Shot your T.V.

Ok so I reported last week that a guy shot his new T.V. because he didn't like the results of the T.V. shot dancing with the stars, Now I sit through this show with my wife as she watchs it as i try and read a book plus I plug in my left ear phone to listen to music, but still I get hey did you see that, and the answer is no i have my noise in my book well you watch this show of yours, along with the view and what ever else pops up, now getting back to it On all of the shows that i have been forced and I will used the word forced to watch, they have all make a remark about the guy shoting his T.V, in one form or another. which is a really intrseting for this news story which wasn't anywhere and now that it's all over the place. I mean i heared about it from a morning show on the radio which does stupied storied that don't make the news, and now it is all over the place it will die off real fast because the show is over and the winner was crowen which was Jennifer Gray, which is really no suprise, but the other two did do a good job but you know had to really work it to even think about beating her. i just hope no one shot there t.v,over it because really it's not worth it. you know I can see throwing things at your t.v. but to shoot it just doesn't make sence unless you are useing a nerf rocket luncher or some kind with sucktion cups on it that way they stick to what ever you are shooting and you have to get up off your lazy ass to pull them off the screen because you weher just that stupied to shoot it in the first place you have to take the time to remove any bullets you shoot at the thing, but hey there was a winner for dancing with stars..
let's give them skates..
ok so dancing isn't good enough anymore we have to put people who don't know anything about skating on them and make them skate with pro's in a new comation yeah this is a safe and good idea, deadly blades on the feet of people who have no idea what the hell they are doing and to top it off one of them is a rocker who has in a car accendient well being drunk and killed a guy. so what else do we have we can put celebs in that could be really dangrous we have already did the Suviour thing with them and we have played poker with them which I miss. we have had some try and race around the world which they lost at and we got way to many of them on there own reality show but then again we got 700 channles on the tube and there is nothing to watch thus i have my netflix and blu-ray/dvd collection to run too. So if you can think of anything else to put celebs into that might be stupied and you could think be entertaining at the same time, Oh I know Celeb's cooking to see who could be the next celeb Top cook and could be reallly fun to watch them set themself on fire or cut off some fingues or what not, but that would intresting to watch celebs that have had private cooks there whole life try and cook to become a top cook or what ever they could come up with. get 16 celebs together for a cooking compation yeah there we good quick some one call the food network got a million dollor show Idea for you and i'll make it whole thing up rule and all for just the low low price of 10grand, come and talk to me,
Let's get drunk
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