Is there really any more to say about this day on history a day where we take time to honor those people that have fallen for this country and in the name of freedom. Freedom has never been free and it's cost sometimes no not sometimes all the time is the price of someones life, if not that the people fighting for it then the people that they are trying to take it from, but that is the price that is paid for it from the very beginning and in some cases it's not to big of a price but in all case it is way to much to pay, but it is one we need to pay for the freedom that we do have and what to countie to have. On this day this the one day we should show them respect becuase they are the ones putting there life on the line for us the people working here at home and enjoying the things that we have and always wanting more which is sometimes a little to much because we don't really think about the people that grant us the freedom we have at this time, but we alway have to be ready to jump in and help them fight for this country and the freedom we have so even if it is not on this one day we should always show respect to them for they are the ones that are the front line be for it gets to us, but when it does come back to us we need to stand by them and help out in times of war and when we they come home from war, because they are tired and have missed there familie

Symbol's that are us...
You know over the years the U.S. has had many Symbol's and they all give us stranght in many ways all depending on when you see them and how you feel about them. In one case you have the Great Captain America, when they final did kill him they did it in a classic way, and then you have the Great Nick Fury for the most part a normal man, but he is a great insperation to many people he show us what a smart man can do in most cases and he can be seen as an insperation to the Spy agents here in the U.S.. He is an old war horse from World War two and dosn't take much crap if he can no matter what form he is in. where Captain America is a little more human and is a tank load more floded he is I think a little more human I guess would be a little easier to say. He did live through and fought in World War Two but in the end he was frozen for for more then 30years where Nick Fury lived through all of it and aged a little more ruffly them most what have, but that is the the way his life went. Now these two guy's can be seen Symbol's for us and great insperation to some and show us straight when we need it. Now The Captain for some can be seen as the U.S. greatest Symbol next to the flag itself you show people a picture of Captain America and they either hide in fear or get inspired to do better and fight on and on this day that is something I think it's something we all can see and need...
Let's get drunk
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