So over the years history has been writen by the winners, but in somecase what we know of history is writen in poems and stories which have been come populer and we take to be ture and thus it becomes history, one of the biggest ones that I know of is that of the Paul Revere, we know this story from the poem writen by the Longfellow the poem is called "The landlord's tale: Paul Revers's ride." the guy never made it to Concord Massachusetts he was Captured and detained by British Troops and the next day he was released and returned to Lexington the next day, Well a Doctor by the name of Samuel Prescott. not lat's say we didn't win the war the story one might not have been told and two if could have been writen with the capture of Paul Revere help stop the colonens from sepreating from the crown. you know what might have been writen but you always want to think about it and see what the other side has to say about it, but then again maybe not, but that is what makes me the perfict devil's advict I always like to see the other side of things and think of what might have been with any given stituation and here with Paul Revere you get one thing in a poem and in real life it's another..
He didn't make it..
In 1492 Columbus found a small Island in the carabion, and then we are taught that Ferdinand Magellan was the first to sail around the wrold in one trip. Magellan set out On August 10 1519 from Seville with five ships and a crew of over 25o men. It took over three years and after bad weather and horrable maps that where not up to day, starvation and a violent mutiny only one of Magellans ships made it back to Seville with only Eightteen of the Fifty crew memebers alive and Magellan was not one of the ones how was a live. Magellan had died in the Philippins. He went face down on the beach with a large spear sticking out of his body. Yet something we never really know about thing in history is who people die. Now his body might of madeir back,so yeah he was one of the first people to sail around the world or at least his body did, it's what makes history fun because we see it for what we are told in both school and poem and other small stories, I think at points we need to go and find the story of thing and Paul and Magellan are just two stories that i have come by in this now book that I have started to read called Stupied Histroy: Tales of Stupidity, Strangeness and Mythconceptions throughout the Ages.. You know it's just fun little things we might not know about history and each section is only like one or two pages longs to read it kind of intresting to read and you know i'll most likly go back over a few of them when I need a good laugh everynow and then much like going back and watch an old comdy you haven't seen in a while it make you laugh and you just like it and beside it was free for my Kindle from Amazon so you know what the hell not everything for free can be bad for you.
Let's get Drunk
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