The big tunnal...
Ok so guess what they found on the Mexican/U.S. boarder, yes that is right a tunnal that is more then 6 football fields long. Guess what they only found one. I willing to bet that if they look they can find a few hundred of them some for smuggling drugs like this one was made for and others that are meant for getting into the country. People have been trying to find new and better ways to get in to the U.S. illeagly for years and tunnles like this one I bet have been around for more years then you can even think about. I mean just look at what people were doing to get out of east Germany when the wall was up. They would tunnle they would hide in car they would go to great leagths of the country side to find a break in it to get throught. I mean the thing was never really whole you could always find a break or two in it if you looked hard enough the thing was to look and get out of the citys to find it. Now they find a long tunnle on the mexican/U.S. boarder that is used for smuggling druggs they found a butt load of drugs in the tunnle and they took over a month to find and break this drug smuggling tunnle but I'm sure it's not the first and will not be the last. There is many of things and many of ways to break into any given country or place no place in byond that fact give time and plains of something you can always figure away in or out of something. Just to give you an idea of what people come up with just look to the movies and what they think up. You can even say that the smuggles can get there ideas from the movies, dig a tunnal to flying over head and make a drop from a plane or helecopter to guys on the ground, to finding way to mix it in with gas to get it across and if you get cought light it on fire. You know there are many way to break in somewhere and do it you just got to give them credit for trying and doing it for as long as they did hell it's very creative if you ask me..

The big Boat that sank...
They have start to bring things up from the Titantic again. They are trying to map the wreckage site again. I thought they had already done this I mean they found the bloody thing over 20years ago and they have been take trips un and down and mapping the area for all that that time. I do recall they had a exibite that travil around the world with that showed you things they had brought up from the wreckage and gave us a better idea of what happend to her. You know that one thing that get me ever now and then is that people refer to the ship and the Titantic and not the H.M.S. Titantic, she was a great ship for the time and some people will even go as far as to say of all time but they will just refer to her and the Titantic. We do that with a lot of ships I guess but with is one I think that we need to have a lot of reperct for her and all that are lost with her. We are not realy allowed to go into her and not a lot of people want to try and raise any part of her beyond that which is in the wreckage field between the two parts of the broken ship. I know if we put are minds to it we could raise her and find out a lot more about what happend to her, but I also say that it is a tomb for those that went down with her, Of those that where rescured on the life boats almost none of them are still alive. We have a count on those people but how many bodies where pulled ffrom the water to give us another body count so we have a better idea of how many people went down on/in the ship itself and like so many other wrecked ship I kind of want to try and find away to save it from the ages of time and sea. I just don't have plain beyond rasing them or covering them in somekind of glass bubble sucking out all the water and air to it become incased in a vacum so preserve everything that is inside of it of ccourse you are killing all the life froms that have started to grown around and on the the ship that is there, but then again the plant life that is growning on them is destoring the ships so we will soon lose those treasures that are down in there so yeah it is a hard choose but hey we got to do something we work to keep those things above the water around for as long as we can way shouldn't we work on keeping those things below thing around for as long as possable.
Let's get drunk
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