Change the world...
Ok so today is the can change the way we make the laws of the land and guess what I can't do it so I can say everyone else are the ones who are screwing up the country including my own wife and I do tess her about it and she just say's shut up you crazy Canadan you can't vote anyway. Guess what I can't and I would not mind making myself part of the country but it cost like 700buck and guess what that is just to take the test, but if you fail it's going to cost the same amount to retake the bloody thing and I don't know about you I just don't have that kind of cash laying around the house other wise I would be using it on something else like a new T.V. and some ether net wire for the house so I can hook up computer to T.V.s in other rooms and watch Netflix everywhere I go, but you know those how can vote need to get out there and do it. You have a voice go out and use it for the country and the world need freash blood insteaded of all the crap we have out there now, because what we have now is not working, so we need something new and a group of new people office is what we need, we got that two years ago with a new Pres. Now we just need a congruss that can either work with him or bring new ideas that he can work with. by the end of the night we will have a shit load of new people thinking they can laws of the land to help save us well grab a drink and hope the hell we get something better then we got now.
The Senate..
A place where we have 100 people working to make the land a better place and to win you need 51 out of the 100 is the way to go but remember you have really three partied her the Elephent, the donkey and the freelance, so you got the wild card in anything that they do even if you do get the 51 of the one party you still have those few wild cards that are in the party that don't think you are right and want to side with the other guy, so unless you have a butt load of rookies and one good (yeah right) old person to control the group. Look I see anyone who has been in office for more then ten years need to be replaced because they have to much power and idea's of there own that they have been crupt and are no longer working for the people and are now working for the money they can make form that power which they think is for the people. You know I see the people in office an things that need to change and they need to be conected to the people they serivce. You know take someone from there district and have dinner with them and talk to them all night to see what they think the people need and try and push that forward becuase that is what this country is about the people in it and what they need...
The house...
435 seat to fill and you need 218 to get a hold of the country. Guess what you just have the samething here as you do with the senate just four times harder, I mean 435 people tring to make a desstion for the country come on there are way to many people here. don't we have enouhg problem with just the reguler 100 now you want to times that by 4, shit are we really in that much trouble or have that many people in the US to have that many people, but you know the sad part is that it's not a even thing. like Rode Island has one person and Cal has something like 15, so this is just nut's I think it needs to be a lot more fare in some sence like we have with Senate 2 per state so let's get a better hold on it so you can't have really one state trying to run the country from one place. The house I can see being a shit load more crupt then the senate just because there are so many more votes to buy, because that is what part of our politics is about how much money you have to buy off the house person you want, so you know they are much more into the money because they are for that and not to help the people because if they were we would be getting a butt load more done then we are right now, but really with 435 people tring to make the right move is something really hard to do. Yeah I understand that but really do we need to have that many people trying to make laws of the land for us.
Between the Two...
Ok so we have more then 500 people trying to make laws of the land and run the world with the Pres Pulling out a big rubber stamp to say no to any and all of it, but just between the two it's hard to get something to the Pres. for him to sign into law, sometimes it is amazing that anything gets done in the first place, now remember always suport the man in charge unless you think you have a better idea you should be running for office. Hell if I had a clue on how to run for any office like the Senate or house either in country or state I would be there just to cause some shit storm, because I would be telling you thr truth regardless if you like it or not. You ask a question and I;ll give you the answer you don't like it oh well but you wanted the answer so there you go. if you don't want the truth don't ask me, because that is what you get...
So go vote then have a bunch of drinks and hope you get what you want and writen me in to help make this country a mess, because I think it would be fun.
Let's get Drunk
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