Ok so winter has not started but there is a lot of snow on the ground today. It started yeasterday afternoon and for the most part has just kept on coming in one from or another, So now there is alot and I do mean a lot of it on the ground, You go shopping and come back out and your car is covered in it means either you spent way to much time in the story or it's snowing really really hard and guess what I did both today and then when I get home there is so much ice and snow in the drive way there is no way to back the van into it and I for got to get the mail and right now I don't want to go and get it because it fells like it's 14degress out there and the wind is killer on me. This is the kind of weather I wanted to kind of live in but when it's the first storm of the season you are kind of like oops kind of forgot what the hell it was like and really in some cases how cold it can all fell and get, with the wind picking up and it's more slet and iced rain then snow at the monment. it could be a fun night, time too turn up the heater and start the fire place burning because it could be a long night with the wind starting to really pick up could knock out the power late tonight and all the weather could cancel school tomorrow and really that is the last thing I want is six days half stuck in the house with two kids right now. Hell I don't look foward to the four day weekend right now either.
The Pluto debate..
Ok so this is something I found out just a few months ago and really I think sucks, that sometime in the near past Pluto was not decleared a planet..now come look the thing has been a planet for more year then I can count and even longer then that, When you find something and name it a Planet then it should stay that way we are talking about one of the things that make us up. You know it takes forever for the little thing to just make one orbit of the sun and then it's not even on a round track as it is it's on some crazy ass oblong thing so it takes like 28 of our years for it to make one of it's own, then to add on top of it it's like the smallest planet we have and that is just another kick in the teeth, the poor thing and now you are not going to call it a planet, then maybe we should not be calling murcury a plant look at how small that this is and it dosen;t even have any kind of atmispear what so ever so let's get Pluto back to being a planet we know every little about the guy and he gets tease about almost everything else, we don't need to tease it about not being a planet now. I mean come on look at him he is just a little guy at the end of the system let's give him a break and make him a planet again it's only fair and it is what he needs he doesn't have much go on he by himself most of the time and need something to make him feel good about himself so being a planet is one of the few things he has going for him and he need it.
Let's get drunk
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