Ok so as you know by now I have been watching the T.V. show the West Wing on Dvd I picked most of the show up last year for Christmas and i have just now really gotten around to watch the show, and you know what I have found as the show went on it did one cliff hanger on to of an other. For you you would have the season cliff hanger which was always a pain in the but when you first watched the show when it firstede air so many years ago, them you would have the mid-season hanger, but in this case you have one right after another now yeah for the most part it only took a week to findout what happened next but I always found it a pain in the butt, I don't mind two cliff hanger a season as a matter of fact i find it intresting and fun when they take the mid-season break, not in my case I can just run to the next season because i have seasons 1 throught 6 here at home and season 7 oh hold at the library but with my luck I'll get through seasaon 6 and have to wait like a mounth for season 7 to show up be hey that is the price I will have to pay unless I can find it on sale somewhere, but the my curent problem is that I was in the middle of one thing finish up from the tail end of season 5 and then they started a second one, just as I had to go out for the night so I was thinking about it the whole time I was out trying to have fun with the cub scouts, going can I go home and watch the next show so I can find out what is going on with my show, I know it'skind of dumm but you know sometimes you get too wrapped up in any giving show you have been watching for the past couple of month just because you can and it's getting better and better then when you first started to watch and what drew you in was the end of season one when they shot the Pres and later you find out that he was not the target. You know that is o ne thing i have to say about these guy's that wrote the show was they knew how to give up a good cliff hanger and in some cases they ran it through a coulple of shows at the end of one season and ranit through a couple of the open shows of the next season, so they kept you going and hanging in there time and time again just at this point you know I was happy to see that they saved the one person and then gave you another cliff hanger once they has almost finished wraping that up it just sucks when they do things like that.
The Writes strike...
Ok so I guess a few years a go there was another writer stick which really messesd thing up for a few show, like Battlestar and Eureka where you end up with seasons 3.0 and 3.5 or 2.0 and 2.5 which to me was a real pain in the butt Look I know these people need to be paid but come on do we really need to sale out the seasons like that can't more because they still cost the same as a reguler season you pay 39.99 for season 1 and pay 39.99 for seasons 3.0 and 3.5 and in season one which you paid the big bucks for you get 16show and then you pay 39.99 for season 3.0 and you only get 8shows what kind of crap is this, I mean it's a cool show and all but to have to pay that much money for something twice and you only get have the shows as you would with a full season come on i know you are tryingto make money to pay the writes that left you hanging in the middle of the season but really to do that to you people is a little more on the wrong side then wrong and what about this Hey let's give them 8shows this year and now you have to wait another 6months before you get the last 8show. shit man don't you just want to run over to the studio and start knocking some heads together to go what the hell do you think you are doing one cutting us show for the season and then two making us wait more then 6months for the next one to start, you guy's just suck big egg, get you heads together and wrote out the whole season and don't make us wait forever for the next show, but luck for me right now i can just jump from one season to another with the West Wing and a feew others that I have been trying to watch which are off the air now.
Let's get drunk
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