Over the years I have always woundered who was the best and I try and not talk policts to much with friend but sonetime when something come up and they say something about the curnent Pres I like to ask well then who was the best on in your opionon. and I like to strees the fact of opionon because everyone has one. No today is the 50th anniversy of JFK winning th election so that is more why it came ti mind then anything eles we still have another 15 years or so before anything on the assanation comes to real life or that we might even find his brain, but that is not the point here. the thing is whi was the best out there, people will always say Washington because he helped build the country and he was the first, Ok and a tank load of people with say Lincoln because he kept the states together with the whole Civil wars, then you get Theodor Roosevelt and Franklin D Roosevelt and some with even say Eisenhower. Which in all case I'll go ok they did great work I think I mean FDR got us through most of the great drpresstion and WWII with out to much of a mess, but let's not forget that FDR was also electied to the Presidents 4time and if he had not died/made the law he would have been there for his life time peope found him so good, but you know there is no telling what might of happened once the war was over look at what happened to Churchill, but let's just keep going here shall we. After Eisenhower you get Reagan which is one of the few Presidents in my life time of cousre to think about it I have now had a few more then I thing and they always say Reagan save the world and bring about the down fall of the Sovite union. Ok I can see that, but are we giving the guy way to much credit for things that have been set up in the past. I mean don't we do that with a lot of the Presidents for both moving us forward and dropping us way behind in thing. we see what the curent one is doing and we forget that he is building on the back and building blocks of the past President. Of course in Obama's case he almost has no place to go but up with the way Bush messed the country up I mean hell even a wars couldn't save us like it did in the 40's and part of the 60's even with all the protesting going on at the time. in most cases I would make the case that War is good for the any given country it puts people to work in factories and new bussniess start up to help the war cause, but in this time around the thing was done and over with less then a week so we never really got the start up we should of had, but then again we were stuck there for another what 9years or more with no one to really fight because who we wanted was in a hole somewhere in another country which we never found. so Yeah Bush screwed up and he Screwed us big time on this one, so Obama has no place to really go but up if he can get conguess to work with him and find a good plain to help make the country a better place and I would of said that about any President that came in after Bush your screwed please fix us, but it's always going to take time..
Now For Kenndey...
Ok so I don't really want to put Kennedy down on fact of who was the best President, because I think he was a good guy and he did start us to the moon. but what else did he do beside sleep with Nora Jean which hey I think any man would have done given the chance, but let's get back to him being a President a look at it for a second, First we have that Scandle which really never went anyway, then we have the Bay of pigs, got creamed on that one as well then you have the missing spy plane, of couse I don't know a President that hasn't has to deal with that one ever sence there where planes then we get the Cubain Missal crisis and all those problems, and on top of it all he's till got the red scare going on and he is trying to reasure the public and the nation at large. Now Like I said it's been 50years sence JFK has taken office and yeah I think he did a good job, but what else did he do well being there besides piss of a lot of people and start us on are way to the moon. I don't know anything more then these few things on the guy, I just kind of follow along with everyone else in the fact that he was one of best Presidents we have had, but what did he do for the country other then those big stories that lay around for years like the Bay of pigs and Cuba. Yeah he was one of the youngest Presidents to be elected in our history and he must have done something, but I like to know what else he did other then save the country from the reds.
What they did...
I mean FRD helped save the world, Lincoln save the country, Theodor Roosevelt said don't mess with us, Eisenhower moved us along in the tech age I guess I'm still a little fuzzy on him, Reagan brought the nuck threat a little more under control, Bush screwed us and we a got screwed twice on that one I think, Washington was the first and was trying to bring the country together as one at the time and if you look I bet you can find other thing these guy's did so where is Kennedy's real history other then the moon and Cuba and I do like Kennedy along with the other excapt for Bush I think we got screwed on that one and like I said we got it twice I don't think either one did a good job, Now Obama is just trying to clean up the mess and make the country whole once more, kind of like what Lincoln was doing. so the question is Who did the best job over the years and you would like to see in office again if you could get them backin dead or alive, just remember so much has changed
Just one thing really fast then you can go for the rest of the time. Can I say I hate the Presidentual Paint of JFK. I think it is one of the most sucky things I have ever seen, just on the fact you don't really see the guys face and it main focus is the part of his that was blown off when he was killed. Oh I just can't stand it and I wish they would do something about it. Kennedy was not the first President to be killed/died in office but he is the only one that has his head down where you can't see his face and like I said show us where he was killed. Ohh I just hate the Painting and I wish they would redo it with something else anything else I think would be better when the picture of him doing work behind the desk with Jr sticking out from under it would be better but man do I hate that painting I find it very disrspectful to the man and all that he did do at that time he was in office not to show his face, it like of looks like they are trying to hide something and everything he did do for the country at that time.
Ok go about you day now.
Lets get drunk
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