so you take the time and plaining to make a big turkey dinner for friend and family now for the most part when i cook the last hour is the big part, because I make the stuffing and gresse up the bird and get it in the oven then run off to do something else well it cooks. then when there is maybe a hour and half left on the timer i come in and start making everything else like th yams mash potoatos and, corn and muffins and this is where the fun part begining because you need to keep everyone out of the way well you try and finish up and get thing out of the oven and other things in you got five pot's going on a four burner stove and the micwave is going off every 3mintues so your got things coming and going and by the time you sit down your tired and don't want to do much of anything more but you got to keep going because people want things and you are start to get that headack that you have been waiting for all day and you knew was coming. It's a lot diffrent then what it was 20years ago when everythign was really made by hand and scratch and making a tukery took all day long with all the extras, but you know I have never had that problem and I have always had a small kitchen to work so it took time from heating the bunns to cooking the tukery to making the smash potatos and carrnberry sause from the can that I never ate, but it was always there. so now it's all cut down so the longest thing is the turkey in the roasting bag which helps with the cooking time still even more so you are not opening and closing the oven door to bast the thing all day long which you put in at 10am to have dinner by two, for me i wait and the turkey doesn't get in till 3 so it's ready for dinner at 6pm a ture dinner time i could never see eating at 2 in the afternoon because people never showed up untill an half hour before you ate anyway, but if they now show up at 1pm in the afternoon there is a littel bit of time have a snack watch part of a game or two then have dinner and talk so more and then deasert and then send everyone home I think it's kind of importen to have people talking and doing thing for at least and hour before dinner and to have dinner on turkey day at what is know as dinner time anywhere between 5pm and 7pm it what make the dinner dinner..
After Dinner Paper...
So for years they have had the after thanksgiving sales at all the stores starting at 5am which has cjanged over the years and now you got people opening at 4am and the earily shopper thanksgiving day sale that open at 10pm and then the 24hour stores which so more spechail deals at 12:01am and last all day it goting back to making the bucks, but that is something for tomorrow after i have been up for more then 36hours, but now you finish you dinner and sit down and start going throughing the ad's that show up in the thursday paper for those sales, and you poned and make lists and start to think of what you want to do and where to go first and how ti make your rounds so you get everything you need/want and then everything else on top of that. so you lookponder make a mess throw papers around and by the time your done it's get up and go and go stand in a line to frezzer your butt off til you can get in the store to be pushed around and fight for what you want it's the fun part of the whole day. but you know the ad's and sales that you are makiong your lists from well on a full stomic of turkey and stuffing with a whole lot of wine for those who can drink and even for those who can't is always the funpart because in the end you look at thing a lot later and go what the hell was i thinking, then you have the kids that want to see the ad's for all the toy's they are going to ask santa for and the many other things that mom and dad need to try and get. you know your floor is going to be cover in paper for the next three days because you got to keep going over them again and again, and this is just the start of things because there are new ad's and spechail every weekend for the next six weeks till the big day comes for every kind of relegoun that there is and guess what we all have to be nice and make peace these day because it's what eveything is all about and yeah that is what we need in the world a few days where we all have a little peace, but you know it's also the perfect time to take over the world, just start with the after thanksgiving sales and work your way forward because everyone is runnign but then again thanksgiving just might be the perfect day to take over the world because we are all tired from eating turkey and just want to sleep the night away infront of the T.V. with classic movies and a few football game..
Let's get drunk
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