Ok so we have the house and the senate one of the two ruling bodies of the country which is really broken up into to parts so in truth there are four part to the three ring circus of law makes. Now every two years we get to vote out and in new people to the house and every four years we get a new Pres and new people to the senate and to find out who won we watch the elections resultes on the tube all day ruffly from 4pm here on the west cost all the way throught the late and into the earily morning and we usally know who won everything, because some one has gotten there butt kicked or that the margin of victory is to big to really over come but they loser hasn't really gotten there butt kicked. Now in some case like in Washington the results take a little longer because it is way to close to call and neither party wan't to call it quite untill all the votes are counted which is the way I would like it to be so close that they winner is won by as little as possable, but not so close that we have to spend three months with recounts and still we are not sure how the winner is that is why I like to see the way the race here in washington is going. Now last I cheched on it the margin had shifted from 50/50 to 51/48 we lost a percent in there some where but you know that's ok we can look at that as the part we are still counting or went to some write in which I was looking forward to being me but didn't work I don't have the money to do some of the things the other two were doing like having the Pres calling me three time or having my wife make calls to everyone in the state to vote for me which would have been cool but you know it just woouldn't have worked the same I think. So Here I sitting talking about the face I'm not sure who won and it might be another day or two before we see the finle result of thing which is fine with me we got to get everyones Vote counted and make sure it's right...
Ok so I checked things out real quick just to see where things where and it looks like about 19hours the guy running in the tie race gave in a Conceded so there is no real cahnge for us here in Washington we are going to send back the same old bat that we have always been for the last 18years or so, which you know sucks to me I like to see new blood in there like I have said before we need to get some younger people eho know what is going on in the state and the country in and working for what is really out there not these old bats that have been there for more then 15years. I see these people so out of touch with what is going on that they don't really care about the people around them but how they can make money anymore. I got a big house here and a vaction home over here and my house in washington D.C. i think I'll keep going and make more becuase I just don't have anymore. These are the people we need to get out of office but we are so scared of change any more these days that we just keep going on and on, Hell I'm willing to bet that if the right guy died and was on an election ballet he would be reelected in a heart beat and we would never really know he was dead untill we have to revote or in somecase if the staff kept it quite and kept running the office you would never see any diffrence in the way the country was run . This is old politces and you know it sucks but it's what we got and you know it's what we are going to have for a long time till we get some new and a lot younger blood in office, because what we got now is so old that I think most of the are on medicare and socail secreity because they can be it is that bad, Let's put a younger person in there that is like 24 or 25 yeah that might get eaten up and then again they might not, because they could have a back bone to fight back and say screw you I don't like this. You know I think we should take a second and look at the age of the Congruss and see if that is who you really want to be running the country and making the laws, you know what a forget this wisdom with age crap but some stupied smuck in there what want s to do what is right for the people and see what that does for us because wisdom isn't working so let's have some stupied for a while and see if we can't take over the world and solve a shit load of problems at the same time.
Taking over the world...
I think it is something we can do we put a lot of young blood in the congruss and then we start to take countrys over one by one. Not adding them as states to the U.S. but just places we rule over. we got the millity for it and that way we don't ahve to worry about sending are people over sea to work we'll own the country and cut the cost of things a hell of a lot. Hell for the most part I think we just have to foreclose on Mexico and that will be done, then we jsut head south from there given freedom and decocry to eveyone in our plath. We work on one side of the world the we slowly work our way on to the other side of it because that is going to be the hard part working on something like Africa and what not but we got Great Britin and a few other people to help us out there with staging areas, I just know better then to try and take over that little Island of Great Britien. Leave them alone and let them help us out on other things and we might as well give them lands in other part of the world as well. You know world domations is always fun to try and plain out, Here we start small and just take the lands on this side of the world and make them a better place. Because you know conguess think they are a pain in the butt anyway so why not have more control over them that way we can give them the freedom they have always not wanted in the first place. You'll be suprised how confortable some people are with the way there country is being run under and Iron fist and if you say that is because they have never know freedom well I say have alook at the crime rate there and the crime rate here you might find they like it because the Iron fist keeps that down well here it runs rampit and everything get broken into and or stolen. So they will take the Iron fist that is in ther country so they can feel safe. They give up a lot but they get a lot in return.
Incumbent VS Gop...
Ok do I'm lost here and have been trying to find a good answer to the question what the hell is the diffrence between the incumbent and GOP. Now from what I have found is that the GOP is another word for the republican party and the Incumbent is the person in office already to a republican can be both the incumbent and the GOP. which is strange because it would appear that regardless of where the republican is the other side is the the GOP which is has more then one means as well
Meaning of GOP..
Goverment of the people, Grand old Party, Gallant old party.. or thr republican party from Lincon the first republican Pres..
Back to Incumbent VS Gop..
Look I don't even think I can come close to understanding any type of politcs with out sitting there and trying to play there games, but can be just make the wording a little easier to understand I mean come on the GOP and the republicans sound like to diffrent parties and them you add in the incumbent party and the indepented's and shit man you got so many names flying around for the samething you never know who is going to win or who the hell you want to vote for just on the name that they give out. Screw it Kick everyone out and let's have small little country ruled by how ever has the most gunns and power oh wait that is africa Never mind let's stay with the mess we have right now I think it works better we just need to stick with one set of wording don't you
Let's get drunk
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