Ok so now the fun begins we have all spend a butt load of money on friday and now we are into the weekend so we run out and get our tree and so our houses smell like pine forthenext month and a half even after it is gone and out of the house. that is saying you get a reall tree and spend way to much money for it now if you have a fake tree you can ge that fresh pine sent to spray on it so it smells like a reall tree for the next month or the next week or two, just untill the day of great fun for which you have sent all this money for in the first play, but then again you might not go that way you might not cut down a tree you might just break out the candle thing and wait to light your nine candles for what ever it is that you do for the winter break in shcool which is another thing to go on about, but first this is the first weekend and for most the weekend in which they get or put up there tree. it's should a a fun time for all in going to a farm and picking one out that you think might fit into you home, but when you get home with it you find that once again you bought something way to big for you home and you need to cut it down, by a good foot so it's not beening at the top and you can get the tree topper on.
The invantory...
Ok so now you have spent all this money over the last two days and now you have to look at it all and go what the hell have I done and what do I got and who is it all for. They you lay it all out on the living room floor and go where is all the money I spent over the last couple of days because you don't see it in all the stuuf you have in front of you, now for some with your invantory you start your wraping so you can make sure you have enough for everyone and you get that out of the way and you can count things a little eazier because even if you don't remember whats in the box you know you got that person covered and you know that you to get one more for this person and three more for this person but you are still going where the hell is the money I sent more then 29hours awake starting my shopping at 10pm the noight before and end sometime around 10am that day and i couldn't take a nap untill late in the day to sometime after the kids went to bed well because i have kids and i can't leaving them alone and the babysitter when home around 11am and i still need to pay them so in the end it was a long weekend and you are still not sure what to make of it right now other then you spent way to much money and you have no idea where the hell all the money went and you now have a tree in your living room in which you have to put all this stuff under which you jus bought and you need still need to wrap it so i guess it time to pull out the classic movie It's a woundeful life, a Chrismas Carol with George C. Scott, and miracl on 34th street from 1944 and it will be time to get bussy working on it all so you can just kick back and relax for the next three weeks or so, but you know that is never going to happen you always see something more that you need to buy for someone else during the next couple of weeks plus you can never pass up a good sale when it happens it's always a fun an stress full time for all..
let's get drunk
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