Now What..
Ok so another day and a long one at that there is so much happening that you never know what the hell is going on but let's remember two thing one is for those people in N.J. The kid is 4years old and the second one is the Vamps are not sparkly, they burst in to flame and ash unless you get them put out once they catch on fire you night get them to become human again, but the more importain thing I think to remember over the last couple of days is that the Kid is 4years old! you stupied people, but anyway is there anything else going on in the world that I don't know about. I mean it's thursday and the Political ads are finaly off the air and hopfully they stop calling. I mean I have had the Pres. of the U.S. call me three times and I have had one of the candites wife call me twice and a whole butt load of others call me all week long I mean my answering machain is just full of crap from people over the couple of weeks which goes to show you I need to erase my answering machain sometimes soon, but I do think it's kind of funny/nice to have the Pres on my answering machain.
You know I know almost nothing about what the hell people wear but I go got a few hundred questions and one of which how the hell do you pay a couple of hundred bucks for a dress or shirt that you can only where once and then who the hell thinks this looks good I mean come on a dress made out of fruit hell your lucky if the damn thing makes it down the runway with out spoiling and have you seen some of the crap that comes out of these shows I mean name me one time you have ever seen a person wearing any of these crazy ass dress that have this high fin thing that is on the shoulder or you have seen someone really wearing a dress to any kind of awards show that was made out of chocoloet I mean just some of the crap that comes down the run way is just in my opionion and that is what this is all about just sucks byong the normal. I my be a jeans and t-shirt guy but when it comes to womens fashion I like to see something that would look good on any women regardless of size and you know you don't get that with these fashion shows and hell it almost impossable to get a reguler person in these cloths let alone a touch large woman, these people just don't think about the normal person in which takes a lot of filtering before it even comes close to what the normal people can where. so to even think that buying something as stupied as a fruit dress that might last the night come on and where the hell would you where something like that. I mean come on look at lady Gaga's meat dress when she was done for the night and went to the afterparty she could take it off and throw it on the BBQ and eat it, I never really saw the dress but hell it had a good point and sounds kind of intresting. Hell she took a stand and stayed with it and at the end of the night you know she always had something to eat, at the end of the night a little salt and pepper and an some BBQ sauce she is set for dinner.
Lets get Drunk
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