Ok so here is the news that was no where near the news it was just a moring show callin caller, She was going to be getting a devorice from here husband because he was addicted to Video game, When the couple first got married he was no where near intrested in play any kind of video games, but he need to do a something to unwide at the end of the day so he started to play a few games on a gaming system. I don't remember which one orifit was a computer so, you know he would come home and have dinner and while his wife went off to watch some crazy ass show that he had no intrestinhe would go off and play a video game. It's one of those Black Op's or first play shooter adventure games like that. then his time on the game started to get longer and longer untill finally it started to become his life after work and even a few times life before work, now what I mean by is when he get's up in the morninghe plays tell he has to go to work, then the part which got to the wife was when comes home it's all he does. He get's home starts up his gaming system and well the game loads he changes and asked for his dinner and his wife brings it to him as he start to play the game, and as he eats he play after he is finshed eating wife will take the plate away and he counties to play well she goes off and watchs T.V.in the other room for the rest of the night. When it is time for him to go to bed he closes out and saves his game and heads to be and falls a sleep. Now for my understand of the caller is that they have not even had sex in over three months because of this. They no longer even really talk unless he is talking about the game well his is playing the game. He doesn't even talk to her about his work or anything else that is going on in the world because his life has become the game, You know the best way to take care of this is to ripp out the system when his is not home and throw it out, the guy needs some serious hell if you have not had sex will you wife in three months because of a video game you really really really have a problem and need to fix that. Hell if you eat dinner well playing a video game you have a problem hell if you play a single game for more then two hours I think you have a problem I mean Yeah i have played video games for a few hour I do mean for hours but you know i had to keep changing the game because either Iwould ge board with it or get frustated with not being able to complete what ever level I was working, I hate games that take forever just to do one thing I guess that is why I Never got into RPG games on any computer system. i like my Levels like on Super Mario and Donkey Kong, or something fun like Mario Kart, Racing games are fun and yeah i can play them for hours on end and they are for the most part two player so i can drag my wife or my kids into it so we all can play together and when we are tired we are done together, so if she has finised watching what ever she can either come and play with me or I can drop my game when i have finished what ever level or race I am doing
you know there is a time when two people who are married are just that to people who are married they life in the same house and eat at the same table sleep in the same bed you hope, and on talk to one another, there time and life together is just that life together so get to that point when because just two people in the same place and then the term start to show itself, but you know that is sometimes why people stay married for so long, they live together and they change and enjoy there lives together, but they never run off and not talk to one another the mintue you stop talking you are done. Talk to you partner is the one thing that keeps you to gether you may not care about what you partener is into, like a video game or scrape booking, or what ever the other thousand things out there that their are but you know take enough intrest in what ever they are doing so you can at lest listen to them when they do want to talk about it when they do. your other have is what your life is about and you have to know what they want to do or are into suport them and help out when you can like unplugging the gaming system and pulling out a board game so the two of you can play battleship together or a deck of card and play strip poker together, jsut make sure you lose from time to time so you both end up without anything on in the end. this is what marriage is and if you are not doing that and are playing video games everynight all night long, you got a real problem and yeah you should be getting a divorice because you suck. you life is the person across from you at the dinning room table and if you have kids guess what they are your life and your games are for them not you any more.
let's get drunk
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