so for a year now my coffee store has been open for one full year. On thereopening day for the complete day I sat in line for then half an hour but it wasmore then worth it for one a free cup of coffee, yet i think there was something a little more then coffee in it because it for the past year if I didn't make coffee at home I took a drive down the road around the cornor and by a few other coffee shops none of which ar starbucks by the way and past a few few chruchs and ending up at at what has been know around the house as the coffee store aka Dutch Bros. more then a 10mintue drive but has been more then well worth it each and very time I think the only problem is that when I do go most of the time I don't have to order and when they do call the order back for it to be made it's get's called back as His and hers, because I'm getting coffee for myself and my wife at the time, it's kind of nice that I can do that and that they know me so well, but sometimes it's a little hard to try something new when they do know you so well, but in the end it's a great group of people and I do so enjoy going there and even if i need to wait another 45mintues I would do it for a single cup of coffee.
Black friday not so good a deal..
You know for just the past couple of years I have way to much about Black Friday in the news and how some stores are changing there ad's a week before that day, but you know sometimes the price on Black friday really isn't all that good and if you buy something on there 5 or 6hour sale you can't get it price adjusted later because it was a spechail price they had at that time, but at the sametime they knew it was going to be sale at a later date for even cheaper. You know this is how they get you, in a lot of the case it's never good to buy on black friday because in the next few weeks there will be a better deal on most product, not there are a few thing out there that are good deals on Black friday, but over the past couple of year i have not really seen the beniffet of going out at 4:30 in the morning to get into a fight for something that I don't really need or might be cheaper a little longer down the road it all comes down to can you wait and forget about black friday or what I have know it as the day After, but I guess that got to policty incorrect thing so they came up at one point with the name black friday. to me I still like the idea of the day after because at the end of closing for most stores that close it is a huge mess,but you also know with computers these days there are a lot less people going out to buy stuff, but then again they do say in store only on a lot of ads but there is a lot of places to go look on line and help the postal service which I am more then happy to do they are getting the crap kicked out of them with more and more people going into the digital age which to be honest about I'm not all that crazy about, I still like paper and pencil and a good old stamp and sad to say if i had better timing i would still send a lot of things by mail Hell I got my Netflix down to a good setting so I just keep going through them faster and faster. ..
Let's get drunk
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