Ok so over the past couple of years there have been a lot of short lived T.V. shows on the air now a lot of them are new shows that just don't make the cut for either a sitcom or Drama for adults, but there are also a lot and I do mean a lot of them for Kids. like any of the X-men shows, none of them have lasted more then what could be call a third season and this last try only went 36shows at the most. I never saw the end of th show because one it kept getting moved and then when it was on the DVR it was Avatar not the X-men kind of pissed me off. I have liked the X-men for many years and I find it intresting with all the twist and turns they take for making a show about them for kids, now I know a real life thing would be out of the question, but then again you already have scripts set just by adapting the comic books hell you got more them 500 shows already writen you just got to make them into shows, but I hate it when a show you start to get into a show and then it just gone, for some you can see the end even before it begins because there really isn't anywhere to go with it after a few shows or everything you think is going to happen does more because it's already been done in some other show or it's just that dumm, but you have to take your chances sometime. Way back when there they did a version of spawn by Todd McFarline for HBO which was really good of couse I was doing other things at the time and couldn't always watch it, but after the third season it was done as well, what really happen is byond me because I know I never say the end of the show, but it was one of those show I wish that had stuck around a lot longer I think it could have followed the comic really well at that time and made a ground breaking run to help out other comics come into the late night for adults or for T.V. in general..
Adult Toons..
Now I know there ar Adult toons out there but that is just it they are I think they make them a little to adult at some point. I think by making toons a little more stupied for adults or a good running show like Spawn or the X-men, hell even a more Adult verson of spider-man would be nice. I mean yeah people are thinking for kids and that is what they should be doing a lot of the time but at one point I think they should be thinking a little more grown up with some shows, Now Spawn was an adult toon that was one late at night on a pay channle which was fine with me it just ment that they had more freedom to run with it and it had a cool intro by Todd himself. I think there is a market out there to make things a little more adult and a good running toons show for adults straight from the comics. I mean it would be so easy you just got to take the book and turn it in to a script. I tried it just for fun one time when I was in high school and it came out really good, but then what do I know about script writing, yet I think with a little more polish it could make a great show and it came staright from a comic book it only took me a day and half at the most to write it out and I had myself a half hour show for adults something that could work really well for us old times how would like to see some of our old comic book star's come to life a little more then they have been. Look at D.C. they are running new Movies all the time for batman and superman as well I think Marvl coule run the same thing if they got there act a little more together in the toon department and. Hell I would enjoy seeing a good Nick Fury toon back when he was Srgt Fury and we all would enjoy a great Captain America story, they have been a few Advenger movies you can always run with those we got, so it's not like they really haven't adventure into this area I just don't think they are really running with it. Thye just have so many story lines they can run with and make a good toon movie that could come straight out of the comics. They should use the older story lines to I mean way back from the 60's and 70's things people haven't seen in years. Those are the really good story's that have been copied over and over again and work the best, yes like soaps no one ever really dies in the comics, but back then there was just a way abhout them and to try and update it and make it more for the adults is something that might work, but just taking the old books and turning them into a show would be just enough to make it an adult toon, would be fun to try and do and easy to work with...
Let's get drunk
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