history when it comes to the Fiddler and see her for who she is and not what she is. Of course Opal disliking of the Fiddler I would believe had more to do with me then anything else.

Opal stands only four foot eight and half inches tall. The Fiddled didn't stand much taller at Five foot two inches, both which are both extremely short for the elf race who's' normal height was six feet. I think one of the few reasons what the two talk to one another, but where Opal went out in life and became a priestess and a dragon killer to prove herself to her people, The Fiddler went on to prove she was just like her own people, but a lot better at it then any of them could every possible be. This is the main reason why Anikin didn't care for her.

I sat there and looking around at all the people in the bar and trapped in this world. The many different races all in one place always surprised me and I sat there wondering how many of them would return home when the chance came. I turned to look out the window the was starting to raise. I looked over at my cane. As I moved my hand to grab the handle the Fiddler started to bring her song to an end. I kicked out my chair and stood up. The Fiddler ended her song and bowed to the people and stepped of the stage. I grabbed my cane and started to walk towards the door. With in seconds The Fiddler was at my side.

As I moved towards the door with the Fiddler now next to me Warrior got off his stool and started towards us. Opal came out of the back room and head towards us as well. I moved slowly to allow everyone to meet at the door. Once the four of us meet at the door we all stepped outside my feet hitting sold ground again my knee buckled, but I was able to stay standing with the help of my cane. The Fiddler grabbed my other arm to help me stand up. She moved so fast that no one even say her grab me I shook her off gently and walked out into the street stopped and turned to face the other: "None of you can come with me." I said "The animal lords have asked to me see me alone."

The Fiddler walked down the steps to stand next to me. She looked out into the quit night. Opal stood square on the wooden walk way. Anikin took a step back and to his left to stand behind Opal. Warrior turned to look at the shops around. The night was cooling the moon was still rising. It was going to take me time to walk to where the animal Lords wanted to meet. The presents of my cane would not go over to well by any means. I turned and started to walk down the street, Warrior, Opal and Anikin turned and went back into the bar. The Fiddler stood there in the street and watched as I walked away from her. Once I was a good two hundred yards down the street from here. The Fiddler pulled the hood of her cloak up over her head and wrapped it around herself..

I worked my way out of the town and into the forest that surrounded it once again. The animal Lords wanted ti meet me to talk about something other then Warrior which meant it was something I didn't do, but they must think I did it they need me to do something for them. In either case it was going to be a long night. As I made my way up the path which would lead me back to the place where Warrior and myself had landed the night before I could hear small creatures in the under brush starting to follow me. I knew I was being watched long before I even entered the forest and now word that I was back in the forest would spread like crazy. Meaning that making it to the meeting place could get problematic..

A Voice came out of the dark just a head of me. It was light and chipper, but it's tone was still very strong "You will be fine Mr. McK. We know your alone." I couldn't tell if the voice was male or female, but I did know it was one I could trust; "But your can is unexpected."

"You may check it if you wish." I said as I keep walking "I assure you it is nothing more then a walking ad." A few squarels and chipmunks came running out of the underbrush and started to run around my feet. Two ran up my cane and arm one sat on my shoulder well the other ran around my back and down to the ground. The chipmunks ran around me head back into the underbrush and disappeared.

"Good work my little one." The voice said "You are clean even your cane will be allowed to face the Animal Lords this evening."

"Glad to here it old friend." I said looking at the squarel sitting on my shoulder. "Hello little one." I said to it "You are my guide to the council chamber I guess." The squarel nodded it's head and then pointed to the right. I headed off in the direction in which the squarel pointed and headed into a thicker part of the forest. The little squarel pointed left and right as I walked. I think at one point he was playing with me and make me walk in a few circles. He kept me walking for almost and hour before he had me stop in front of a wall of tress. "A wall of tress. You bring me to a wall of tress." The squarel nodded and pointed forward "oj man you guy's suck." and I walked towards the wall just before I got there the squarel jumped from my shoulder and landed on the wall of tress.

It bounced off and fell to the ground. It rolled over and looked up at me and started to chirp at me. "WOW." I said "I Don't understand you, but this is not my falt it's a wall if sold tress." The squarel got up and very animatied telling at me then pointed to teh wall.

"Oh easy up on him Franky." a lite voice said from behind me. "He has little to no idea as to where he is." I turned around and standing behind me was a man standing five foot four inches with silver hair and brid. His cloths looked like they had come from the seventeenth centruy london. "He's just missed judged where the door is." He looked up at me "Cane is a nice touch Mr McK." he started to walk past me. one foot to the left of where the squarel had hit the wall. He pushed agaist the wall and a huge door opened.

"see I told you." I pointed the bottom of my cane to Franky and waited for him to climb back up on to my shoulder. talking a deep breath I followed the guy throw the door. Franky Covered his eyes as we stepped throw the door and into a bright light. I had to shade my own eyes as I walked into the light. Once throught and the light had faded Franky and I where standing in a room twenty by twenty. The ground was covered in bright green grass. In the center of the room was a long red wood table with thirtenn chairs behind it. The person we had followed in was the only other person in the room. He was sitting at the table. He was seated on the far left side looking over a few papers. Franky Jumped of my shoulder and ran over to the table.


you know I know it doesn't really work as a rant for anyone not even myself but it something for you to read that might just be a little more intresting then the normale boring stuff I put out in the world. So if you enjoy it great if you don't ok. just remember it's never going to really make any scence because it's all out of order and from three diffrent books, I will try and give you an idea of what book it's from when I write it out so you can think back to what you have read in the past. you'll also note the diffrent type of wording which just goes to show when and what kid of mood I was in when I wrote it...

Of Gods and Generals

Friday, May 28, 2010

Iron Man 2 Movie Review

Where the music...
You know one of the reason I went to see Iron man 2 in the theater was the fact that AC/DC had done the music for it and you know I wasn't that disappoint when I found out that they only had two songs in the whole film one at the beginning and one at the end. so I can only ask where was the music from them to give them the whole sound track, because they one where not in the film like they should have been when it came to the opening of the film (which I'll come back to) and second they only had songs at the end and beginning of the money so in truth this is would not be the soundtrack to the film. The songs on the album would have been great at times during the movie but they just where not there and it was a bit of a downer. You know I didn't pay that much attaction to the music part of the film when the movie was being made or when the review where coming out I just say that they did the soundtrack and thought it was going to be great to hear the music loud and proud during the film but it just wasn't there and it became a disapointment to me. I really enjoy having AC/DC loud and pround in my car when I'm driving around so them not being there in the film was a bit of a disappointment, but as the movie went a long it figureed oh well I guess it just wasn't ment to be there and they changed things in the end which is a big disappointment to us AC/DC fans or fans of any band when you hear they are doing the soundtrack for a movie and you fine out that they only have one song in the film and they do the complete sound track so now you either have to find the true soundtrack or go and find the songs by the,self somewhere else and put them together for yourself. so in the end if you go and see the film for the AC/DC music your going to be disapponted...
Alright the opening...
Now we have all seen on T.V. or trailer where pepper kiss the iron man helmet and throws it out the back of the plane and he jumps out after it and lands at the expo or what ever it is, well guess what. It's not in the Film. it's opens with Stark fully dress in suit and all walking and jumping out of the plane by himself. What happned here. I know must of us where looking forward to seeing the complete seen, but they changed it. I know things have to be changed for time and what not but to show something like that for months on end and then not have it in the film is just wrong. You need to cut something else down or just have a longer film, and in this time and age a 2:15mintue film is not out of the question to keep a let's say two mintues seen in. You know I never like when they do something like that. Show you part of a movie for months in a trailer or T.V. spot and it's not there when you go to see the film, because that small part is one of the things that drew you to the film in the first place and then it's just not there. another disappointment with this film something that was advertised and then just isn't there you can almost see where I'm going with this because it telling you one thing but heading some where else...
You know this isn't the first time I have seen something for a movie and then when I go to see it it's not there. and one of the really big ones that still get to me this year because I see the movie all the time either on T.V. or cable is Major Leage. and it's where Rick (Charlie sheen) Is getting his glasses, They cut the hell out of the seen, because in the trailer they did a few diffrent pairs or something I don't remember completely anymore but I do not it's not what they orginaly advertised and it sucks. I hate when they cut things like that. When it came to the Lord of the rings you knew from before dsy one that there was going to be two versions of the film. The theater and then the Dirctors cuts one was three hours and the other was four hours, lucky for us we could watch the dirctors cuts at home and we could watch all three films together, but that still don't mean they should show us one thing like they did here with iron man 2 and major leage and give us something else because that seen is what is stuck in your mind and one of things you wanted to seen when you went to see the film..
Missing the Old Fart..
Yeah I was right I missed the grumpy old white fart that is Nick Fury. I was more the Willing to Give Jackson his shot and I went in with most of an open mind about it, but in the end he just didn't do it for me. I eye patch was all wrong his adittue just wasn't the Nick I new and one of the most biggest things of all that wasn't there that makes Nick Fury, Nick Fury is the Cigar. He was to have is cigar with out it it's just a guy with an eye patch tring to act tough and I'm sorry Jackson just didn't pull it off for me. Now don't get me wrong Jackson is a good actor and he did an ok Job here, but it's just not the Old Fart that I like to see and I have had time to get use to the idea between one knowing he was going to be Nick ever sence I watch all of the first Iron man movie and second I have watched the Two avenger Cartoon Movies they have out. So I have had time to warm up to the Idea. Unfortasinly it just wasn't the guy I knew so I missed him, but who would you get to play the Old fart in the first place is a good question. Not many people that old are in good shape to play someone like Nick so It would have been a hard casting call even if you aged who ever got for the roll. I know I have been out of comics to long to know what is really happening and where they are pulling these guy's and story lines from so the Grumpy old fart my not be what they where going for, but it's what I know and I'll miss it oh well...
The End of the Film..
So yes I stayed for the whole film like I new I should and the part after th credits was just a little intrduction of what was to come next. was it worth it. Yeah I guess so. gives you and Idea of what things are going to look like fot the Next film or what they might look like, and if you are all woundering they talk about the avengers during the film so it wasn't that it was THOR that was at the end of the film which I wasn't sure about if it was going to be either the Avengers, Thor or Captain America. It just gives you something to look forwarded too in the end I guess. now you know what you might see if you see the whole film and when the cridets started to roll people started to leave I said out loud not to loud that it wasn't over and only two people sat back down.
Over all....
It wasn't bad. beside the few things I pointed it I think I'll buy it when it comes to DVD may get it on Blu-ray just because, but it wasn't that bad of a movie. Better then the first. I don't think so as a matter of fact I think it could have been longer on story line and thank god they where not tring to cut in a complete origin line here. They keep what they had and moved it a long just showed you a few more things in the life of Tony Stark and more of the past, so they just up one person to being bigger in the movie and only had one true enemy in the film which was nice keep things running. I hate when they do add a character and you end up with 5 diffrent people and three new orgins you have to put in before you get the story moving and then the movie is only 1:55 the movie sucks Look at batman and Robin for that one. So yeah Iron man 2 go see it rent it when it comes out. Think about buying it if you want in the end Ill say it's was a good movie..
Personal Note off subject...
I got to stop losing my key's. eariler in the week I dropped them outside a restraint just off the freeway and today I left them in the car well I went to see the movie, No one stole my car but they where right there in the ingition you could have sat down started it up and drove away. Hell you could have driven straight to my house unlocked the door and robbed me blind for that matter, but everything was still there. Just got to stop doing that...
Of gods and Generals

Thursday, May 27, 2010

New Day

Yeasterday sucked....
Ok so to recap really fast yeasterday sucked big ball, started out with waking up and moving then I got out of bed and then thing start to go down hill form there. I went up to the U.W. to answer a tank load of question to take part in a study they are running the sad and really boring thing about it all they where the same questions I answered over the phone like a month ago and then answered on 14 question aries they sent me. So it was like I answered the questions three times jsut for the fun of it, now the thing about the interview part that they ran yeasterday was that it was video taped so they could go back over it and watch my and my expresstion on any of the answer I gave or double check that they asked all the question and the where the same as the other two time I had answered them everything needs to be done in triplicet I would guess, Now the other thing that they did was take a blood sample, Now this is the first time I have ever given a blood sample that wasn't for a physical because I don't know my Blood type and it would cost 245 dollors to find out and I hate to say it but for the most part you can't have any if you don't tell me what type of blood I have other wise I would be at the red cross every other week donnetting because it's worth it. No after I leave the U.W. I have to start working my way home so I expecting so traffic and boy do I get it. I get on the freeway and start to 10miles and hour. There is just one car crash after another throught seattle it's like they plained it just for me. So I just started to my time to get home. Now at one point I was working my way home and had to stop to go to the restroom. when I came back out I got in the car I started off not noting the keys I was using and when I got home I had my spear keys in my hand and I had lost my main set. So the day went from bad to worse and just ened on a horrable note. So I took a handfull of asprain and went to bed.
I got up took a deep breath this morning, made breakfast and spent the morning at home, Then I head out paid my phone bill (which I'll come back to )put a couple of bucks in my car and head up to where I stopped to go to the restroom to look for my key's. First thing look around the parking lot. seconded asked the manager who was standing just inside the door of the resturant, (nice place need to go back and eat there sometime) Nope nothing I leave my number incase they come cross them and head back outside to look for them. walked around and then head over to the main street that lead off the freeway and there they where, a few feet from the street in the tall tall grass, so I was happy that I had found them, told the manager I had found them and headed home. I was starting the day on a good note. So I make a phone call to tell a friend of mine I had found my keys, they where cool can you take me to the dentist this afternoon they are going to be doing a lot of work and I don't think I'll be able to driven home when they are done, Sure not a problem. and that went of with out to much of a problem. so it was a nice day even with the rain comming and going got most things that I needed done and even went to the coffe store this afternoon to get some nice freash coffee and to see a smiling face of or two but you know when the ladies at the coffee store know you by name and you don't have to order you go there just a little to mush but what can I say it's a great place even if it is a drive through....
Ok the Phone Bill...
Now my phone bill was due today, No big deal it's verizon they open at ten I figure I would start my day by running over and using the bill pay machain that they have and pay my bill I just up graded my phone and addd my mom to the plain even though she doesn't use the phone it dies on her when we talk because it's hardly charging, but then again she is getting use to using/having it. Anyway so my bill is a little bigger then normale and I got a few gift cards I need to use to pay with the thing, so you have to log into your acount at this pay station. I figure no problem I know the PIN, well I guess I didn't I tried every number code that I would ever us on something like this and some that I just made up. I standing there for at least 10mintues punching in number and I'm getting no where so I say the hell with it I head over check in and come back that way I can at least be on the list and I'll see a person if I can get in using this bloody machain. So I check in head back and try and long in again I stood ther punching in number after number and I was there for another 15 mintues before I gave up and went to sit down. Now the morning wasn't that great but it was a good start, but this just made it look like it was going to be another bad day and I need to go back to bed. so anyway I sit down and there are a few people that work for verizon walking around asking if there was anything they could quickly help. The lady asked me what I need i said I'm here to pay my bill and I can't get loged in to the pay machain before she even sugest that I use it, and I make a few comments that she really either didn't get about her being the one who sold me the phone and that she had my sunglass because I was working with her when I had a problem and for got my sunglass there and she most likly put them in a draw somewhere. so She said ok and asked if I had registed I said yes ok and she looked up and my name wasn't there I was like no don't do this to me two days in a row, but the guy had just took my name down off the wait list well he finshed up with a customer and then called me. So I go up tell what I need to do and we pay my bill, and in the end I asked for what the PIN was and he writes it down on his bussniss card and hands it to me I look at it and went there is no way in HELL i would have guessed it. It was such an odd number and to top it off which made it harder was that it was 5 number not four so I could have been the all afternoon, but that just goes to show you if you want real help from the verizon store go to a corpate store because they can help you. If it say's Verizon GO Wireless Run the other way they can't do anything for you. so that is my phone bill store for the day.
Nothing specahil....
I know nothing great for you today just a recap of yeasterday and why it was a bitch and then a bad and good start to today, but you know was just relaxinf with asprain an a few movies for the day so you get a pointless rant about my day to vent into space which is something you really don't have to read but to some degree the point of this as well as finding shit that just buggs me and yeasterday it was shitty traffic and if I wanted traffic like that I would have stayed in L.A. and the fact that I lost my key's so go enjoy the rest of the day and remeber the weekend is comming which means it's story time and I need to find a piece to write out for you, but tomorrow is friday and the Five bitchy ladies are back at the GYM so let's see what they got to say maybe something of intrest, of couse they shot friday show on thrusday because they want that three day weekend...
Of Gods and Generals

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

nothing really

Bitch of a day...
For the most part in writing just this small part I make the blogger for the day for what I'm tring to do it's been a hell of a day I don't have anything for you I just been sitting in traffic and answering questions all afternoon it just sucked and to top it all off I almost sure I lost my car key's today. I'm just so tired that I wan to go to bed and try and start the next day because this one sucked eggs I moved here to get away from traffic and I have been sitting in it all day. the only good part about today is I got out of bed which might have been the first mistake other then that the day sucked from almost beginning to end so I'm going to go to sleep and hopefully have a goodnights sleep and when I get up in the morning find my spark set of keys and try and start the day. so yeah I disappoint you with this tonight but then again beyond just saying I hate traffic I hate traffic I don't have anything for you so do back to work or what ever you where doing because this time around I just weasted your time.

Of Gods and Generals

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Suport the country

Laws we make
Look everyone may not agree with the law of the land much like they don't agree with the person they have as a govener or in the house or the pres for that matter and you have a right to voice your opinion on the mater that is what this country is all about and what we all live for,but once something is done we at some point don't you think you should stand near it and show a little support for it wel at the sametime saying you dn't like it. I know that is a hard thing to grasp and even get your mind around but you can stand behinf something like the Pres or the State and say yeah I don't like the idea that they are give but I support my pres or state. I think it's a dumm move for them to do a think like that but it is what the want to try and do so ok. I don't like it but other then voice my opionon on it which I am allowed to do I stand behind the person or state that makes it. This is a show that you are a person that has personal ideals and someone who has an open mind to support the person that is you country/state. I mean come on if you want to get upset about something Leave Arizona a alone man they are just tring to get people out that are there illgealy and make a better state for everyone to live in. You want to get upset about something Look to Cal. Shit man they got a tax rate as high as 11% in some areas which is insane and that is a state that could use a good Imagration law. Find someone that is there Illeagly they should be shipped back that day with in the hour they are found not trail no nothing just aquick background check to see if the paper work is there and ther send them on a bus back to where they came from and that is for everyone. If you are here and you don't have the paper work it's time to go get your ass out and the is support for country. If you think it's wrong then say so but you can't fault people for tring to make it right. There is always something you can do about it by starting a portion and make sure the person you want to make the laws are the people that are making them. You have control of the country in the right. you don't like the person who is in office you can get them out or try but if you don't do anything about it to either help or remove the person then it's time for you to shut up you aren't doing anything about it so you don't have the right to really say anything. For me I don't have the right to say much about anything thats why I go on about it because I sit back and watch everyone else raise ther voice which they have a right to do and then I put in my worthless two cents because I know it's worthless, but at least it's fun and I would hope it makes people think a little....

and Now the Paper work..
Ok so every company has paper to get things done and sometime its a sheet or two, I got this packet in the mail the other day because I going to be part of a study (yes run someone is going to try and study me) and it was three question aries on this three on this over here 2 on this and 6 on this, Now that is a alot of paper work and I need to have it all done by 1pm tomorrow afternoon which should make things fun because I don't know half of the answer to the stuff, plus there is another welcome packet and other information on the study they want to add me to and it's not just the mental stuff they are going after they wand DNA, great they are really going to try and find out what wrong with me right down to the cell level of thing. I think this should be fun once all the paper work is fun of course I could be wrong it could all be jsut a pain in the butt and they might through all my stuff out because I'm either way to sane or way to crazy for them you never know but I got lots of paper work to so and a lot of coffee to do it with a good night of watching all three lord of the rings extend cuts or all 7 star wars film and a good pencail and I should be good to go. Now I know studies take a lot of paper work but dang this much ok plus a blood draw and a three hour interview plus a two an hour hour phone call what is that 5 a half hours for one study tha tI may make it in to well let see what happens and I hope I could be of some help. you can never have enough healthy crazy people in the world don't you think I know they can come in handy every now and then. just look at the Movies.....
Of Gods and Generals

Monday, May 24, 2010

Have an open mind

In todays world...
You know I would like to think that people of today have and open mind about things but then I see something pop up like the Law that has been passed down in Arizona. Now once again I haven't really hear or readed much about it axcappted people no we don't like this or hey let's boycott Arizona, what does that mean really boycott arizona. You not going to go ther for vaction or even drive throught it I mean come on don't you want to support you country and help it get back on to it's feet. where is the open mind that we are all should have. you know I had did a phone interview/questionaire the other day. It was on Help care and what I thought about it the main part seemed to be on non-profite VS profit
hospitals and the Tax break and health care that they should be giving now first and formost when you enter a health care inatustion for anything that needs to be done You should be getting the best care that there is. You should not have to worry if it non-profet or not, but so I was went throught the questionaire slowly and at one point it got to religon and the question can tome and was really simple what is my relgion. I sat there for a second and then I gave the policly correct answer and the there was silance on the other end of the phone, but the lady that was taking the interview had and open mind and I could hear her go well that is new and then asked me to spell it and for the morther earth I couldn't do it I have no idea how to spell the policly correct tream for what I am so we just fuged it and came up with some crazy spelling that was close to what we need the fun thing was she had and open mind about the whole thing, but I bet you when we where don't and that night I was a phone call she talked about for a while.Which doesn't bother me because know that no matter what the lady an open mind about the whole thing and it didn't scare her off from talking about to me in the end. so it was an intresting day and I think that is what we need to see from people today is a little more open mindedness, because even if the Arizona is a little extram you know at least they are doing something about the illeagas in there state. and if you think I wrong on that they this is one case I think you should say something or at the very least shot back with that the law really does, because if I had the chance I would build the Great wall of chain along the U.S. mexico boarder and arm it with heavy weapons. "Stop of will shoot" and then start firing at first to miss but get closer and closer as I went. It would give are boarder potral a chance to hone there shoot skill...

The human mind....
You know the mind is a strange thing we only use 10% of it, the things that it protects us from is just the begaining. It's ablitity to remember things and return that memory at any giving time is just a marvil and you never know when that could be, but the strange thing about the mind is that the things that it can come up with, both for entertainment and for reality. Look at what you watch both in the movies and on T.V. in every case someone had to come up witht that idea with it be something as sick as buring someone to death with 1000 watt builbs or killing someone and putting them into a safe, or something a funny as slipping on a banana and falling into a pool of whip cream. The mind is one intresting thing to look at see what it can come up with to me. For me the intresting thing to see is the really sick things that we can come up with the pain that we can put people through. We don't come up with makeing sure everyone get's home safe or using the mind bending power to fix something no we use it to find new ways to kill and cause pain to other and it intresting to see what we come up with. Now really quick yes I watch a lot of diffrent shows so when I say the last show of grey's antomey was one of intret because they took a guy and turned him in to am almost careless person. He ran around the hospital shoting for the most part nothing but surgons, he got a few guards, but for the most part he was just killing doctors as he went, because the Hospital had killed his wife so just think of the mind that had to create this and what they must have been thinking,. Or here something a little better, if you have ever seen any of the SAW movies think of the guy that had to think up the games. How distrebed is this guy. You think about some of the guy's that have compited murder and are in jail, you say they are sick because they acted on what they though of well what about these guy's who write these new and in come case improved horror film. The invetion and traps that tthey think of are just way out there. It's just the human mind at work but you have to wounder what is it tring to create with some of these people. You don't really hear much about the good thing people think up and do much. I mean yeah he is hard to look at and understand because of the computer voice but what have you heard from steven hawkings of late, before this new discovery channle spechail he has going on right now. Not much it's always the really yeah lat's call them sick people you hear about or see, between movies and T.V. you have to wounder what is happenning to the mind today and how bad is it affecting are young. and yeah 16 to 25 is still the young, because they haven't made that complete carree chose just yet so the warpping of the mind can still happen, hell it could happen much more after that but this is when you kid of start to think about what you might end up doing for a life and writing horror films and thinking of new ways to kill or depress people sometimes isn't the best way to go about it, but hell you are giving us new way to get information out of the bad guy's if we want to or for new reallity shows. The last one alive goes free or something like that...

Books of our time..
You know ther are some books that are great classics and always will be and then there are's that just pop up and for a while yoou think they are just the greatest thing untill they fall by the waiste side, You are done and over it or other that you just don't get. Look at any of the Holems story's they are great books much like any poirot most are great book make you think and wounder who did it not much in the way of blood and guts to it, now look at some of the books of today Twilight and Harry Potter, both i think will fall off to the side when there time is done. in most cases I think that is when all the movies are made and there isn't anything to wait on. they just don't have the tail that is poirot and I'm looking at mystory VS what ever you want to cat the other two kids teen book, but then let's movie over to something a little more mind warping then Darcula and Frankstien, to great books that one could read time and time again regardless of how old you are and they have never been forgotten over the years and as a matter of fact been made in to a movie more then once so you know it's got to be good. How many time do you think they will remake Harry Potter. Most likly they will notbecause it's something you really can't remake or if you do you risk changing the story of what people know. with something like Frankstien you can change it just a little and have anew story and not destory the true nature of thing that is the book. I think anythign that we can come up with in today orld will have a hard time lasting in the future. Now these book will still be ther ebut I don't think they will show up on any english reading list where as the catcher and the raye and To Kill a mocking bird almost always do. so you just got to wounder do the writes thing about the future when they write something of do they write for the times. It's just who the human mind is working right now we don't even use all of it.. Kind of scary huh....

Oh gods and generals

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Music on tunes

Cover Art..
You know Out of almost everyone I know I have the biggest I-tunes file in both music as well as Video, now that being said I don't have the biggest music library on had in hard copy, I know a few people who have a full wall full of music in there house and not just the small 7feet by 10feet that you might find in a office I'm talking the whole lenght of something like a garge wall, but any time I talk about how big my I-tunes file for music and in truth more to the point Movies they are in shook when I say it's over 200gigs so it becomes a small and fun discution, anyway the intresting thing is the lack of Cover art that I-tunes really has. I have had to either go still a picture or scan on in to make some cover art for the ablm that I just added to my library and it's not just the odd ball stuff that I have on my computer it's main stream stuff that Tunes themself sales that the art work doesn't load in or it's something populer you would think that they would have art work for, just because it is so popluer, but no you have to go and track it down and add it yourself and sometimes I think that is what can case a problem with you tune's file and or pod itself casing it to crash in the first you add to much at one time and it can't take it all in and with someone like myself that has so much stuff cramed on my computer and not just in music but everything else it's a strange thing to have a little i-pod crash because you add to much art work all at once. it's strange but true evebn with computer because I have heard that you should reboot/formate your computer once a year just to be safe and that you shouldn't add all the software back on at one, do it over a week or two so the computer isn't getting all that information at once. You didn't load all your programs at once when you first got that computer did you, no yoou did it over time as you bought them from what ever store you like to get your software from..
T.V. Shows
You know I got an pod in the first place because it could do some kind of video and then I just started to add things one after another first it was music Videos and then a few movies and then I started to work on T.V. show and 212gig's later I'm still adding shows slowly. I have kind of stopped with the movies because well I just don't watch as many on my Pod as T.V. shows The thing about T.V. shows is that they can ge quick half hour fourt-five mintues what ever is need for a small time spand that I have for lunch and a break in which I can take a little longer with and trust me I had a job one time that taking a 20mintue break was not uncommon as a matter of fact every wensday I all most had nothing to do but clock in for work and then start watching the pod that is when movies did come in handy because I had over 8hours to do almost nothing but sit on my butt and do nothing it was really said but for the most part that is what I was told to do every wendsay you don't have much to do so relax go out clock in and go out find something for breakfast go to the store's down the street just check in every now and then and make sure everything is going ok. I was like ok felt very weird to be doing it but it was only once a week and if I did have to drive half hour I would have gone home and spent the day there, but you know I had a tank load of T.V. shows on my pod and a confortable car to sit in I was happy.. Needless to say that even to this day my T.V. still incress on almost a daily bases and does my Movie file I have both a 500gig and 1tera extrnal hard drive hook up to my computer that hold all this inforation and they are both almost full so you can see that I'm going to be needing more room and you can imagain the stuff I still need to day. It's one of the great things about comeputer you can just keep adding you jusst hope you have the power to run it all, and in my case the pod is a good way to watch thing I normale wouldn't watch on T.V. you can rent or by the progra,m and get it on to your computer and as long as you don't sell it for personal gan for the most part your ok, but hell I put it on ther and forget that it's even there sometimes and with Netflix streaming things now hell I don't ever worry about that I pick something check it out if I like it finsh watching it there the sad thing that they sometimes don't have all the shows on the streaming or they stop after a season or two just as you get hooked into it, lucky for me that really didn't happen with Doctor Who..
as you can see...
it's sunday and you know I don'tr really have anything for you right now I have just been tring to get get cought up on things around the house and haven't had much to do with watching T.V. to catch the news or something that gives off information to really get to me and I know that isn't anything new but that is the weekend I don't get out much and with so I never really have anything new for you and I just don't feel like writing a story out for you but you know I think that might be what I do for you in the future when it comes to saturday and sunday is give you a story something that I have been working on for the past 20uyears or so. Something just for fun and I'll try and find better pictures for you, but for now Let's get back to loading the dishwasher and doing the landry....
Of Gods and Generals

Saturday, May 22, 2010

It's Saturday

The Weekend...
In turth I have nothing for you it was a long day of just working around the house and playing on my computer as a matter of fact I played way to much on my computer this afternoon. That I don't even remember doing or seeing much of anything else today. I was just a lazy day and I been have way to many of them of late Haven't been gettinng much done of late either around the house or anywhere else and the sears S.N.A.F.U. Just really set me off pace this last week. I hate having to sitting and I do mean sitting around waiting for someone to show up and ifx something, but at least I borke it right. Cracked the rotaters in half os you know i did a good job. I usally do when it comes to breaking things. It becomes one big mess and great fun to fix, in some case you have to state from the begain by stripping it down and rebuilding it from screath. I don't think this guy had to do that but you know when something is broken in my house it's really broken. so there is that.

So Why the enterprise
Well by now you should know that I an really a star wars fan, but I have always like the enterprise and that goes way back to the HMS enterprise so when I don't really have much for you to read at night I like to throw a pic or two of her out there one pay I'll get a could pic's of the falcon up and going, but the Falcon is just one ship and one of the best and I think she could take out the enterprise in a far fight where as the enterprise has had many of showing and here we have C to you left and the E up above. so I can have fun on which one I pic to put up from the NX to the E and that I guess is why the enterprise show up because just for fun I was able to get apictures of all of them from the organil to the E still working on the J though haven't really found a good picture of it to show you just yet, but that is neather here nor there,. so that should answer why do I always show the enterprise instead of something like the falcon or a star destory even though there are much better ships theny anything that Star trek could even thinnk of putting out, but then again it's something that Rodanberry could hold of Lucas Head is that he had a ship kid of named after his work, but lucas will always have the music that shows up when you need it between the radiers march and the imperal march, You got to give the guy the music even if it does come from the Main man John Williams, of couse then I think william and Elman fight it out on diffrent levels, Because I really enjoy a lot of danny's stuff and miss the days of Bongo...
So go find some good music by how ever you like the best and watch your faverot ship fly across the night sky and enjoy for the time being, because I really don't have anything for you, but I might come back to this Elman VS Williams thing it might make for an intresting rant some time....
Of Gods and Generals

Friday, May 21, 2010

weeks end

You would like it all to end.....
Here we are at another weeks end or for most this would be the end of the week for some it's just satuday night and for others it's monday. Yet you never really know for there are people that work mant diffrent shift and many diffrent times. Not everyone one works 8 to 5 mondat through friday of course that would be nice, No some of us work friday through tusday and have the middle of the week off and others have the end of the week off. if that is what you can call it. For we have gotten use to Saturday and sunday being the weekend because it what we have done and believe over the years, but why does that hold true. why do we believe such a thing and when did it first start who made the "normale" work week monday through friday and why. It's it just something we the sheep of the world do and go through. I mean hell if you wont to attack someone do it on the weekend they are all sitting at home going well that was a long week time to sit on my butt and watch the Tube or play on the computer. don't do it during the week to many people working. they'll see you coming but do it at 6 or 7am like they did at pearl harrbor and heel you got who ever your tring to take out expechaily if you do it on the weekend there isn't anyone really watching at that time, but I run off, back to the weekend being here and for must and it being a good thing. we all look forward to the weekend because that is a chance for must to rest and for others to do things around the house and thne for other to go places and do thing to get more tired just to return to work on manday and complain that they never get any rest. I think it funny as much as we take time for ourselvies and we use computer and many other things to make our lives eazier we lose more and more time if we just did it the old fashion way because it would get done in a more timly manor then the new way which is meant to save us time so we could do something else. the more of a time saver we make the more time we lose and the weekend is no longer there because we are off doing something else that takes more and more time. I think to some point we have gotten so fast that we have slowed down and we need to slow down to speed ourselvies back up. There is no telling what you could do if you slowed down and worked on one thing at a time.
Slow yourself down..
You know sometimes I think it would be nice to go to a place where there is no real world as it was say something that took us back to the 1950's maybe the earily 60's just on a tech base, not the mind set because you know the mind set of that time was not really the greatest, of couser it's not all that great today, but just a little jump back in time where you still did things by hand and on paper, nothing is on a computer you really had to talk and see the people around you. Now I know there are places like this around and you know for the most part I bet they live quit lives in the middle of no where and make a good living off of people comming in looking to get away for there regular lives the sad part is you really can't do that in just two day or even a week. you need to take a good month at the every least to get the life of computers out of you, because you know the first couple of day your going to want to get out of there and by the end of the week you'll be I think I can do this and by months end you wouldn't want to leave because by then anyone you would have pissed off is now either really wanting to kill you or you have made up and are good friends, but that is small town living for you and sometimes that is the best thing and we all need to exxperance at least once in our live and the best way to do that is to enter the witness protection program unless you live in a small town then they'll move you to the city where you may stick out like a sore thumb but no one would be able to find you.
So good and enjoy a little town sometime and remember your life is way to fast almost all the time that you don't get a break and the people that trully live are those who know one another an pitch in when ever there is a problem. they are there to help one another and everyone know everyone else. that to me is true living no matter how fast or slow it really is.
Of Gods and Generals

Thursday, May 20, 2010


Ok so by now if you had read tusdays I have broken my Washing Machain about a hour or so just befor the guy was coming to do a yearly check up on the machain, Now he couldn't do anything for me because he was the did Frig's and other stuff, so he tried to call a washing machain tech to come and fix it that day well they where all book up and there wasn't anyone who could come out that day which was fine just set another apointment for Thursday the 20th once again between 1 and 5. Now I get a call about 3:30 saying the guy is running behind and most likly going to be pass five, No problem as long as it get's fixed sometime today I got landry starting to pile up all over the house and with a landry matt cost 4 to 6.50 per load not something I can really aford to do right now. So I'm just kicking back waiting working on dinner and at 5:16 I get a call from sears. It's the dispatcher he was woundering if I had been contacted by the repair person who was coming to fix my washing Machain. I said "No, but I was expecting to hear from him soon" it was a little after five and I need to washer fix tonight.
He said "Ok I'll call him and have him call you with an ETA of when is going to be there."
I said "Thanks that would be nice." I didn't want the guy to show up right in the middle of dinner and have to work well we eat..
So at 5:19 I get a call from the repair guy and he says basically that it was to long a drive for him to come and work on my washer tonight and that he was going to come tomorrow. I was said "Umm No you need to go it tonight I was already in the crapper for the thing being broken in the first place." He was very insteanted that he was not going to come down tonight and fix it but I would be high prority tomorrow morning. Now I don't know about you but I don't have time to weast waiting around for the sears repair person to show and fix something, or any repair person for that matter. I do have other things to do. So I already mad that he wasn't going to show tonight no matter what I said or did. He was done for the day and was going home and that was the end of it so I was furm and said ok be on my door step at 9am. no questions no nothing it's 9am or well there really isn't much I can do but call dispatch and complen. he was I could be there at 8am to start the day. I told him I have soemthing that I need to do and I wouldn't be home tell just before 9am and I should find him standing on my door step waiting this was not right and they had wasted my afternoon waiting for them when they didn't show. we hung up. I finshed putting dinner in the oven to cook and then called back the dispatcher to complan that the guy's additued towards the whole thing was bad. No matter what I said of did he was not comming to fix my washing machain tonight and that I was not happy. He saud he could show up at 8am tomorrow but that was not going to work for me but he need to have his ass there at 9am. Now dipatch told me that the morning window was 8am to 12 noon and they would make a note to be done first but couldn't garente that they would be there. I was well if he isn't here at 9am like I said you will be hearing from me, because I was already upset that they guy was not coming out tonight...
So in the end service with sears could be good like it was on tuesday when the guy can out to look things over and tried to get someone out that day to help me out and save my bacon or you could get someone like this guy who didn't care a bitt what you situation was he was done for the day and was going home. I guess it the luck of the draw..
Not the first time....
You know i have had more problems with sears then almost any other company over the year I think Bank of America is the only other that has given me almost as much problem and with sears it goes way way back to even when I was a kid and I was tring to get and orginal Prime transformer. I have never been happy and they have always said the samething over and over and over to me well that's something diffrent. The Store is one thing, The Catalog is another the two don't talk to one another, and service is a third they have nothing to do with either and can not follow throught with what the preson in the store or over the phone( For the catalog) said. Only the tech and dispatchers can try and promise something and even they it's not someting you should count on, and then there is the credit department. Oh I just don't want to get started on them but that is a fourth element that doesn't talk to anyone and has it's own rules no matter what the store or catalog is advertising. They do things there way and thats it. Oh I don't know why I even went to sears in the first place for my the machains they suck and I know they suck. I think next time I'll try best buy and there service department it can't be much worse then this shit. I hate the run around when I know I shouldn't be getting it. this sucks and it's sad to say there is nothing anyone can do about it even if the guy doesn't show up tomorrow at 9am. So sears is a nightmare company that has been around for years and doing thing there way for year I have been hating it for years. You knwo I bet if you even talk to them that you would have like five diffrent departments now. The Store, the catalog, The credit, the Service center, and now the intrenet. No one talkes to anyone and they call suck because you can be promised one thing by one person and another will say nope thats not how it works. So my thing is to try and stay away from sears now, You can't get good service there anyway regardles of where you go.
Of Gods and Generals

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The sky..

We need to look at it....
You know we never really look at it anymore, even when we can't see it. The sky is one of the great things that we have, i really can say in this world because without it we wouldn't have a world. The beauty of sky is something that is so wounderous that we never really look at it. We are forever talking about mother earth you think about the ground and all things we walk on but she is also the sky under which we are protected and we never look at it. so when the sun starts to go down you need to go out and watch her. Watch the sun set and the beauty that happens in the sky because it's something wounderous and you will never see two the same no matter where you are looking at it fro. The sky is always changing and that is something that is what we all need to appeached. it's something that we never really think about unless you are out to study it but then you only really look at the night sky which is wounderous on it's own but the evening sky is just so much better the wounder that you see and can see every night.
You know the sky always gives us beauty and the sunraise is the second great wounder that it gives us. It starts a whole new day for us all and you know that when the colors start to appear you something mmajestic is happening and something spechail is going on. The morning sunraise is the what we all miss almost everyday because we are a sleep but when you get a chance try and catch one you'll find it great one of the greatest things you'll ever see in your live. Sit one a river or lake edge and just sit and watch the sun come rolling across the water it's one of the greatest thing you'll ever see in the world, but then to watch it come up in the middle of a deseart is something I have seen you know The sunning comming up or going down is one of the best things you'll ever witness in you life and you have the chance to see it ever night or every morning the sky is just a marvil and I don't thinnk we take the time to look at it, for all the things it does for us we never really look at and I think we need to take the time to look up. I know you'll like what you see. so go and enjoy it...
Of Gods of Generals

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Breaking things..

The Washing Machain..
so here's the story. Sears has been calling for a few months and I do means months in one day they called my house four times starting at 8:30am and stopped at 6:30pm they wanted me to renew my warrintys for the washing machain and dryer, finally got around to it on manday and weel I was at it I set up an apointment for them to do the yearly service on very thing in the house. They where showing up between 1-5pm no big deal, but I figured I would still do some landry in the mean time so earily in the morning I start my first load and just start going I had a few load like 7 to do today any way I got to the towle load around noon and near the end of the load and something didn't sound right. I reached in and pulled out the towles and they are soaking wet so it looks like the spin cycle didn't go in the end. so the repair guy shows up about and hour and ahalf later. he looks over the fig, stove and diswasher and then looks at the washing machain well he is running a test on the frig. and yupe I broke it just before he got there, the problem was he was the kitchian guy and I need the washer dryer woman. so none the less I'm out of a washing machain tell sometime thursday afternoon between 1-5pm when she can get here to fix the washer and it would appear the dryer again, but I think it was kind of funny I call one day and then break it the next. Now I have to find a landry Matt to finsh the last couple of load I need to get done should be intresting, But the guy from sear was really nice and tried to find someone else to come out today and fix it but no luck. It was a fun afternoon so remember if you ever have to break something make sure you do it the day after you renew your warrenty because if you do it before your a little on the screwed side of things.

Now the real fun...
there isn't any, just been going around and doing the norm including breaking the washer. Like I have sadi been going through the seasons of Doctor Who and almost done with the fourth season and about to start the two movies that are after the season The Next Doctor and Water on Mars so I'm just a little lost on when we get the 11th doctor because we are still on the ten other then that you guys can go and have fun and be done with this for tonight because other then the washing machain breaking just before the repair guy got here not knowing I need the repair woman but one the less it's almost done with should be over by late thursday so you might hear about it then so go do something more productive..

Of Gods and General