The Movies is out...
Ok so the first question of the night for most is, is it any good? and you know my answer to the question yes it's good it fells long at time and yet it is boarding just like the first part of the book is, I mean it starts out good and run's find then just as you would think it's slows down and starts to cralw and I do mean cralw, there is almost no action and in some case little speeking, just like the book, in this it is very close to the book and yes I am happy the made it in to two parts I wish they had done it with the last three films a while I think could have been two movies each and should have been, but then by the time they had gotten around to finishing the seventh film the kids would have more then aged out of the parts and the adults could have gotten out of there contracts if they wanted to unless of couse they filmed both films at the same time, kind of what they did with Lord of the Rings which I thought cam out reather well, but back to part one of the Deathly Hallows, as bit of a movie review, Yes I would and did go see it again, just because the first time I saw it I had two kids with me and between me and my wife there where way to many potty breaks to make either of us happy so we went back and say it again to really see the whole thing, adn yes I know taking kids to a movie like this really isn't a good Idea because they can't sit for 2 and half hours to watch something they don't really understand that is why they make kids movies in the first place and they are at the most 95mintues so it something you watch with them when you buy or rent it. Which for most people who are not in a hurry to see the film I say good for it just wait it o

A drama..
If you have read any of the books you know they as they along they tend to get a little darker and darker, I think book two was just a little more darker then a few other ones but then again book two is the one I like the less so I really shouldn't talk to much on that one. Now book 7 and Movies 7 part 1 are just that more and more drama, a little heavier then book six which had a lot of drama, but none the less heavy drama, and stuff that you need to see and read in both case, the movie was well put together and for those of use how know the books a little two well can see where they left things out or changed a few thing, but in this case they did do 502 pages in two and half hours which only leaves them with just over 230 pages for the second part of the movie which I think will be a little more action filled because that really is where all the action is the second have of the book the first part as you would think is nothing more then set up for the second film and part of the book. It was nicly played out and as board as I was with the film I still think it was a good movies you just need to be ready for a little more drama then in the past couple of films just remember in the first part of the book was boarding as well..

Ok so now after watch the first film of the two parter, I can say almost everything you see in the trailer and teasers are from the second half, Hell I know that just by watching them and picking them apart in slow montions later, jsut to see what they where doing with the movies in the first place, I mean it's all to forward when you see Harry facing the dark lord in the forest. most people know they never really meet untill near the end of the book. The do come to face to face once before in the town of godricks hollow, but that is just for a few second just as they make an excape from a few things and then there is the chase right at the begining, but we all knew that was coming when he was leaving the house in the first place, Now remember we are doing nothing more then looking at a film here as much as I do make it comperisons to the book there are going to be changes, now what we really see in the trailer is a bunch of stuff that happend in the end of the second film the final conflict bewteen Harry and the Dark Lord. or really the first of two and then a excape from the bank with the dragon and a few other odds and end to make you go and see the first film just becuase there is a lot of boarding stuff that happens in the first film so they do a tank load of misleading with the trailer for this film, but you know they have to do something to make you want to go and see it it's just a big pain in the butt that they do it this way with something that a lot of people are going to go see any way they put it out, much like happened with Star Wars and Jones there are people out there who would see it regardless of how bad it is just because it was Star Wars or Jones, but they that is how things just happen any more these day when it comes to trailers. Look at the Iron Man 2 Trailer they cut/changed that whole opening that they had been showing you for more then three months and trust me I was not happy about it, but here I knew what I was getting in to and got was I was expecting in the end, a few shots from part one and a tank load from part two.. So regardles of what you think if you like potter see it if you don't well then don't worry about it and if you can wait for it on DVD or Blu-ray well then there you go.
Let's get Drunk
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