The Morning...
Ok so for some the next day is just a day and for others it's time to call in sick and for other it's I wish I could call in but I got to get up and start work regardles of what shape you are in and I have been in a lot of diffrent shapes the only problem is that I can't drink anymore and I wish I could. I have always want to drink and drink a hell of a lot and for a little bit I did drink to much but you know it was a bit of controled over drinking and I wasn't really enjoying it because I didn't have a girl to drink with I had friends and we would come over and drink the night away and have fun but in the end I always went to bed by myself I never really passed out excapte one time when I was out with some friends and I was hand a glass of vodka that had a little bit of orange juice in it, guess what I had not had anything to really eat that day so I spent the night on the bathroom floor at my friends house. The one and only time I ever got sick from drinking and trust me I had didn't really over drink that night I just wasn't ready for the night, but in this case the night was nice I had fun but it was just long. I keep finding out that I'm not as young as I use to be and the stuff I did when I was a lot youner is just a little harder to do. I can still do it it's just a bit harder and takes me a little longer to do it, but I know people are still realling form the long night of parting they have hand and some are wishing that they never went out in the first place but you know I think it's great that we get out and do what we like to do even if we look at it the next day and go what the hell did I do as long as you can remember everything then you are in good shape the bad part is when you can't remember last night then you know you have a problem, Have fun but do it safly and remember that even when you drink way to much you can have fun and do thing you normal wouldn't do I know I have had a few nights like that and think they where fun for all...
Another reason to party...
Ok now I found a reason to have a great time and that is no more baseball it would appear that the world series is over and now we can get on with real sports like football, and Hockey. so break out the beer and heavy bottle and for all those who really care which is not me the Gaints when bring th first world series to san francisco. so let's get drunk and reget the next morning..
Let gets drunk
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