Saturday, November 20, 2010

Opening weekend

Movies night...
So there is a big movie opening this weekend and everyone has been running to see it sence Friday midnight and the cash has been rolling in now this happens more then you could ever think,but here we got part one of two and things could not be more insane for people who run any given theater this friday and saturday. guess what i really don't care as much as i want to see this film to me it really is just another movie to me and yeah I'll want to see it but things sometimes get way out of hand when it comes to movies like this but sometime they just might warrent what they get bit it bad or good we will just have to wait and see what happens over the weekend to see what people think about it and yeah I will most likly come back and write something on it myself, a quick movie review of it was either good, bad or take your time for blu-ray just before the second one comes to the theater. The question is when do you go by now you know opening night is out because it's saturday and for the most part the day is out so do i go see a latenight show and pay way to much for myself and wife or do I wait tell sunday and find a good time during the day. You know i guess i'll just have to make some kind of choose and go with it the question is why do we do this to ourselives. for the most part I think it's for the fun of it, that is why I go shopping on the aday after, because I Think it's fun to watch other people try and get what they want to try and get and in somecase bett them to it, but I hate to see real fights, which I have seen a few times and at a few stores that I have been to it is manitory that the police be IN store and in prime locations just in case something happens, but that is nothing for the theater this weekend. for the most part I think we can mostly see people scalping tickets or trying to get a good seat to the film, but I don't think we could have anything big like a fight or anything new like that and I don't think any film is worth fighting over and some people go looking for it when you have your Star wars Fans VS well almost anyone else,the most common of late is the Lord of the Rings fans, but here I don't think should would be a little more safe then we thing not a lot of people are going to fight the these fans jsut because there is little to fight agaist it just fun for kids that grew up with these books that are now films, but there is one main thing we need to remember Vamps are not Sparkly.
Let's get drunk

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